Who Is Muhammad?
Muhammad was the founder of Islam and also a prophet. Allah Muhammad spent most of his life as a merchant. He began to turn towards Allah at the age of 40. During the life of the prophet Muhammad began to preach the basis for the Koran and the foundation of Islam. During 630, he united almost the whole of Arabia under a single religion. According to a survey, as of 2015, there are about 1.8 billion Muslims are in the world. According to the Muslims, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”
Early Life Of Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad full name was Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim. Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD. Now, Mecca was termed Saudi Arabia. The Father of Muhammad died before his birth. Prophet Muhammad was raised up by his grandfather first and by his uncle after his grandfather. The life of Prophet Muhammad was spent in poverty. The family of Prophet Muhammad belongs to the Quraysh tribe. Members of his family were active in Meccan politics and trades. During the nomadic time, many tribe people lived in the Arabian Peninsula. So, people trade goods as they cross the desert.
According to the Prophet Muhammad story, While Muhammad was in teenage, he was worked in a camel caravan. While he is getting old he started getting weather. Later, he started working with his uncle and gained experience in commercial trade travelling between Mecca and Syria. They also travelled via the Mediterranean sea to the Indian Ocean. At that time, Muhammad earned a reputation because of his honesty and sincerity in his work. Also, he acquired the nickname “al-Amin”, which means faithful or trustworthy.
While prophet Muhammad was at the age of 20 years. He began to work for a wealthy merchant woman named Khadijah. Khadijah was 15 years senior to Muhammad. She became attracted to Muhammad an accomplished man and sent a marriage proposal. Later, he accepted and started to live together and gave birth to several children. But not all children lived till their adulthood except Fatima. Later, Fatima married Muhammad’s cousin, Ali ibn Abi Talib. Later, Ali ibn Abi Talib represented Shi’ite Muslims regard as Muhammad’s successor.
Mecca In Early Days
Tribes from Arabic countries were polytheistic, they worshipped a set of gods. Mecca was an important town for trading and remained a religious centre. Mecca was also the home to many temples and worship sites. People from Mecca were devoted to gods and idols and prayed to them. One of the most famous sites in Mecca was the Kaaba, which means cube in Arabic. Kaaba was believed to be built by Abrahan and his son Ismail. Meanwhile, the people of Mecca turned to polytheism and idolatry. People started to worship all gods and meanwhile, they started believing Allah was the greatest among all and he does not have any idol.
When Was Islam Founded?
Usually, Muhammad was a very religious person. He uses to take occasional journeys of devotion to all sacred sites near Mecca. In 610, one day he made a pilgrimage to one cave on Mount Jabal aI-Nour and meditated there. During that time, the angel Gabriel was appeared before him and relayed the words of God. That is “Recite in the name of your Lord Who creates, creates man from a clot! Recite for your lord is most generous….” All these words were in surah 96 of the Qur'an and they became open verses. Most Islamic historians believed that Muhammad was the route for the birth of Islam. As he initially distributed the revelations but he didn’t reveal them publicly for several years. But initially, Shi’a tradition has welcomed the message from the Angel Gabriel and was deeply inspired to share his experience with other potential believers. Meanwhile, many arose questions that, did Muhammad saw Allah?
Life of Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad was the first prophet of Islam. Muhammad, his wife Khadija and his close friend Abu Bakr were the first people, who believed the Islamic traditions. Later, Abu Bakr was considered the successor to Muhammad by Sunni Muslims. A few days after, Muhammad began to conduct social gatherings for small followers. They initially faced no opposition. Most of the people from Mecca either ignored him or mocked Muhammad as another prophet. After a few days, his message started to condemn idol worship and polytheism. So, many leaders of tribal people in Mecca start to believe that, Muhammad and his message as a threat. Many people stood against Muhammad, as the condemnation of idol worship would create economic consequences for merchants, those who are acquiring feed from making idols and thousands of pilgrims who came to Mecca every year.
This also impacted Muhammad’s own tribe community Quraysh, who were the guardians of the Kaaba. Many merchants of Mecca encountered Muhammad incentives and abandon his preach. But he refused all negativities and started preaching the same. Day after day, the count of people supporting Allah Muhammad increased while comparing to the resistance to Muhammed.
