Tamil Nadu Board (TN HSC) Last 5 Year Question Paper for Class 12 Chemistry with Solutions - Free PDF Download
Last 5 Year Question Paper for Tamil Nadu HSC Board Class 12 Chemistry
FAQs on Last 5 Year Question Paper for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry
1. From where I can get the Last 5 Year Question Paper for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry?
Several websites are providing the Last 5 Year Question Paper for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry and one of them is Vedantu which not only provides the previous year’s solved question paper but is also a big source of knowledge for different standards. Vedantu is providing study material including recording sessions for the different subjects of class 12, practice sessions, test series, and also the previous year’s question paper bank.
2. much a student can score by solving the Last 5 Year Question Paper for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry?
There are lots of students which used to study just before one or two months of exam and to score good teacher always give reference to solve and practice the previous year’s question paper. Nearly 70 to 80 percent of students can get by just solving and learning the previous year's question paper as it makes students aware of exam patterns and also helps to highlight the important topics from the point of view of the board.
3. Discuss the syllabus included in the Last 5 Year Question Paper for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry.
There are in total 14 chapters that collectively contribute to the syllabus included in Last 5 Year Question Paper for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry. Solid state, coordinate compounds, P block elements-1, P block elements-2, Metallurgy, transition and inner transition elements, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, surface chemistry, organic nitrogen compounds, biomolecules, carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acid, hydroxy compounds, and ethers, and ionic equilibrium.
4. How can a student prepare for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry within 2 or 3 months before the exam?
Preparation for TN Board Class 12 Chemistry within 2 or 3 months before the exam required regular revision of notes, practicing the previous year’s question paper, taking the regular test, mock test, learning concepts, taking help of Vedantu website for notes keeping distracting sources away, managing the time table as accordance to important subjects and important topics, highlighting important notes and points, and focus on mistakes.
5. How many marks are required to pass TN Board Class 12 Chemistry?
The State Board has its criteria regarding passing marks. For MP state board every student needs to obtain 33 percent in each subject or in total to get a pass whereas in 2023 students of TN board need to score 35 percent in each subject to get a pass in TN Board Class 12th or can say out of maximum marks, 600 every student need to gain at least 210 to get a pass in TN HSC result.