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CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum


CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 PDF - FREE Download

The Class 9 SST Syllabus 2024-25 features an all-new curriculum with updated chapters and topic lists to align with the new education guidelines. It offers various topics and chapters on history, geography, civics, and political science. Vedantu provides a comprehensive outlook into the Class 9 SST Syllabus 2024-25 and lists all the chapters that make up the whole curriculum. These have been constantly checked and updated by master teachers and are sure to be 100% relevant. The syllabus covers the course structure, the content across the 4 textbooks, and even map-pointing to provide students with a complete sense of what to expect for CBSE Class 9 Social Science.

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CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum
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CBSE Class 9 Social Science Revised Syllabus 2024-25

History (India and the Contemporary World - I)

Suggestive no. of periods = 60

20 inclusive of Map pointing


Chapter No

Chapter Name

No. of Periods

Marks allocated

I - Events and



The French Revolution


18+2 map pointing


Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution



Nazism and the Rise of Hitler




Forest, Society and Colonialism


II - Livelihoods,

Economies and Societies



Interdisciplinary project as part of multiple assessments

(Internally assessed for 5 marks)



Pastoralists in the Modern World

(To be assessed as part of Periodic Assessment only)


CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 - Updated Course Structure - Geography 

Geography (Contemporary India - I)

Suggestiveno. of periods = 55

20 inclusive of Map pointing

Chapter No

Chapter Name

No. of periods

Marks allocated


India – Size and Location







Physical Features of India









Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

(Only map pointing to be evaluated in the annual examination.)


17+3 map pointing*

Interdisciplinary project as part of multiple assessments (Internally assessed for 5 marks)




* Marks as mentioned above


CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 - Updated Course Structure - Political Science

Political Science (Democratic Politics - I)

Suggestive no. of periods = 50

20 Marks

Chapter No

Chapter Name

No. of Periods

Marks Allocated


What is Democracy?




Why Democracy?


Constitutional Design



Electoral Politics



Working of Institutions


CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 - Updated Course Structure - Economics


Suggestive no. of periods = 50

20 Marks

Chapter No

Name of the Chapter

No. of Periods

Marks allocated


The Story of Village Palampur

(To be assessed as part of Periodic Assessment only)




People as a Resource





Poverty as a Challenge



Food Security in India


CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus - Course Content:

The tables given below extensively highlight each chapter and unit from all three books to provide students with a complete understanding of the curriculum.

History: India and The Contemporary World - I

HISTORY: India and the Contemporary World - I


Curricular goals


Learning outcome 

Suggestive Pedagogical process 

Section I: Events and Processes Chapter-1 The French Revolution

CG-2 Analyses the important phases in world history and draws insight to understand the present-day world

C-2.1 Explains historical events and processes with different types of sources with specific examples from India and world history. 

C-2.4 Explains the growth of new ideas and practices across the world and how they affected the course of world history. 

C-2.5 Recognises the various practices that arose, such as those in C2.4, and came to be condemned later on (such as racism, slavery, colonial invasions, conquests, and plunder, genocides, exclusion of women from democratic and other institutions), all of which have also impacted the course of world history and left unhealed wounds

The students will be able to Infer how the French Revolution impacted European countries and the formation of nation states in Europe and elsewhere.

Will be able to   Illustrate that, the quest for imperialism triggered the First World War

Will Examine various sources to address imbalances that may lead to revolutions. 

Conduct Classroom discussions to compare the conditions that prevailed in France that led to revolution and the conditions that led to the first war of Indian Independence (1857)

Use Graphic Organisers (concept map/story map etc) to examine the situations

Suggest solutions to address such imbalances and discriminations that lead to revolutions.

Chapter 2- Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

CG-2 Analyses important phases of world history and draws insight to understand the present day world

C-2.1 Explains historical events and processes with different types of sources with specific examples from India and world history

C-2.4 Explains the growth of new ideas in Europe and Asia and how it affected the course of human history 

To compare the situations that led to the rise of Russian and French Revolutions.

