Class 8 CBSE Science Syllabus 2024-25: FREE PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 8 Science Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum
1. How many chapters are there in Class 8 Science Syllabus 2024-25?
There are 13 chapters in the Class 8 Science Syllabus 2024-25.
Chapter 1: Crop Production And Management
Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend And Foe
Chapter 3: Coal And Petroleum
Chapter 4: Combustion And Flame
Chapter 5: Conservation Of Plants And Animals
Chapter 6: Reproduction In Animals
Chapter 7: Reaching The Age Of Adolescence
Chapter 8: Force And Pressure
Chapter 9: Friction
Chapter 10: Sound
Chapter 11: Chemical Effects Of Electric Current
Chapter 12: Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 13: Light
2. What do you mean by Deforestation from Class 8 Science?
Deforestation is a harmful practice by humans who remove trees and plants from the selected area. This includes grazing and clearing agricultural lands to construct a building and using the woods for commercial purposes. Deforestation ideally affects the habitat and food source of animals.
Not only human-made causes, but this phenomenon is also a cause of severe fire or drought-like situation. Deforestation can again reduce the water level and lead to soil pollution. This issue can be tackled by planting many trees or afforestation and practising sustainable living habits. Students must be taught ways of effective conservation and encouraged to spread this knowledge among friends.
3. What are the characteristics of a sperm as discussed in Class 8 Science?
Sperms are also termed as the male gametes that combine with female eggs to produce offspring. Some of the primary characteristics of sperm are- Testes produce millions of sperm in a male body. Each sperm has a head, a middle piece and a tail. These sperms compete with others to reach the female egg. The middle part of a sperm contains mitochondria that offer energy during the movement and flow. Sperms are stored in testes as the body temperature of a human body can cause their destruction.
4. How is human life turning unsustainable as mentioned in CBSE Class 8 Science?
Human life has been dependent on nature for economic prosperity. Humans started exploring it to meet many of their needs. As the population grows, so do the needs. The demands of humans turned unprecedented. They started exploiting nature without a thought for the future. They built factories that emitted harmful gasses into the air. Humans have cleared forests to extend agricultural lands. All of this led to global warming and pollution. On the other hand, most of the natural resources were depleted due to excess stress on them. They have ended us up on an unsustainable path. Now, humans are turning towards a sustainable way by adopting non - renewable energy practices.
5. Which is the hardest chapter in class 8 Science?
In Class 8 Science, different students may find different chapters challenging based on their interests and understanding. However, one commonly considered challenging chapter is "Reproduction in Animals." This chapter covers complex topics such as the reproductive processes in various animals, including humans, which involves understanding biological terms like fertilisation, gestation, and development stages.
6. How to score full in science class 8?
To score full marks in Class 8 Science:
Focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly rather than just memorising them.
Refer to Vedantu’s NCERT study material for clear explanations and examples.
Solve exercises and practice questions to reinforce your understanding.
Review your notes and revise important topics frequently.
Use Diagrams and Charts to understand complex processes better.
Keep your study materials organised to easily access them for revision.
Manage your time well during exams and stay calm while answering questions.
7. How can I prepare for practicals in Class 8 Science?
Practice experiments from the NCERT textbook and understand the underlying scientific principles. Review diagrams and procedures thoroughly before attempting practicals.
8. Are there any deletions of chapters in Class 8 CBSE Science Syllabus 2024-25?
The following Chapters are deleted from Class 8 Science Deleted Syllabus 2024-25:
Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Metals and Non-Metals
Cell Structure and Function
Star and the Solar System
Pollution of Air and Water
9. How important are diagrams in Class 8 Science exams?
Diagrams are crucial for explaining concepts clearly. Practice drawing and labelling diagrams accurately, as they often carry significant marks.
10. What types of questions are asked in the Class 8 Science exams?
Questions can be multiple-choice, short-answer, long-answer, and diagram-based questions, testing both theoretical knowledge and practical understanding.
11. Can I use additional reference books along with NCERT?
Yes, you can use additional reference books from the Vedantu Website for deeper understanding and more practice, but make sure to prioritise NCERT books as they are the primary resource.
12. What are some effective study tips for Class 8 Science?
Regular study schedules, summarising each chapter, solving previous year’s question papers, and group studies can be effective.