Give a Short Intro about Malcolm X.
During the 1950s and 1960s, Malcolm X was a pastor, famous Black nationalist leader, and human rights activist who served as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Because of his efforts, the Nation of Islam increased from 400 members when he was freed from prison in 1952 to 40,000 members by 1960.
Malcolm X is a naturally gifted orator and he exhorted Black people to cast off the shackles of racism "by any means necessary," even including the violence. Shortly before his assassination in the year 1965 at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, where he was preparing for his speech, the fiery civil rights leader broke with the Nation of Islam.
Autobiography Malcolm X
Early Life and Family
To start with Autobiography Malcolm X or Malcolm X biography, he was born on May 19, in the year 1925, in Omaha, located in Nebraska. Louise Little, a homemaker, and Earl Little, a preacher and member of the local chapter of the Universal Negro Improvement Association who was a strong follower of Black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey, had eight children.
Let Us Look More About Malcolm X Biography or Arising Malcolm X.
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The Little family was routinely harassed by white supremacist groups, particularly the Ku Klux Klan and its branch factions, the Black Legion, as a result of Earl Little's civil rights activity. Also, in fact, Malcolm Little had his first encounter with racism prior to his birth.
"When my mother was pregnant with me, a hooded Ku Klux Klan rider party galloped up to our house," Malcolm remembered. "They called at my father, waving rifles and shotguns, to come out of the home."
The harassment had continued when Malcolm was just 4 years old, and local Klan members had smashed all of the windows of the family. Earl Little relocated his family from Omaha, Wisconsin, to Milwaukee in 1926 and then to Lansing, Michigan, in 1928, in order to safeguard his family.
However, the family's racism, which is encountered in Lansing, proved even greater than the one that occurred in Omaha. In the year 1929, a racist mob set fire to the Littles' house shortly after they moved in, and the town's all-white emergency responders refused to help.
Since the residence had burned down, firemen and white cops came and stood around watching," Malcolm X later recalled. Earl Little has relocated his family to East Lansing, where he has built a new home for them.
Two years later, in the year 1931, the dead body of Earl Little (dead are arising) was discovered lying across the municipal streetcar tracks. Although the family of Malcolm X believed his father was murdered by the white supremacists from whom he had received death threats frequently, officially, Earl Little's death was considered a streetcar accident, voiding the larger life insurance policy he had obtained to compensate for his own family in the event of his death.
The mother of Malcolm X never recovered from the shock and grief over the death of her husband. In the year 1937, she was committed to a mental institution, from where she remained the same for the next 26 years. Malcolm, including his siblings, were separated and placed in foster homes. This is the detailed arising Malcolm X or manning Marable Malcolm X or also called the autobiography of Malcolm X SparkNotes.
Manning Marable Malcolm X was expelled from school and transferred to a juvenile correctional centre in Mason, Michigan, in 1938. He was treated nicely by the white couple who ran into the house, but he said in his memoirs that he was treated more like a "pet canary" or a "pink poodle" than a human being.
He attended Mason High School, where he was one of the only few Black students. He academically excelled and was well-liked by his classmates, who also elected him as a class president.
When Malcolm Little's English teacher asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up in 1939, his life was flipped upside down. He responded by saying he aspired to be a lawyer. "One of the fundamental demands of our lives is to be practical," his teacher added. "Think of anything you can do for that; why don't you consider carpentry?"
The following year, at the age of 15, Malcolm X dropped out of school after being informed clearly that a Black youngster should not pursue education.
After dropping out of school, Malcolm X relocated to Boston to live with Ella, his older half-sister, whom he later described as "the truly first proud Black lady I had ever met in my life, manifestly proud of her extremely dark skin." Among Negroes, this was unheard in those days."
Ella landed a job shining shoes onto Malcolm at the Roseland Ballroom. However, out on the streets of Boston on his own, Malcolm X became acquainted with the city's criminal underworld and soon began selling drugs.
He was placed into another job as kitchen help on the Yankee Clipper train between Boston and New York and fell further into a life of crime and drugs. Sporting the flamboyant pinstriped zoot suits, he frequented the dance halls and nightclubs and fully turned to crime to finance his lavish lifestyle.
Nation of Islam
The Malcolm X short biography in Islam is as follows. He travelled to Detroit, Michigan, as a free man, to work with Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam, to expand the movement's reach among Black Americans across the country.
He became the minister of Harlem's Temple No. 7 and Boston's Temple No. 11, as well as creating new temples in Philadelphia and Hartford. In the year 1960, he founded Muhammad Speaks, a national journal dedicated to furthering the Nation of Islam's doctrine.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Let us know about Malcolm X, the autobiography of Malcolm X. Marable Malcolm X began writing his autobiography with famed author Alex Haley in the early 1960s. Malcolm X's personal experiences and growing opinions on Black nationalism, racial pride, and pan-Africanism are detailed in this book.
Malcolm X's autobiography was published in the year 1965 after his assassination to the near-universal praise. The New York Times named it as a "brilliant, painful and important book," whereas Time magazine listed it as one of the 10 most influential nonfiction books of the 20th century.
Malcolm X has been the subject of a number of stage plays, movies, and other works and has been portrayed by the actors like Mario Van Peebles, Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones.
In 1992, Spike Lee-directed Denzel Washington in the title role of Malcolm X's movie. Both the film, including Washington's portrayal of Malcolm X, received wide acclaim and they were nominated for many awards, including 2 Academy Awards.
Wife and Children
Malcolm X married Betty Shabazz in the year 1958 and they had six daughters.
Commentators have mostly ignored Malcolm X's recent political and spiritual transition and attacked him as a violent rabble-rouser in the immediate aftermath of his death.
But specifically, after the Autobiography of Malcolm X's publication, he will be remembered for underscoring a truly free populace value by demonstrating the great lengths where human beings will go to secure their freedom.
FAQs on Malcolm X Biography
1. Explain how Malcolm X Spent his Time in Jail?
Answer: Malcolm X was arrested in 1946 on accusations of larceny and condemned to ten years in prison. He read tirelessly to pass the time during his incarceration, devouring books from the prison library in an attempt to make up for the years of knowledge he had missed by dropping out of high school.
Malcolm was visited by many siblings who had joined the Nation of Islam, which is a small sect of Black Muslims who embraced the Black nationalism ideology — the idea to secure justice, equality and freedom; Black Americans were required to establish their own state entirely separate from the white Americans.
Prior to his release from prison in 1952, he changed his name to Malcolm X and converted to the Nation of Islam.
2. Give the journey of Malcolm X with Martin Luther King Jr.?
Answer: By the early 1960s, Malcolm X had established himself as a key voice of the civil rights movement's radicalised wing by giving a stark contrast to Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of the racially integrated society, which is accomplished by nonviolent means.
Dr. King was highly critical of what he noticed as the destructive demagoguery of Malcolm X. Dr. King was highly critical of what he noticed as the destructive demagoguery of Malcolm X. "I strongly believe that Malcolm has done a great deal of harm to himself including our people," once the King said at one point.
3. How was Malcolm X Assassinated?
Answer: As Malcolm X appeared to be embarking on an ideological transformation with the potential to alter the course of the civil rights movement dramatically, he was assassinated.
On 1965, Feb 21, Malcolm X occupied the stage for a speech at the Audubon Ballroom, located in Manhattan. When many men rushed the stage and began firing their firearms, he began speaking to the audience.