Examine the situations that led to the establishment of Lenin’s communism and Stalin’s collectivization

Analyse the role played by the varied philosophers and leaders that shaped the revolution.

Flipped learning through making of concept maps/role plays etc reflecting the situations which led to both revolutions.

Flow chart reflecting how Lenin’s communism /Stalin’s collectivization was established.

Socratic method to discuss the role played by the varied philosophers and leaders that shaped the revolution

Chapter 3-Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

CG-2 Analyses important phases of world history and draws insight to understand the presentday world 

C-2.1 Explains historical events and processes with different types of sources with specific examples from India and world history.

C-2.4 Explains the growth of new ideas in Europe and Asia and how it affected the course of human history. 

Analyse the role of “Treaty of Versailles” in the rise of Hitler to power

Analyse the genocidal war waged against the “undesirables” by Hitler

Compare and contrast the characteristics of Hitler and Gandhi 

Audio-visual aids like a film or animations can be shown followed by a discussion on the reasons for the rise and fall of Hitler.

 Jig saw strategy to critique the genocidal war waged against the “undesirable” by the Nazis.

Section II: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism 

Inter Disciplinary Project with Chapter 5 of Geography “Natural Vegetation and Wildlife”

Project Work

Project Work

Project Work

Chapter 5 Pastoralists in the Modern World

CG-4 Develops an

understanding of the


between human beings

and their physical

environment and how

that influences the

livelihoods, cultural

diversity, and

biodiversity of the


C-4.3 Draws interlinkages between various components of the physical environment, such as climate and relief, climate and vegetation, vegetation, and wildlife. 

C-4.4 Analyses and evaluates the interrelationship between the natural environment and human beings and their cultures across regions and, in the case of India, the special environmental ethos that resulted in practices of nature conservation. C-4.5 Critically evaluates the impact of human interventions on the environment, including climate change, pollution, shortages of natural resources (particularly water), and loss of biodiversity; identifies practices that have led to these environmental crises and the measures that must be taken to reverse them

Examine the situations that have created nomadic societies highlighting the key factor played by the climatic conditions and topography.  

Analyse varying patterns of developments within pastoral societies in different places in India.  

Comprehend the impact of colonialism on Pastoralists in India and Africa.

Locate the various pastoral communities on an outline map of India and explain cyclical movements of these according to climatic conditions.

Audio Visual aids like documentaries on the various pastoral communities can be shown.

Presentations comparing the lives of pastoralists and the colonial impact on pastoralists in India and Africa.

T charts and similar graphic organizers to compare the lives of pastoralists in pre- and post-colonial periods. 

Think-pair and share can be practised to discuss various methods of colonial policies of exploitation and their impact on pastoralists of Africa and India. 

Political Science: Democratic Politics - I

Political Science: Democratic Politics - I


Curricular goals


Learning outcome 

Suggestive Pedagogical process 

1. What is Democracy? Why Democracy? 

CG-5 Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy and the characteristics of a democratic government. 

C-5.4 Analyses the basic features of a democracy and democratic government – and its history in India and across the world – and compares this form of government with other forms of government 

Examine the concept structural components of Democracy and its forms/ features.

Compare and Contrast working of democracies of India and North Korea and infer on their differences and significance in each country. 

Analyse and infer on the different historical processes and forces that have contributed for the promotion of democracy.

Brainstorming on introduction of concepts of Democracy & features of Democracy.

4 corners strategy to discuss “What & why of democracy? 

Students create democratic governance model in the class.

Cartoon interpretation to summarize the benefits of democracy 

2. Constitutional Design 

CG-5 Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy and the characteristics of a democratic government 

C-5.1 Understands that the Indian Constitution draws from the great cultural heritage and common aspirations of the Indian nation, and recalls India’s early experiments with democracy (assemblies in Mahajanapadas, kingdoms and empires at several levels of the society, guilds sanghas and ganas, village councils and committees, Uthiramerur inscriptions) 

Group discussion and describe the situation that led to creation of Indian Constitution.

Enumerate the essential features that need to be kept in mind while drafting any constitution.

