NCERT Science Exemplar Class 10 Chapter wise Solutions - Free PDF Download
NCERT Science Exemplar for Class 10 PDF
FAQs on NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science (Book Solutions)
1. What are the Crucial Concepts that Fall Under Chapter 10 of NCERT Science Solutions?
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 10: Reflection and Refraction discusses the different topics that fall under the chapter like the reflection of light, mirror formula, spherical mirrors and the images formation, magnification, lens formula, refraction of light, refraction by spherical lenses, and refractive index.
The number of exemplar problems that fall under chapter-10: Reflection and Refraction comprises an overall of 38 questions which comprises multiple topics like identifying the type of mirrors and image formed, finding the refractive index, laws of refraction, refractive index, and other related concepts.
2. Name the Essential Topics that Fall Under Chapter 15 Our Environment.
The chapter - Our Environment briefs students about the ecosystem and its components, the food chain and the food webs, the impact of human activities on the environment, the prevention and safety measures to protect the environment, ozone layer and its importance, and the reasons for the depletion of the ozone layer.
The number of exemplar problems that fall under Our Environment chapter comprises an overall of 38 questions which covers multiple essential topics and concepts. The questions are based on the comprehension of the chapter, and some questions ask students to suggest eco-friendly activities or to state how some agricultural practices affect the environment.
3. What are the benefits of using NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Science - Free PDF Download (Book Solutions)?
NCERT exemplar class 10 science has been carefully designed by the experts after proper research of previous year questions, exam patterns and reference books. It helps you in the following ways:
This book is in sync with the CBSE curriculum hence all the information provided is credible and students can depend on it without any doubt
It covers all the important basics, hence when the students study it, they can understand the complex topics easily in further classes.
Students who practice questions from NCERT exemplar class 10 science book will be able to score good marks as the questions are mostly taken from here for the board exams.
All the concepts are easily understood as they are explained in simple, clear language. This will help students finish more syllabus in less time.
4. Is it required to practice all the questions from NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Science?
NCERT exemplar class 10 science is carefully designed by the experts after referring to previous year questions, exam patterns and various reference materials. Students are recommended to practice all the questions in every chapter. This will improve their confidence and also help them understand complex concepts. If the students have any doubts during online classes, they can download the PDF and study them for better understanding. You can access the material from your laptops, tablets and mobile phones or download the material and study them offline.
5. What are the subtopics discussed in NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Science?
NCERT exemplar class 10 science is carefully designed by the experts after proper research. Following are the subtopics discussed in chapter 10 class 10 NCERT:
Spherical images, image formation in spherical mirrors, reflecting images using ray diagrams, mirror formula and magnification
Refraction of light, refraction through glass slab, refraction by spherical lenses, refractive index
image formation by lenses, representing them through ray diagrams
Lens formula and magnification through the power lens
Students can know how questions are asked by going through the exemplar material and previous year questions.
6. What are the subtopics discussed in NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Science?
NCERT exemplar class 10 science is carefully designed by the experts after proper research into previous year questions, exam patterns and reference material. Following are the subtopics discussed in NCERT exemplar class 10 science chapter 5:
Attempts to classify elements
Dobereiner’s triads
Newlands’ law of octaves
Mendeleev’s periodic table, achievements of Mendeleev’s periodic table, limitations of Mendeleev’s classification
The modern periodic, position of elements in the modern periodic
Trends in the modern periodic table.
7. What are the key features of the NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Science - Free PDF Download (Book Solutions) and is it necessary to use it?
NCERT exemplar class 10 science is carefully designed by the experts after proper research into previous year questions, exam patterns and reference material. Following are the key features of it:
Experts have designed the book after careful research into previous year questions, exam patterns and syllabus. It is in perfect sync with the CBSE syllabus.
Solutions provided are also based on the CBSE material provided by the council.
You can download the PDFs for free and read them online
Every question is answered according to the weightage in simple language.
Students having any doubts about the class hours can download them and study for better understanding.