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Types of Pollination

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Introduction of Pollination

Have you ever thought about the plants, trees we see everywhere? How do these reproduce? They can't even move or in other words, they are immobile. If not, today let's learn about the reproduction in plants. The process of reproduction in plants is called pollination. The plant that undergoes pollination is called a pollinated plant. There can be different types of pollination like self-pollination and cross-pollination and these two types also have subcategories, further, we will learn about them in detail. So let's get started with understanding pollination in flowering plants. We will study about types of pollination in plants.

Pollination is the process of reproduction in plants. This process can be of different kinds, like cross-pollination and self-pollination, and these two kinds also have subcategories which we will look at in detail. The word pollination comes from pollen grains.


Pollen grains are microscopic single-cell bodies that contain the male reproductive cell of the plants. Pollen are also called sperm cells or male gametes of the plant. Pollination occurs when pollen grains from the male part of the plant (anther) are transferred to the female part of the plant, referred to as stigma.

Before we move further we should know that flowers are the reproductive part of the plant.

After the pollen grains successfully land on the stigma a pollen tube is formed through the length of style, a long stalk that connects the stigma and the ovary of the flower. As the pollen tube formation gets completed the sperm cells from the pollen grain through the pollen tube are sent down to the ovary. As the sperm cell and egg cells meet, fertilisation takes place and fertilization of these cells result in formation of a seed. Later seed gets detached from the parent plant, seed grows into another plant and again in that plant occurs pollination. This way these immobile creatures reproduce through pollination.

Different Types of Pollination

There are basically two types of pollination: one is self-pollination and the other is cross-pollination.

While self-pollination is the primary type of pollination, cross-pollination is a bit complex. Now we are going to study self and cross-pollination in detail.


This type of pollination deals with only one flower and hence it is quite a basic type of pollination. When pollen grain from the male part of the flower (anther) falls directly on the stigma which is the female part of the same flower and fertilisation occurs, such type of pollination is called self-pollination. The plants that undergo self-pollination are referred to as self-pollinating plants. Some examples of self-pollinating plants are: wheat, apricot, rice, peanut etc.

Self-pollination though itself is a type of pollination, it further has sub-categories as well. Let's study them as types of self-pollination.

Types of Self-Pollination

Self-pollination can be of two types.

  1. Autogamy

  2. Geitonogamy


This type of self-pollination occurs where the transfer of sperm cells from the pollen grain to the stigma takes place within the same flower.

Autogamy is possible under some circumstances like

  • Both the anther and the stigma of the same flower should be open

  • Stigma should be prepared to receive the pollen when released from the anther

  • Anther and stigma should be close enough


This type of self-pollination occurs when transfer of pollen grains from the male part of the plant to the female part of the plant takes place in different flowers but of the same plant.

Geitonogamy seems more of a cross-pollination and requires a pollination agent but since it occurs in the same plant is called self-pollination.


This type of pollination is more complex as here the transfer of pollen grain occurs from the anther of one flower to the stigma of a different flower. Cross-pollination is also called xenogamy. The movement of pollen grains in cross-pollination is possible through pollinating agents. Pollinating agents can be anything like animals, insects, winds and some other abiotic and biotic things. Generally, cross-pollination occurs in bright-colored flowers as their colour and odour attracts the insects like bees. Some of the cross-pollination plants are lavender, strawberry, apple, dandelion etc.

Types of Cross-Pollination

  • Pollination through biotic factors like animals, insects, birds etc.

  • Pollination through abiotic factors like wind, water etc.

Pollination through biotic factors involve the movement of pollen grains when they stick to some biotic agent like animals or bees or insects and as these agents move the stuck pollen grains get transported to another plant and fertilisation takes place.

Pollination through abiotic factors involve the movement of pollen grains when the wind blows or water is sprinkled or the rainwater spreads.

Let's have a look at wind pollination and through this, we will get to know about the pollination through other abiotic agents as well.

In wind pollination, pollination occurs through movement of pollen from the anther of one flower to stigma of other flowers by the wind. Plants that get pollinated by wind are called wind-pollinated plants. This was all about cross & self pollination.


The term pollination originates from the pollen grains found in the flowers responsible for their reproduction.

These pollen grains are unicellular bodies that comprise a plant's male reproductive cell. These pollen grains are also known as sperm cells of a plant. This process takes place when the pollen of one plant is transferred to the female part of another plant, often known as the stigma.

Flowers are the parts of the plant that contain these reproductive organs.

When the pollen grains land on the stigma successfully, a pollen tube gets formed that is known as the style; this part is a long stalk that is responsible for making the stigma unite with the ovary (female part) of the flower.

After this process occurs, the sperm cells go to the ovary through style; when the sperm cells and the egg cells unite, fertilization occurs, resulting in the development of a seed.

This seed then gets detached from the parent plant and grows into another plant where it goes through the process of pollination again. The diagram below explains this process more visually:

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Types of Pollination

Pollination branches into two different types, Self-Pollination, and Cross-Pollination.

Self Pollination

This is the process where the pollination only occurs in one plant and one flower. When the pollen grains from the male parts of a flower transfer directly down to the stigma, the female part of another flower.

The plants that go through this process are known as self-pollinating plants. Some prominent examples of these plants are peanut, barley, wheat, rice, and apricots.