Examine the guiding values that created the Indian constitution

Comprehend the roles and responsibilities as citizens of India.  

Group Discussion to comprehend the purpose of constitution.

Poster making/ wall magazine for Comparing and contrasting between Preamble of South African constitution with the preamble of Indian constitution.

Declamation strategy for discussing the roles and responsibilities of citizens.

3. Electoral Politics

CG-5 Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy and the characteristics of a democratic government 

C-5.3 Explains that fundamental rights are the most basic human rights, and they flourish when people also perform their fundamental duties 

Analyse the implications of power of vote and power of recall.  

Summarize the essential features of the Indian Electoral system.  

Examine the rationale for adopting the present Indian Electoral System. 

Role play on performing fundamental duties. 

Perform school council elections for practical learning of the system.  

Design and present election manifesto.  

Create multiple parties and create symbols for elections.  

Use street play to create awareness about the right to vote and fundamental duties

4. Working of Institutions

CG-5 Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy and the characteristics of a democratic government 

C-5.5 Analyses the critical role of non-state and non-market participants in the functioning of a democratic government and society, such as the media, civil society, socio-religious institutions, and community institutions

Examine the roles, responsibilities, and interdependency of all the 3 organs of the Government.  

Appreciate the parliamentary system of executive’s accountability to the legislature.  

Summarize and evaluate the rule of law in India. 

Watch videos of Parliament and discuss the importance of question hour.  

Present Moot court to evaluate the rule of Law. Examine the relevant case studies to evaluate the rule of law conduct Mock Parliament session. 

 Collect information on the performance of the functioning of a democratic government and society from social media and other institutions and present.

5. Democratic Rights

CG-5 Understands the Indian Constitution and explores the essence of Indian democracy and the characteristics of a democratic government 

C-5.2 Appreciates fundamental Constitutional values and identifies their significance for the prosperity of the Indian nation.

Analyse the role of the responsible citizens.  

Summarize the importance of fundamental rights and duties in the light of the nation’s glory.  

Recognize the role of a responsible citizen while performing their prescribed duties versus claiming rights.

Debate the need to have rights in the light of study of Saudi Arabia.  

Case study to analyse the role of citizens when the rights are exercised or otherwise.  

Organize a moot court to discuss the violation of individual rights.  

Graphic organizer to summarize the coexistence of rights vs duties. 

Geography: Contemporary India - I

Geography: Contemporary India - I


Curricular goals


Learning outcome 

Suggestive Pedagogical process 

1. India – Size and Location 

CG-4 Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and how that influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region.

C-4.1 Locates physiographic regions of India and the climatic zones of the world on a globe/map.

Examine how the location of an area impacts its climate and time with reference to longitude and latitude.

Explore and analyses the trading and cultural relationships of India with its neighbouring countries

Evaluate the situation & reasons that made 82.5E* longitude as Time meridian of India.  

Examine how location of India enables its position as a strategic partner in the subcontinent.  

Justify the reasons for the differences in climatic conditions, local and standard time

On map of India Locate physiographic regions of India and the climatic zones of the world on a globe/map.  

Use GeoGebra, Google earth to represent and justify the reasons for the differences in climatic conditions, local and standard time.

Brainstorming strategy for inferring conditions and relationships of the people living in states that are sharing border with the neighbouring countries impact trade and culture.  

Make a PPT presentation on the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and how that influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region.

2. Physical Features of India 

CG-4 Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and how that influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region.

C-4.2 Explains important geographical concepts, characteristics of key landforms, their origin, and other physical factors of a region 

Justify how the Physical Features of India influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region.  

Examine the geological process that played a crucial role in the formation of diverse physical features in India.  

Analyse the conditions and relationships of the people living in different physiographic areas. 

Use Art integrated strategies like gallery walk/Model making to demonstrate how physical features make India a sub-continent.  

Group work to discuss the lives and relationships amongst physiographic areas.  

Brainstorming and make a comparison of India’s Physical features with another country.


