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CBSE Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions (2024-25)


CBSE Sample Paper (Set 1) for Class 9 English (Language & Literature) with Solutions - FREE PDF Download

Creating a strong base for English is mandatory for all students, as it helps them become world-class citizens. Solving sample papers boosts self-belief and tests the ability to solve questions accurately. These sample papers for Class 9 English language and literature are helpful for CBSE assessments. The sample papers follow the CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus, covering all important topics from the course. You can download CBSE Class 9 English language and literature pattern paper 2024-25 along with ready-made solutions. Practising with Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Sample Papers helps improve your exam preparation, improving confidence and performance. You can access the sample paper set 1 with answers for FREE on Vedantu’s website, increasing your chances to score higher in the CBSE exams.

CBSE Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Marking Scheme

Section Name



Section A

Reading Skills


Section B



Creative Writing Skills


Section C

Literature Text Book 




How to Use CBSE Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Sample Paper (Set 1) Effectively

  • Before you start solving, take your time to read each question properly. This helps you understand exactly what’s being asked and reduces the chance of making mistakes.

  • Try to solve the sample paper within the same time limit as the actual exam. This helps you practice managing your time effectively and ensures you don’t rush or leave questions incomplete.

  • Once you finish the paper, check your answers against the provided solutions. This will help you identify where you went wrong and understand the correct way to approach questions, especially in grammar, writing, and comprehension.

  • If you notice mistakes in certain areas like grammar or spelling, spend more time practising those topics. Strengthening these areas will help you improve your overall performance.

  • Look for patterns in the types of questions that appear often, such as comprehension passages, letter writing, or unseen poems. This can help you focus on these areas while studying.

Benefits of studying English using Vedantu’s Sample Papers

  • English as a subject is included from the very start of education, and it is one of the important subjects that students need to focus on. Whether literature or language, both are going to help you in the long run.

  • English language and literature both help the students to broaden their mind and skills and help them financially by providing better opportunities for jobs.

  • Being the only means of communication on an international level, its scope and importance is increasing day by day.

  • Besides this, English is the main language of study of every education system. Thus, if you want to pursue a good education, you need to have good English.

  • If you have good English speaking skills, it will definitely improve your communication at the national and international levels as most of the professional work is done using English.

  • Studying English helps you to see the world with different perspectives. You get a chance to know about other country's cultures.

  • It improves your communication skills, but besides this, it also improves your listening skills. For succeeding in life, it is important that you should be a good listener as well as a food speaker.

How to Study English Language and Literature for Exams

English, besides being an important subject, is also a high scoring subject. You just need to follow a few steps while you prepare for the exam and you will excel.

  • A time table is the one that will help you to prepare well. You will be able to manage your time and work on the areas you need improvement.

  • You need to listen to your lectures carefully as you will solve most of the questions if you are going to listen to your lectures properly.

  • When you study English, the oral part is very important. You should learn how to pronounce difficult words. As pronunciation helps you in communication skills.

  • You should learn the spelling patterns because the one who is a good speller is definitely a good English speaker.

  • When you read previous year question papers or questions in your book try to understand the meaning of all the questions.

  • You should prepare the exam by solving previous year question papers and mock tests designed specially for your help. It will help you to be well prepared for exams.

Steps to Download Vedantu’s Class 9 English (Language & Literature)  Paper (Set 1) PDF

  • Go to Vedantu's official website.

  • Use the search bar to find "Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Sample Paper Set 1."

  • Click on the correct link for the sample paper you want to download.

  • Look for the download button and click on it.

  • Choose where you want to save the PDF on your device.

  • After the download is complete, open the file and start practising!


CBSE Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Sample Paper Set 1 is a helpful resource for students to practice and prepare for their exams. It covers important chapters from both the ‘Beehive’ and Moments textbooks, offering a well-rounded revision of key topics. The sample paper is divided into sections for reading comprehension, writing skills, grammar, and chapter-based questions, giving students a clear idea of the exam format. Regular practice with this paper will not only strengthen their understanding of the language but also boost their confidence, helping them perform better in the final exam.

Links for Set-wise Sample Papers for Class 9 English (Language & Literature) 2024-25

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FAQs on CBSE Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions (2024-25)

1. How to Download CBSE Class 9 English (Language & Literature) Sample Paper?

It is very easy to download the English sample papers for CBSE class 9 by just clicking on the link once you log on to the Vedantu website. There are no extra charges for the link of these sample papers and since available in PDF format you will be able to download them easily.

2. How to Learn Grammar for Cbse class 9 English Exam?

The sample papers provided on the Vedantu website that are specifically curated to enhance your language skills by teachers and experts will help you learn grammar in an easy and fun way. The paper contains questions with answers and examples from Tenses, Modals, Verb-concord, reported speech, determiners and all necessary to increase fluency.

3. Is it Mandatory to Practice Sample Papers for Class 9 English CBSE Exams?

It is definitely not a mandate for the students of class 9 who are appearing for the CBSE exams to practice the sample papers. The ones who do practice and go through them thoroughly, however, have more knowledge and in turn confidence and turn out to be the top scores.

4. What are the materials I will need to prepare for the English exam?

To prepare well for the examination you need to revise all the syllabus. Focus on your vocabulary as well as listening and speaking skills. It will help you in the oral test. For The theoretical paper revise your syllabus using the revision notes. Along with this, solve past years question papers and mock tests. It will help you to get an idea about exam patterns.

5. What help will I get by solving CBSE Class 9 English Language & Literature Sample Paper-1 with Solutions 2024-25?

If you solve CBSE Class 9 English Language & Literature Sample Paper-1 with Solutions 2024-25 (), you will get an idea of the exam pattern. It is observed that mostly the same questions are repeated every year. These sample papers that you study before the exam will help you for self assessment. You will be able to check how prepared you are for the exam. The sample papers provided by Vedantu are designed by experts keeping into consideration the exam pattern that CBSE follows.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus for JEE Main and Advanced and much more from the website of Vedantu.

6. When you prepare for an English exam, how much importance does vocabulary hold?

When you prepare for an exam, try to improve your vocabulary as much as you can. This not only helps you to understand the questions well but also improves the quality of the answers that you write. Try to take vocabulary assessment tests whenever you get free time. This will improve your vocabulary as well as performance in the examination. You can daily add a word or two in your vocabulary. This will not only help you to be more fluent during communication but also make your answers more attractive. 

7. What is the easiest way to study English for exams?

Break your syllabus into chunks when you start your revision. Study paragraph wise as learning the meaning of words will be easier when you know what the sentence actually means. Don't cram all the syllabus at once. Prepare time slots and then start your revision. If you study continuously for 5 to 6 hours at a time your brain will stop absorbing things. So it is necessary for you to take a break of 30 minutes after every 2 or 3 hours.

8. What are the benefits of solving CBSE Class 9 English Language & Literature Sample Paper-1 with Solutions 2024-25 from Vedantu?

Vedantu has given you all the sample papers with the solutions that cover all the points that are asked in the questions. They are specially designed by the experts for your help. Solving these sample papers will increase your ability to write well in the examination and they have mostly tried to cover all points that will enhance your vocabulary. Taking help from Vedantu's sample papers is going to help you a great deal to boost your score as well as vocabulary in English.