JEE Advanced 2025 | Updated Study Materials
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2025 Study Materials
1. What subjects are taken into consideration while checking if I qualify for admission in IITs?
Each subject is very crucial for ensuring that you make it to the IITs. Every student must pass in five subjects for the qualification purpose. These are-
A language paper
Any subject other than the above four
Students must give equal time and weightage to each subject, and weak subjects must be given even more time because at the end of the day, if a student performs well in every subject, except one, he or she may not qualify for the IITs.
2. How many attempts do I have to clear IIT JEE 2025?
Every IIT JEE aspirant can write IIT JEE a maximum of two times in two consecutive years. However, every student must put in all their hard work and consistency in the first attempt, instead of trying to give multiple attempts. This is because multiple attempts do not just waste the time of the student, but also bring down their confidence levels. This is also essential so that they have time for the preparation of the next level, JEE Advanced and that they do not feel left out from the students who have known.
3. I am a NO-NCL candidate. But, my caste is appearing in the state list and not in the central list, as mentioned under Will I be eligible for the reservation?
There is a reservation for the other backward classes, scheduled tribes, and scheduled castes. 27%, 7.5%, and 15% are the reservation rates as given by the guidelines of the Indian Government. Apart from that, the Government keeps 5% seats for the PWD category. However, you will not be eligible for availing reservation in case your name appears in the state list. For the purpose of claiming such benefits, your name must be updated in the Central list of OBCs.
4. I have filled the Step 1 and 2 of the JEE Advanced Examination process, but I have not paid the registration fees. Can I write the JEE Examination 2025?
Payment of registration fees is a must for all students who wish to appear for the JEE Examinations. Your registration process will not be completed unless you pay the fees, therefore your admit card will not be generated, and you will not be able to appear for the JEE Examinations. Students must also keep a check on the eligibility criteria, and verify if they are fulfilling all the criterias for ensuring they are eligible for appearing in the JEE Examinations.
5. Can I change the language of the questions during the CBT of JEE (Advanced) Examination 2025?
The questions will appear in the default language chosen by the aspirant. At the beginning of the paper, before 15 minutes of the start of the exam, students have to choose the medium in which they will appear for the examination. However, even while solving in the middle of the paper, the student has the option to change the language as there is an option However every that is available during the examination.