CG-4 Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and how that influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region

C-4.5 Critically evaluates the impact of human interventions on the environment, including climate change, pollution, shortages of natural resources (particularly water), and loss of biodiversity; identifies practices that have led to these environmental crises and the measures that must be taken to reverse them 

Examine the information about different lakes and infer on their contribution to Indian ecology.  

Present creative solutions to overcome the water pollution also to increase the contribution of water bodies to Indian economy.  

Identify the river systems of the country and explain the role of rivers in human society

Choice Board strategy where each group to take up one river and focus on the areas they serve and the impact on Economy of that area.  

Students will prepare a chart on lakes.  

Slogan writing, poster making/ save River songs/ to bring awareness on water pollution and suggest solutions 

4. Climate

CG-4 Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and how that influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region 

C-4.3 Draws interlinkages between various components of the physical environment, such as climate and relief, climate and vegetation and wildlife

Analyse and infer the effect of monsoon winds on rainfall of the Indian subcontinent.  

Analyse the temperatures between plateau region, Himalayan region, desert region and coastal region. 

Enumerate and summarize the reasons for the wide difference between temperatures at different geographical locations of India

Use Mind map/ graphic organizers to enumerate and summarize the reasons for the wide difference between the day and night temperatures at different geographical locations of India. 

Collect Newspaper reports for knowing the weather status.

Prepare and present mock drills on climate change and protocols as preventive action for various disasters

5. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Inter disciplinary project

Inter disciplinary

project with chapter no

IV of History “Forest,

Society and


Project Work

Project Work

6. Population

CG-4 Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and how that influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region

C-4.6 Develops sensitivity towards the judicious use of natural resources (by individuals, societies, and nations) and suggests measures for their conservation

Analyse and infer the reasons behind the uneven distribution of population in India with specific reference  to UP & Rajasthan and Mizoram and Karnataka.  

Enlist the factors that affect the population density

Use a Pie -diagram to depict the population distribution in India.  

Group discussion and presentation on reasons behind the uneven distribution of Population




Curricular goals


Learning outcome 

Suggestive Pedagogical process 

Chapter 1: The Story of Village Palampur

CG-7 Develops an understanding of the economy of a nationstate, with specific reference to India. 

C-7.1 Defines key features of the economy such as production, distribution, demand, supply, trade, and commerce, and factors that influence these aspects (including technology).

C-7.2 Evaluates the importance of the three sectors of production (primary, secondary, and tertiary) in any country’s economy, especially India. 

Enlist the requirements of production and comprehend the interdependence of these requirements.  

Correlate farming and non-farming activities to economic growth.  

Comprehend how the significance of conditions of farming and the factors of production impact economic development.  Find solutions to foster an equitable society. 

Visit to a nearby village or local markets and interview different classes of farmers to know about their lifestyles and thereafter present in the class.

Concept map/Poster making/ gallery walk to enlist the factors of production and evaluate their interdependence

Discussion/PPT presentation on how to eradicate poverty among farmers and trying to suggest innovative strategies to improve the farmers lifestyles.

Chapter -2 People as Resource

CG-7 Develops an understanding of the economy of a nation, with specific reference to India.

C-7.2 Evaluates the importance of the three sectors of production (primary, secondary, and tertiary) in any country’s economy, especially India

Evaluate the reasons that contribute to the quality of population.  

Observe the different government schemes in some states and see its effect on the quality of people there by.  

Propose innovative strategies to resolve unemployment problems.

Classroom discussions/debates on various factors that affect the quality of population. For e.g. significance of Education/Health in Human Resource Development.  

Make a newsletter collecting articles from newspapers/magazines etc on illiteracy and unemployment status in India and government initiative in solving the issues.  

Audio-Visual aids showing initiatives undertaken by the government in promoting education 

Chapter 3 Poverty as a challenge

CG-8 Evaluates the economic development of a country in terms of its impact on the lives of its people and nature. 

C-8.1 Gathers, comprehends, and analyses data related to poverty and unemployment in one’s locality and at the national level. 

C-8.2 Understands and analyses the concepts and practice of the range of economic systems – from free market to entirely state controlled markets. 