Conflicts Among People Of Mecca
Meanwhile, believers of the prophet Muhammad were eventually forced to emigrate from Mecca to Medina. Medina was a city that was 260 miles to the north in 622. This event was marked as an important event in the prophet Muhammad biography and the beginning of the Muslim calendar.
The civil war was aroused among the people and Muhammad was instrumental in bringing the war to end. Later, prophet Muhammad story beings in Medina. They built their Muslim community and gradually accepted the gatherings and followers were increased. Between 624 to 628, the Muslim community was involved in series of battles for their better survival. This is also an important period in the story of Muhammad. The Battle of the Trench and Siege of Medina was the final and major battle. Later, Muhammad and his followers commanded and signed a treaty.
But very next year, the treaty was broken by the Meccan allies. During that time, Muhammad has a lot of pressure to balance the power and had shifted away from the Meccan leaders to him. In 630, the Muslim army started to march towards Mecca and taken the cities with minimum casualties. Also, Muhammad gave an exception to many of the Meccan leaders, who opposed him and forgiven others. At that time, most of the Meccan population converted to Islam. Later, Muhammad and his followers destroyed all the pagan god statues in and around the Kaaba.
How Did Mohammed Die?
Finally, all the conflicts with the people of Mecca and followers of Muhammad were settled down. In March 632 AD, Muhammad took his first true Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Muhammad prophet last sermon was at Mount Arafat. While returning from Medina to his wife’s home, he fell ill and lasted for several days. On 8th June 632 AD, the life of prophet Muhammad came to end. At that time, his age was about 62 years. Then he got buried at al-Masjid an-Nabawi. Here, the first mosques were built by Muhammad in Medina. The other name of the al-Masjid an-Nabawi is the Mosque of the Prophet.
After The Death Of Mohammed
A year before his death, Muhammad united several tribe communities of Arabia into a single Arab Muslim religion. After the death of Muhammad, disagreement has broken out among the people. Umar ibn al-Khattab was a prominent companion of Muhammad during his period. He nominated Abu Bakr as a successor of Mohammed. Abu Bak was a friend and collaborator of Muhammad. In addition, Abu Bakr was confirmed as the first caliph. Also, this arose many conflicts among some of Muhammad's companions, who supported Ali ibn Abi Talib. To suppress this, Abu Bakr immediately moved the strike against the Byzantine forces. Because he had to put off all the rebellion among Arab tribes. This war was mentioned as the Ridda war or "Wars of Apostasy" among Muslim historians.
The Byzantine and Sasanian empires were dominated by the Pre-Islamic middle east region. In the Roman – Persian Wars, two had devastated the regions and made the empires unpopular amongst local tribes. Further, many lands that were conquered by Muslims were started to be occupied by Christians such as Monophysites, Nestorians, Jacobites and Copts. They were disaffected from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Those people remain followers of heretics. Within a decade, Muslims conquered large parts of Persia, Byzantine Syria, Mesopotamia, Byzantine Egypt, and established the Rashidun Caliphate.
FAQs on Muhammad Biography
What is Prophet Muhammad's story?
In 570, Muhammad was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Allah Muhammad was a deeply spiritual person and usually often spend time in meditation on Mount Hira. The Quran is the religious book of Muslims. The book explained a traditional story about how Muhammad spent one night in 610 and meditated in a mountain cave of the mountain And how Prophet Muhammad was visited by the angel jibreel, who ordered him to create.
Do Muslims pray to Muhammad?
According to Islam fact, the declaration of faith is termed the Shahada. Muhammad is not a god, but he was considered as a messenger of God. As per the messenger of Allah, Muslims need to make five daily ritual prayers, one during dawn, one at noon, afternoon, during sunset and another before bed.
How did Muhammad look?
As per the life of prophet Muhammad, his external appearance is described as he was of medium height and his eyes look like almond shape with beautifully curved eyebrows. The cheeks of Muhammad are slightly rosy and he had a beautiful beard.