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Maharashtra (MSBSHSE) HSC Board Question Paper Class 12 Biology


Previous Year Question Paper for Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Biology - Free PDF Solutions

The Question Papers for Maharashtra Board Class 12 Examination (Biology) are released on the official website on March 20, 2019. All students can access the new question paper free of cost. Now you can download and prepare the previous year question papers for your biology course. As per the notification published on the official website, Class 12 Biology Previous Question Papers are to be conducted on May 11, 2017, and class 12 science board board exam syllabus consists of 3 major subjects. If you want to take the examination in biology, then you should refer to the biology Previous Year Question Papers. These papers help the students to study the various concepts which have a high probability of appearing in the exam, because of which they are very important. You will not face difficulty while preparing the previous year question papers for your class 12 board exam. We have also published the biology previous year question paper for free download purposes. To download the question paper in PDF, you need to register yourself. Registration will take only 2 minutes.

Maharashtra HSC Board Question Paper Class 12 Biology

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Examination (Biology) Previous Year Question Paper

Biology is a fundamental and essential subject for higher studies. The students preparing to study in various disciplines are required to take it up. The exam is not just difficult but is of a higher level. The students should give full marks to those questions where they find similarities in the present year question paper and previous years question papers. You can access the free download biology question paper PDF by clicking the link given below. The official link for this is given below.

The Maharashtra Board has issued the Exam Date Sheet for biology subjects. The students can check out the Biology Exam Date Sheet, which is compulsory for the biology board class 12 students. The board has also published the biology syllabus which covers different sections and sub sections. It is designed under the supervision of the Zoology.  The students can use the syllabus to prepare well for the exam.

Aspirants can also download the biology question paper from the official site and save it for their reference. They can refer to the previous year's question paper for their better preparation. As the official board is conducting the exam, it is important for them to download the question paper from the official site to know about the changes in the exam pattern and the question paper.

The board consists of two examinations in a year. The first examination is for the class 10 students and the other one is for the class 12 students. The exam is generally conducted in the month of March/April every year.

Biology may seem easy but sometimes it can be tough too. While writing the Biology exam it is very important to answer the questions with a logical approach and methodology. Therefore Vedantu’s Solved Previous Year Question Paper for Maharashtra Board HSC provides a good amount of material to students to form a good base with the fundamentals of the subject. 

Examination Pattern for Maharashtra Board HSC Biology Class 12 

The Biology Paper for Maharashtra Board HSC Examination HSC consists of 70 marks for the Theory part and 30 marks for the Practical/Viva part.

Time Limit- 3 hours


Multiple Choice Question Type

1 mark each


Very Short Answer Type

1 mark each


Short Answer Type I

2 marks each


Short Answer Type II

3 marks each


Long Answer Type

4 marks each

Syllabus and Chapter-wise Marks Distribution for Maharashtra Board HSC Biology Class 12 Question Paper:

According to the Maharashtra Board HSC Biology Class 12 pattern, the chapter-wise distribution of marks is given below;

  1. Reproduction: 12 marks

  2. Genetic and Evolution: 12 marks

  3. Physiology: 25 marks

  4. Applied Biology: 12 marks

  5. Ecology and Environment: 9 marks

In order to score well in boards exams in Biology, students should learn the chapters along with their diagrams for a better understanding of each topic. The MBHSC has made a decision to continue with the reduced syllabus as per last year. In 2021, the Maharashtra HSC syllabus was reduced by 25 per cent due to the COVID-19 situation.

It is essential for the students to study the question paper thoroughly and mark all the questions. The exam is of subjective nature and the students should not only mark the questions but also mark the time taken to answer them. The marks are calculated on the basis of the marks obtained in the examination. The minimum pass marks for each class are set by the state government and the board.

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FAQs on Maharashtra (MSBSHSE) HSC Board Question Paper Class 12 Biology

1. What is the Pattern of Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Biology Paper?

The board has released the subject wise Question Papers for Class 12 exam in biology. The students will have to attempt 100 questions with a total of 250 marks in Biology Exam. The board has prepared the entire question paper based on the biology syllabus. The students should try the question paper and take the help of the previous year papers for biology class 12. This helps them to prepare for the exam and get ready for the exam. The paper has two sections and contains MCQs, short answers, and long answer questions for 70 marks.

2. What are the Benefits of Studying Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers?

Students can practice HSC Board Previous Year Question Papers with Answers to evaluate their exam preparation. They must go through the answers given in the pdf after solving every question paper. With this, they are able to determine weakness and the points where they are lacking behind. Working on them will surely improve their overall performance in the examination.