C-8.4 Describes India’s recent path towards again becoming one of the three largest economies of the world, and how individuals can contribute to this economic progress

Comprehend the reasons of poverty in the rural and urban areas.  

Evaluate the efficacy of government to eradicate poverty.  

Compare how poverty estimates have transformed from 1993-94 to 2011-12. 

Corelate the link between education and poverty.

PPT presentation using case study given in NCERT text on the reasons of rural and urban poverty.  

Declamation with data to evaluate the efficacy of government to eradicate poverty and suggest measures/ ways which can be used to minimise the same.  

Debate on the topic- ‘Can education remove poverty?’

Chapter 4 Food Security in India

CG-8 Evaluates the economic development of a country in terms of its impact on the lives of its people and nature.

C-8.2 Understands and analyses the concepts and practice of the range of economic systems – from free market to entirely state controlled markets. 

C-8.4 Describes India’s recent path towards again becoming one of the three largest economies of the world, and how individuals can contribute to this economic progress. 

C-8.5 Appreciates the connections between economic development and the environment, and the broader indicators of societal wellbeing beyond GDP growth and income.

Comprehend various aspects of food security that will ensure continuity of supply to the masses.  

Enumerate the different features of PDS that directly address FSI.  

Analyse and infer the impact of Green Revolution.  

Analyse the causes and impact of famines/disasters in food security during pre and post independent India

Case study and group discussion to connect the link between a wellstructured food security system and continuity of supply to masses.  

Guest Speaker programmes where govt. officials can be called to talk on FSI and PDS (Public Distribution System)  

Panel Discussion /seminar on the impact of the green revolution and PDS.  

Concept maps explaining the causes behind the famines in the colonial period and the causes and impact of recurring disasters on food security in post independent India through examples. 

CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 - List of Maps

S. No


Name of the Chapter

List of Areas to be located /labeled/identified on the map



French Revolution

Outline political map of France. Locate/label/identify.   Bordeaux, Nantes, Paris and Marseille 


Socialism in Europe and the

Russian Revolution

Outline political map of the World. Locate/label/identify Major countries of First World War: Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire).

Allied Powers – France, England, Russia and USA



Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

Outline Political Map of World. Locate/label/identify Major countries of Second World War Axis: Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan Allied Powers – UK, France, Former USSR, USA



India : size and location

India – States and Capitals

Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian (Location and Labeling)       

Neighbouring Countries

India physical features

Mountain Ranges : The Karakoram, The Zanskar, The Shivalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya, The Satpura, Western and Eastern Ghats

Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi

Plateau – Deccan Plateau, Chota Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau

Coastal Plains – Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel & Northen Circar (Location and Labelling)

Drainage system

Rivers (Identification only)

The Himalayan River Systems – The Indus, The Ganges and The Sutle

The Peninsular Rivers – The Narmada, The Tapti, The Kaveri, The Krishna, The Godavari, The Mahanadi

Lakes – Wular, Pulicat, Sambar, Chilika 


Annual rainfall in India, Monsoon wind direction


Population density of all states

The state having highest and lowest density of population

Prescribed Books for Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25:

Below are the books NCERT prescribed for the Syllabus of SST Class 9 CBSE 2024-25.

S. No


Name of the Book




India and the Contemporary World-I



Political Science

Democratic Politics-I




Contemporary India-I







Disaster Management

Together, towards a safer India- Part II


Note: Please procure the latest reprinted edition (2024-25) of prescribed NCERT textbooks.

Why should you use CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 PDF?

  • The Class 9 Social Science PDF clearly outline the topics and subtopics to be covered throughout the academic year, ensuring a well-organized approach to studying.

  • The Syllabus of SST Class 9 CBSE 2024-25 is available to download in PDF format for FREE so that students can refer to these solutions as soon as they want to.

  • The CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 PDF highlights the weightage of different sections, helping students focus on important areas and prepare effectively for exams.

  • The Class 9 SST Syllabus 2024-25 helps students accurately track their study progress and deduce how much more work is needed.

