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Bihar Board (BSEB) Question Paper for Class 10 Maths 2018


Bihar Board Maths Class 10 Question Papers 2018 with Solutions - Free PDF Download.

The Bihar School Examination Board has released the Bihar Board 10th Previous Year Paper for the subject Mathematics. These BSEB Previous Year Paper PDF with Answers by Vedantu is also a very helpful resource for the students. Bihar Board students, who have solved numerous previous year question papers before facing the actual exams turned out to have performed better, as compared to those students who have not solved and practised papers. Therefore, to help the students to score good marks in the Bihar Board 10th exam, we are providing the Bihar Board Class 10 Previous Year Question Papers. 

Students appearing in the Class 10 examination can refer to the 10th Maths Question Paper to understand the type of questions, difficulty level, and important topics for their upcoming examination.

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Bihar Board 10th Syllabus for 10th Maths Question Paper

Here’s the Syllabus for the 10th Maths Question Paper. The list below shows the syllabus for the 10th maths question paper.

Name of the Unit



Geometric Meaning of The Zeroes, and Coefficients, Division Algorithm For Polynomials

Pair of Linear Equations in 2 Variables

Graphical Solution to Linear Equations,

Elimination Method, Substitution Method, Cross Multiplication Method, Equations Reducible to the Linear Form

Quadratic Equations

Equations Reducible to the Quadratic Form, Introduction to the Quadratic Equations, Method of Completing The Square, Nature of Roots

Arithmetic Progression

Sum of n Terms of A.P., Introduction to the Arithmetic Progression, nth Term of A.P., Word Problems of A.P.


Problems on Similar Triangles, Basic Proportionality Theorem, Pythagoras Theorem, Topic 2 – Converse of BPT, Criteria For Similar Triangles, Areas of Similar Triangles, Topic 7 – Problems on Pythagoras Theorem

Coordinate Geometry

Distance Formula, Section Formula, Area of Triangles

Introduction to Trigonometry

Trigonometric Ratios, The trigonometric Tables, Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles, Introduction to Trigonometric Identities as well as Applications of Trigonometric Identities


Tangents to A Circle, Properties of Tangents


Constructions of Similar Triangles, Construction of Tangents

Surface Areas and Volumes

Volume: Combination of the Solids, Surface Area: Combination of the Solids, Conversion of Solids, Frustum of A Cone


Relation Between the Central Tendencies, Arithmetic Mean of a Grouped Data, Mode of Grouped Data, Median of a Grouped Data, Cumulative Frequency Curve


Classical Approach to Probability, Applications of Probability

Now we know the Syllabus for the 10th maths question paper. Let’s discuss the Preparation for the 10th maths question paper.  

Bihar Board Matric/10th Exam 2021 Preparation Tips 

  • Maintain a Proper Sleep: Candidates appearing for the board exams will be very tense with the exams and busy with the preparations, but they should not spend the whole night studying. Students need to maintain a proper sleep of 5-6 hours to stay fresh and calm.

  • Self-study: Candidates who were going for coaching should avoid all those in the study/preparation holidays. Making use of that time for self-study will help in knowing your potential as well as help you score good marks. And note down the points that are important from the viewpoint of the examination.

Benefits of Solving Bihar Board Maths Question Paper 2018

We provide the BSEB Maths Paper 2018 with solutions. Students can access these with a click. These 10th maths question papers are provided by the board prepared by subject experts in Maths from Vedantu having in-depth knowledge on the subject at their fingertips. 10th Matric BSEB Maths Paper 2018 is developed after analyzing versions of the previous year’s question papers. Students can also easily take the hints and predict the questions that can possibly appear in their upcoming examinations from the BSEB 2018 Maths Question Paper. 

Here Are a Few Tips on Solving Papers

  • Do not leave any question. Try to recall small concepts and answer accordingly.

  • Practice and work on all those questions which usually consumes your time.

  • Cross-check all your answers with your class notebook or revision textbook.


To clear the examinations with good marks, students tend to study throughout the year, they refer and study from many resources, but they often miss out on one of the most important steps which are to be included in the exam preparations is that they have to go through the question papers from the previous years. But this has proven to be one of the very important steps after the careful analysis of the examination results by experts.

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FAQs on Bihar Board (BSEB) Question Paper for Class 10 Maths 2018

1. What are some preparation tips for the BSEB Exam?

Here are some preparation tips:

  • Identify your weak points and try to avoid them: All are not perfect in all the fields. Candidates have to identify their weak points and try not to repeat the same, eg. If a student is weak in any one subject, he/she has to get well prepared with those subjects with which they are comfortable and score well in that subject to cover up the shortage.

  • Refer sample and 10th maths question paper: Solving the 10th Maths Question Paper will help in building confidence. It will help the candidates to figure out the areas where they have to concentrate more and realize their mistakes.

2. What are some tips to solve the question paper?

Here are some tips to solve the question paper:

  • Solve all these question papers in an ideal examination-hall scenario, within the given time limit as mentioned in the question papers.

  • Attempt all those questions, which you are very confident about.

  • Students are expected to solve different papers only after studying and having knowledge of the chapters covered.