Self-pollination is of two types:

1. Autogamy: When the process of pollination takes place in the same flower itself. This happens only if:

  • The anther and the stigma of one common flower are open.

  • Stigma should have the ability to receive the pollen grains that are released from the anther.

  • Another and Stigma parts of a flower should be closer to each other.

2. Geitonogamy: This is the process of pollination that happens when the pollen grains of one flower fall into the female part of the other flower but both the flowers belong to the same plant.

This pollination is done with the help of a pollinating agent, hence it has characteristics that resemble cross-pollination, but since it happens within the same plant among two flowers, it is counted as a part of self-pollination.


The process of cross-pollination is more complicated because the pollen grain from the anther of one flower gets transferred to another flower's stigma, but this happens between two flowers that belong to different plants. This type of pollination is also called Xenogamy.

This pollination is often challenging and requires the help of pollinating agents.

These pollination agents are organisms and natural phenomena like insects, animals, and wind. Commonly, this process takes place in bright flowers where their odor attracts the bees. Some well-known examples of cross-pollinating plants are Lavender, Apple, Dandelion, and Strawberry.

Cross-Pollination is also of two types based on the polluting agents that make this process happen:

  • Abiotic Cross-Pollination: Pollination occurring because of the movement of pollen grains from one flower to another due to agents like wind and rain.

  • Biotic Cross-Pollination: Pollination occurring because of the movement of pollen grains from one flower to another due to agents like animals, insects and birds.

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FAQs on Types of Pollination

1. Define Pollination and its Types.

Pollination refers to the process by which plants are able to reproduce. The pollen grains present in the anther of a flower which is the male part of the flower when land on the stigma of a flower which is a female part of the flower lead to fertilisation in the ovary. Fertilisation results in the formation of seed which gets detached from the plant and later grows into another plant and this way the reproduction of these immobile plants is possible. Pollination can basically be of two types

  • Self-pollination.

  • Cross-pollination.

2. What are Self-pollination Types.

Self-pollination is a basic type of pollination; it refers to that type of pollination in which pollen grain from anther talls directly on to the stigma of the same flower. Self-pollination requires several conditions to be fulfilled like:

  • The anther and stigma of the flower undergoing pollination should be open.

  •  Anther and stigma should be close enough to each other for self-pollination to take place.

  • Stigma should be able to receive the pollen grain released by the stigma

Type of self-pollination are-

  • Autogamy

  • Geitonogamy

3. Are there plants that can go through Self-Pollination?

  • Yes, several plants can conduct the process of pollinating themselves.

  • Self-Pollination is a type of pollination where the pollen grains of a plant arrive in the ovule (in gymnosperms) and the stigma of that same flower (in flowering plants).

  • There are two types of self-pollinations. Autogamy is the process where pollen transfers to the same flower's stigma. Geitonogamy is when pollen gets transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of a different flower but on the same flowering plant.

  • Some of the plants that can self-pollinate without the help of pollen vectors, like wind or insects, are Legumes, Peanuts, Sunflowers, Tridax, and Orchids.

4. Where can we see Air Pollination occurring in real life?

Air Pollination, also known as anemophily or wind pollination, is a pollination process where the pollen transfers from one flower to another through the medium of wind. Usually this process consists of cross-pollination between various plants, instead of self-pollination.

There are several plants (12% of the flowering plants in the world) that go through air pollination. Most of these plants are Anemophilous plants like cereal crops, grasses, and allergenic ragweeds that can wind-pollinate, like Alders, Oaks, Chestnuts, Pecans, Rice, Wheat, Barley, Corn, and Rye.

5. Can we understand the different types of pollination in brief?

Pollination in flowers occurs in various types. Some of them happen within themselves, whereas some of them take place within different plants,

Autogamy: This is the type of pollination where pollen transfers from the anther to the stigma within the same flower.

Geitonogamy: This is a type of self-pollination that happens when pollen grains from the anther of one flower transfers to the other flower but in the same plant.

Xenogamy: This process is a cross-pollination process where the pollen of one flower gets transferred to another flower but in two different plants.

6. Which agents help plants in the process of pollination?

  • Plants can take the help of various agents for pollination. Pollination Agents can be of different kinds like insects, birds, water, wind, and butterflies.

  • These agents can be of two types, Antibiotic and Biotic.

  • Antibiotic Pollinating Agents include Wind and Water, where Wind Pollination is also known as Anemophily, and Water Pollination is also called Hydrophily.

  • Biotic Pollinating Agents include organisms like Insects and Animals. Insect Pollination is also known as Entomophily, and Pollination done by Animals is called Zoophily.

7. What are the different ways plants can cross-pollinate?

There are different methods in which we can make plants cross pollinate.

  • The First Step would be identifying the male and female parts of a flower, the male parts of the flower are called the stamen and the female part is called the pistil. The stamen produces pollen which then, with the help of a pistil, gets attached to the ovule.

  • The second step would be collecting pollen from one flower and transferring it to another, that is usually done by transferring the pollen from that stamen to another flower.

  • The third and final step is to take that collected pollen to another flower, this is done by manually transferring the pollen of one flower to the stigma of another flower. Stigma is the top of a pistol that is designed to obtain the stigma of a flower and transfer it to the flower's ovule. The stigma should be coated thoroughly with the pollen for best results.