The latest Syllabus of SST Class 9 CBSE covers a wide range of topics, for which Vedantu provides a detailed syllabus overview. These are prepared by top subject matter experts at Vedantu, and therefore, the accuracy of the syllabus is assured. Students can use the syllabus PDF as their one resource to improve their exam preparation and feel confident when they walk into the examination hall.

Related Topic Pages for CBSE Class 9 Social Science:

After referring to the extensive syllabus content, students can refer to the following table to expand their comprehension of the subject with additional topic links.

Related Study material for Class 9 Social Science:

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FAQs on CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

1. What is the need to study unit 2 of the CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Social Science?

India is a land of exemplified variedness. It has the Himalayas in the northern boundary, the plains formed by the important rivers, the Thar desert, the coastal plains, the plateaus and the islands. Such different physiological features also determine the vegetation and the fauna of the places. These features have also governed the drainage system, and the human culture glorifies such changes. Every student needs to study each of these regions' incredible culture and features to know more about their homeland. Moreover, this unit is filled with information that can prove to be high scoring in any examination.

2. Why should we study the economics of India?

Due to the varied occupational sources of the people, the economy of each state has grown differently. The nuances of each of these economies have their advantages and disadvantages. Where certain sects of people have grown rich, many others have moved into poverty. Every student must study the economic challenges faced by India and how to come out of it. This unit focuses on explaining these concepts to the students by taking the example of the Palampur economy.

3. Why must the students take an interest in Indian Politics?

India is considered to be the world's largest democracy. Every student must study the growth of democracy in this state and how it has expanded after Independence. The students must learn about the different institutions of the nation and each of these institutions' functions. They will also learn about the electoral systems prevalent in India. The students will learn about all these aspects, which can help them score high in examinations and their future if they want to have a career in Indian politics.

4. When will the new syllabus for Class IX Social Science 2024-25 come into effect?

The CBSE Syllabus for Class IX Social Science 2024-25 will come into effect from the academic session 2024-25 onwards. For the updated syllabus you can find it on Vedantu. It is even available for download in PDF format. We recommend you keep a printed copy with your study material for when you begin your studies. 

5. What are the main changes that have been made in the new syllabus?

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has revamped the syllabus keeping in mind the latest developments taking place in India and around the world. Some topics which were included earlier like Population and its distribution, Economic problems of developing countries, Democracy and development are not covered in the revised syllabus now.

6.  How can I prepare for Class IX Social Science 2024-25?

There are some tips given here which will definitely help students to score best marks in CBSE Class IX Social Science Examinations 2024:

  • Make sure you are well aware of the syllabus and topics covered in each chapter so that you can prepare accordingly.

  • Keep a track of all the developments taking place around India and the world as this unit deals with the environment, governance, economy, etc.

  • Develop research skills by gathering information from various sources on any topic. This is important if one wants to cover different aspects related to these subjects/topics thoroughly at the school level exam papers Level.

Practice previous year's question papers and sample questions papers.

7. How much does the whole syllabus of social science Take to prepare for CBSE exams?

The whole syllabus of social science takes a lot of time to prepare for the CBSE exams. However, this truly varies from student to student. But we do recommend our students prepare a schedule on how they will complete the syllabus with enough time left to revise. Such small steps will ensure you finish the syllabus efficiently and fast enough to perfect your preparation. 

8. Where can I download SST syllabus Class 9 CBSE 2024-25?

You can download the Class 9 SST Syllabus 2024-25 from Vedantu for FREE in PDF format. This helps you view the syllabus PDF anywhere, anytime as you need it.

9. Is the Class 9 SST Syllabus 2024-25 updated?

The Class 9 SST Syllabus 2024-25 is constantly checked and updated by top subject matter experts to make sure they are relevant to the latest CBSE curriculum. This will help students grasp only the relevant content while filtering out content thats not needed.

10. What subjects are covered in the map marking section of the exam?

Students can expect maps from history and Geography for the map markings section in the examination. You can find links to these at Vedantu. Make sure you are fully prepared for the examination.