Lakhmir Singh Class 10 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 5 - Periodic Classification of Elements - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Lakhmir Singh Chemistry Class 10 Solutions Chapter 5 - Periodic Classification of Elements
Q1. What is the Modern periodic table?
Also known as the long form of the periodic table, physicist Henry Mosley had devised it. He discovered that the atomic number of an element that was denoted by Z, was a more fundamental property so as to group them in place of their atomic masses. Thus, the elements were grouped based on their increasing atomic numbers. With this method of grouping, it became smoother to predict the properties of all elements. The concept has been explained in Lakhmir Singh’s Chemistry book for class 10 in the chapter- Periodic classification of elements.
Q2. How do I prepare for Chapter 5 of class 10 Chemistry?
You can refer to Lakhmir Singh’s book of Chemistry for class 10 which has the chapter on Periodic classification of elements. It has all the solved questions and activities that are needed to score well in competitive examinations. A detailed analysis of the chapter makes complex concepts easier to grasp and so, his book is a blessing for those struggling to understand these concepts. Timing yourself while solving these challenging papers will increase your speed of solving them as well.
Q3. How do I know about some of the features of the modern periodic table?
In a modern periodic table, there are seven periods. In any period, the number of electrons present in the energy shells increases by 1 on moving from left to right within a period. More explanation will be provided in Lakhmir Singh’s book for class 10 Chemistry ( Chapter 5). His books can be accessed on’s portal. Every concept has been laid out in a sequential and systematic manner so that students find it interesting to read and then apply.
Q4. How can I secure good marks in the Periodic Table’s test?
You can solve Lakhmir Singh’s book on the Periodic Table and its elements and get a good grasp on the subject. Practicing from his book on a regular basis will really help you understand the concepts in its entirety. Understanding concepts instead of just memorizing them for the sake of passing tests will ensure that you score really well in the written as well as oral tests. Making notes, highlighting the important portions, and then revising those parts will also help.
Q5. What is electron affinity?
The amount of energy change because of the addition of an electron to the atom or the ability of an electron to take electrons is defined as electron affinity. Electron affinity increases across a period. It is a measure of an element’s tendency to act as an oxidizing agent and is usually related to the nature of the chemical bonds that the element forms with the other present elements. The stronger the attraction is, the more energy released.