Short stories about boys who don’t listen to their parents are a great medium to teach children discipline.
This story explains how bad things can happen if one does not listen to his parents.
It explains how to obey what the parents say to their children.
This is one of the popular editions of the Big Boy Stories in English. It is about Sam, a big boy who plays with tops. He did not listen to his mother and had to pay a bigger price. What did he do? What did the mother say to Sam? Why did he not listen to her mother? Read this interesting story and find out the lesson in it.
Once upon a time, a big boy named Sam lived with his mother. His father was a woodcutter and sold wood in the market. He made Sam a new top that makes a humming sound when spins.
Sam was so happy to play with his new top. He would proudly present it to the kids in the neighbourhood.
Sam With His New Top
One day after lunch, Sam said to his mother, “I want to play outside. I am not feeling sleepy.”
His mother said, “You can play but you will have to be very careful. Don’t play too much with your top and let others play with it too.” Sam agreed. When he was about to leave, his mother said, “No matter what happens, do not go and play in the old hut.”
The old hut near the woods and everyone was a little afraid of it.
Sam agreed and went to play outside near his house. Other kids were playing with their tops. To everyone’s surprise, Sam’s top was bigger, newer and better than all. Everyone was fascinated to play with Sam’s top.
Sam was feeling reluctant to give his top to others but remembered what his mother said. He gave it to a big boy named Harry. He was the first one to spin it.
Harry was not habituated with the new top. He wound the rope and spun it harder. The top hit a rock, bounced and entered the old hut making humming sounds. Every child in the field was surprised. They all left bidding Sam goodbye.
Sam was alone and had to retrieve the top. He mustered courage and went inside the old hut.
To his surprise, there is nothing suspicious inside the hut. It was just an old axe lying on the ground with an old log.
He remembered that his mother told him not to enter the hut. He did it anyway.
Sam with the Old Axe
Suddenly, he remembered again that his mother asked him not to play with adult instruments. Sam thought he was big enough to play with such instruments.
He decided to pick the axe and cut the old log like his father. His untrained hands could not control the swing and he lost one big toe. Sam was crying with pain. He saw an untamed man eat his big toe.
He returned home. The doctor told him to rest for a month. Sam has now left with one big toe.
This story’s lesson is that children should listen to their parents. Parents are more experienced and they know how a child might get hurt. Children should also obey their parents and not do anything wrong.
In this story, Sam did not listen to what his mother said. He entered the small hut, played with the axe and lost a big toe. If he would have listened to his mother, he would have been fine.
Explain this edition of the Big Boy Stories PDF or let the children read it. You can ask questions at the end to find out how much the children have understood. Explain the moral and imbibe the life lesson.
1. Why did his mother tell him not to play with an axe?
His mother knew that he would not be able to handle an axe and would hurt himself. He eventually did hurt himself.
2. What did the other big boy do?
The big unintentionally spun the top and made it enter the old hut.
3. Why did Sam enter the hut?
Sam thought he was big enough to enter the old hut alone and disobey his mother. He entered to retrieve the top.
Short stories about boys who don’t listen to their parents are a great medium to teach children discipline.
This story explains how bad things can happen if one does not listen to his parents.
It explains how to obey what the parents say to their children.