Free Online Study Material for CBSE Board Examinations - PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Study Materials for Class 6 to 12 Maths & Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
1. What do You Mean by Obtaining Study Material Online?
Let us under what we mean by online study materials in a point-wise manner. Then the way to obtain online study materials will become sufficiently clear to us on its own. Therefore, by finding study materials online, we mean the following:
Any piece of knowledge that we can access on the internet compared to printed media is online study material.
It is any resource that is learning-based and available online in an educational environment. The resource format can be anything ranging from HTML run pages with online courses and course material to notes from lectures, free peer-reviewed assessments, and even solved questions from different chapters of different subjects. The resource can also be an audiovisual, one-to-one session, revision examination, or an informative article that contains links to useful websites.
It is any material available in a digital format that supports and provides for the needs of students.
Thus we now know what to look for when searching for study materials, and we should also remember that all these forms of course information help students.
2. State the Best Ways to Utilize Online Study Materials and Other Facilities.
The internet might be full of solutions, but to become responsible users of the internet, we need to learn to ask the right questions. At the same time, we need to know how to use the endless information available to our best interests. Students often get confused about how to treat online study materials and how they should go about making a study routine with these resources. The following are the best ways to gather knowledge online:
The most important resource available on the net is the endless number of platforms that provide online study courses. These courses are often taught by the best teachers available in a particular field, and they are usually very informative and useful. The key here is to begin a course with the fullest intention of learning and sticking through the deadlines sincerely throughout the course.
Find a way of being accountable for your studies when you're learning online. This point is to say that you must not distract yourself with other pastimes, since the internet is full of entertainment, which can weaken our resolve to study.
The advantage of the internet is that everyone uses it. So essentially, studying on the internet is like being in a global classroom. Use this to your benefit and attend as many interactive quizzes as possible, which put you in a certain rank based on your performance. This way, you can understand your progress better and get broader perspectives on the degree of competition.
3. What type of study materials are provided by Vedantu for the students of Classes 6th to 12th (Maths and Science)?
The type of study materials provided by the Vedantu for the students of Classes 6th to 12th (Maths and Science) are as follows:
NCERT Solutions
Revision Notes
Important Questions
Important Maths Formulas
CBSE Syllabus
CBSE Sample Papers
CBSE Previous Year Question Paper
NCERT Exemplar
Reference Books
All these study materials are beneficial to students as studying from them will enable them to understand difficult topics, learn important diagrams and formulas and solve every question. Every student should consider these things during their preparation.
4. What is the CBSE syllabus for Class 6 Science?
Underneath is the CBSE syllabus for Class 6 Science:
Food, Where does it come from?
Components of food
Fibers to fabric
Sorting materials into groups
Separation of substances
Changes around us
Getting to know plants
Body movements
The living organisms and their surroundings
Motion and measurement of distance
Light, shadows and reflection
Electricity and circuits
Fun with magnets
Air around us
Garbage in, garbage out
All the NCERT solutions of the above-mentioned Chapters are provided by Vedantu in the form of PDF.
5. What are the benefits of using the NCERT books for Classes 6th to 12th?
The advantages of using the NCERT books for Classes 6th to 12th are mentioned beneath:
The content of the NCERT books are based on the CBSE syllabus.
The subject matter experts are responsible for creating the content of these books. The language used by them is very easy to comprehend.
Most of the questions asked in the exam are picked from the NCERT books.
In the NCERT books, a detailed explanation of every Chapter is given.
These books also help students in preparing for competitive exams.