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Maharashtra (MSBSHSE) HSC Board Class 12 Computer Science Question Paper-2 - 2018


Question Paper for Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Computer Science Paper-2 - 2018

The main aim of Maharashtra HSC Board Computer Science Paper-2 is to test the ability of candidates to solve problems of a complexity typical to students of the Board Course. The students are tested on the problems of the syllabus.

Free PDF download of Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Computer Science Paper-2 previous year question paper 2018 with solutions solved by expert teachers on By practicing Class 12 Computer Science Paper-2 Maharashtra board question paper 2018 to score more marks in your examination.

Question Paper for Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Computer Science Paper-2 - 2018

Maharashtra HSC Board Computer Science Paper-2 is going to be a Computer Science problem based exam with a duration of 2 hours (45 minutes for each question). The Computer Science problem based exam is conducted for determining the qualification of students studying in class 12. It is a national level exam conducted by the Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education (MSBSHSE).

If you want to know the answer to the question paper of Computer Science for Class 12, you can read our article. Maharashtra Board of Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) conducts Board Exam for Class 12 subjects like Mathematics, English and Science. The Computer Science exam is designed to test the ability of candidates to solve problems of a complexity typical to students of the Board Course. It is also a Computer aptitude test for the students. 

The Computer Science exam is designed to test the ability of candidates to solve problems of a complexity typical to students of the Board Course.

It is also a Computer aptitude test for the students.

It has four components which are given below:



Data handling and manipulation.

Language skill.

Maharashtra HSC Computer Science (Paper-2) Exam is scheduled to be conducted by Maharashtra State Board in the month of December 2018. Students need to complete their preparation for the same to make the cut-off and clear the examination.

Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Computer Science Question Paper-2 2018 (Paper-2) is based on two sections-Objective type and descriptive type. Objectives type Paper will have 50 questions while descriptive type paper will have 30 questions. This paper carries 200 marks, out of which 25 marks for general category and 75 marks for reserved categories.

We provide complete details about the Maharashtra HSC Board Class 12 Computer Science question paper and its solution which includes all the important questions with correct answers. Students can download our Maharashtra Class 12 Computer Science solutions and practice.

Maharashtra Board Computer Science Paper-2 Format/Structure?

The questions for Paper-2 follow the standard model of Descriptive paper. The Descriptive paper is based on the description of a topic. Paper 2 is an objective paper. It is an exam based on the following topics:

Fundamentals of Computers:

Fundamentals of computing include the hardware and software concepts, Operating Systems, the architecture of the computer system, computer programming, storage systems, data transmission methods, network, networking, protocols, multimedia systems, and applications.

Concepts of the Software Engineering:

Concepts of software engineering include application of computer software, software testing, software engineering methodologies, software product life cycle, software development process, requirements engineering, system analysis and design, computer aided software engineering, software quality assurance and software engineering practices.

Objectives of Computer Science Paper-2:

At the end of class 12, the students have to prepare a brief report about the topics based on a topic, which is based on a standard syllabus. The brief report will be about a topic and should have only one objective. The objective in the report should be related to the topics listed above.

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FAQs on Maharashtra (MSBSHSE) HSC Board Class 12 Computer Science Question Paper-2 - 2018

1. How to Prepare for Class 12 Computer Science Paper-2?

The Computer Science problem based exam is conducted for determining the qualification of students studying in class 12. Students can practice as many question papers as they can in order to prepare for the class 12 Computer Science paper-2. This paper contains questions based on the objectives and topics described above. Students can also practice on Mock Tests and Test Papers provided by the Maharashtra Board. Students who can’t prepare for the paper can take computer science tuitions at a reputed computer science coaching center in Mumbai.Download papers from the Vedantu website.

2. What is the Computer Science Question Paper (Paper-2)?

The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, conducts the Computer Science paper for class 12 students. The subject is an advanced computer-related study. This paper comprises questions based on both the Objective and Descriptive test.

Objective Paper (Paper-2) is an examination in which a student is asked questions on the principles, concepts and the application of computer science concepts in the field of computing. This paper includes questions on Software engineering, database theory and network protocol.

Descriptive Paper (Paper-2) tests the understanding and knowledge of the subject by giving questions based on the description of a topic. This paper includes questions about the fundamentals of computer systems, hardware, software, operating system, databases, programming language, network, graphics and multimedia.