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The Wounded Lion

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Reading short stories triggers imagination power. Young readers can find new things to think of when they read stories such as The Wounded Lion. This story helps:

  • To understand the importance of helping others.

  • To be fearless in finding the truth.


The Little Girl and the Wounded Lion

This story is about the courage of a little girl who goes through impossible measures to help a wounded lion and a cursed man. She showed her courage and wisdom to find the truth behind the incidents that made her suffer.

The Little Girl and Wounded Lion Story

There was a little girl who took cows to the field and returned home before the sunset. She was given the duty of taking care of the cows.

One day, she heard someone moaning in agonizing pain. It was coming from the deep woods. She went there mustering courage and found a lion with a thorn stuck in its paws. She went to the lion and pulled out the thorn. The lion licked her hand and went back.

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The Little Girl Helping the Wounded Lion

She returned to her position and found that all the cows were gone. When she returned home empty-handed, the farmer was angry. He then ordered her to take the donkeys to the field.

The Donkeys and Pigs Disappeared 

Time passed by. One day she was near the forest herding the donkeys. Suddenly, she heard the same moaning coming from the woods. She saw the same lion suffering from a thorn in his paw. She pulled out the thorn and relieved the lion from pain. When she returned, she found the donkeys were missing too.

She was then given pigs to herd. A year passed by, and the same thing happened again. This time, she was determined to look into the matter. Why is this happening to her over and over?

The Courage of the Little Girl

In this Wounded Lion Story for kindergarten, the girl climbed a tall tree to find her pigs. She kept watching until the sun rose. Suddenly, she saw a man walking down the road in the grass field. He disappeared mysteriously behind a rock. She decided to keep watching the spot.

After the sunset, she saw a lion appear behind the rock and went to the forest. She made sure the lion was gone and came down from the tree. To her surprise, she found a door. A young man, she had noticed before, appeared at the door that led to a giant’s house.

The giant asked who she was. The man explained that she pulled out the thorns from his paws. He explained that the giant cursed him to become a lion, and in turn, the giant took all her animals as she helped the lion.

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The Giant who Cursed the Man

The girl mustered courage and told the giant to lift the curse. The giant said that he would do it if she made a fine coat made from a princess’ hair.

The Little Girl’s Wisdom

The girl went to a princess and asked for her hair. The princess told her to bring a handsome man to marry. She took the princess’ hair and made a fine coat.

The giant was happy. He lifted the curse, and the lion turned into a handsome man. The girl then took the man to the princess. She fell in love with that man and married him.

The girl was happy, and so was everyone.

Wisdom and Bravery Go a Long Way

The Wounded Lion story summary tells us how the little girl helped a lion and even showed her wisdom to do the right thing. She went to unbelievable heights to make things right. Kids will learn how to be wise even in tricky situations.

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FAQs on The Wounded Lion

1. Why was the giant unhappy?

The little girl helped the lion by pulling out the thorn. This made the giant unhappy.

2. Why did the giant steal all her animals?

The giant was unhappy as she helped the lion. To punish her, he took all the animals she had.

3. Why did the princess give her hair?

The little girl promised that she would bring a handsome man for the princess to marry.


Reading short stories triggers imagination power. Young readers can find new things to think of when they read stories such as The Wounded Lion. This story helps:

  • To understand the importance of helping others.

  • To be fearless in finding the truth.