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International Day of Sign Languages: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

By RakshithaAugust 22, 2024
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Importance of International Day of Sign Languages in 2024

The International Day of Sign Languages 2024 celebrated on 23rd September, highlights the importance of sign languages in promoting inclusion for the Deaf community. This day holds special significance as it reminds us of the need for accessible communication for all. Sign languages are unique and essential for millions of Deaf individuals to express themselves and connect with the world. By recognizing this day, we acknowledge the rich culture and identity of the Deaf community, encouraging more people to learn and support sign languages. This celebration helps to improve a more inclusive society where everyone has the right to communicate and be understood.

Interesting Facts on Sign Languages

  • There isn't just one universal sign language; each country or region often has its own, like American Sign Language (ASL) or British Sign Language (BSL).

  • Sign languages use hand movements, facial expressions, and body language to convey meaning, making them unique and expressive.

  • Sign languages have their grammar and vocabulary, just like spoken languages, and can express complex ideas and emotions.

  • Learning sign language can improve cognitive skills, similar to learning any other language, and can be fun and rewarding.

International Day of Sign Languages 2024

History of the International Day of Sign Language

Here’s a simple table outlining the history of the International Day of Sign Languages:




The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) was established.


WFD proposed the observance of the International Day of Sign Languages.


The United Nations General Assembly officially adopted the proposal.


The first International Day of Sign Languages was celebrated on 23rd September.


Annual celebrations continue to raise awareness about the importance of sign languages and promote the rights of Deaf individuals worldwide.

How Many Types of Sign Language Are There?

There are over 300 distinct sign languages used globally. These languages differ from one country to another. Even in places where the same spoken language is used, sign languages can have various regional accents, leading to subtle differences in how signs are used and understood.

International Day of Sign Languages

The International Day of Sign Languages is celebrated annually on 23rd September. This day emphasizes the critical role that sign languages play in protecting the rights of Deaf individuals around the world. It was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2018, marking the beginning of a global effort to raise awareness about the importance of sign languages in communication, education, and social inclusion. The day also serves to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and unique identity of the Deaf community. Various events and activities are organised to advocate for the recognition of sign languages in legal and educational systems, ensuring that Deaf individuals have the same opportunities to participate fully in society as everyone else.

International Day of Sign Languages 2024 Theme

This day is a special chance to support and celebrate the language and culture of Deaf people and those who use sign language. The 2024 Sign Language Day will focus on “emphasising the unity that sign languages bring”.

Each year, the International Day of Sign Languages has a theme that focuses on different aspects of sign language and the Deaf community. The theme for 2024 is expected to emphasise the growing need for the global recognition and support of sign languages. 

International Day of Sign Languages Quotes

The International Day of Sign Languages Quotes often inspire and emphasize the significance of sign language. Here are some powerful quotes:

  • "Sign language is the most human of all languages; it touches the soul." — George Veditz.

  • "Sign language is the bridge that connects the Deaf community with the hearing world."

  • "The true beauty of sign language is in its ability to convey emotions and ideas that go beyond words."

  • "Inclusion starts with understanding, and understanding starts with learning sign language."

  • "Sign language is not just a form of communication; it’s a language of the heart."

  • These quotes serve to remind us of the importance of sign languages in building communication and understanding across diverse communities.

Sign Language Unites Us

"Sign Language Unites Us" is a powerful message that highlights how sign language brings people together, regardless of whether they are Deaf or hearing. It emphasizes the role of sign language in creating connections and understanding between different communities. By learning and using sign language, individuals can break down communication barriers, fostering a sense of inclusion and equality. This message reminds us that sign language is not just a tool for the Deaf community but a universal means of communication that can unite us all, helping to improve a more connected and compassionate society.

Which organisation or Institution Recommended Observing the International Day of Sign Languages?



World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)

Suggested celebrating the International Day of Sign Languages to support Deaf people's rights and recognize sign languages worldwide.

United Nations General Assembly

Accepted the WFD's idea and officially made 23rd September the International Day of Sign Languages.


Helped promote the use of sign languages in schools and cultural activities around the world.

International Disability Alliance (IDA)

Worked to include sign language as part of wider efforts to support people with disabilities.

United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR)

Highlighted the need for sign language to protect the rights of Deaf people and supported the day.

International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Encouraged the use of sign language at work to ensure Deaf people have equal job opportunities.

International Day of Sign Languages Activities

International Day of Sign Languages Activities celebrate and highlight how important sign languages are for connecting and including everyone. These activities often include:

  • Workshops and Webinars: Educational sessions where participants can learn the basics of sign language and gain insights into the experiences of Deaf individuals.

  • Cultural Events: Performances by Deaf artists, including sign language poetry, storytelling, and music, that showcase the vibrant culture of the Deaf community.

  • Awareness Campaigns: Community events and social media initiatives focused on spreading awareness about the significance of sign languages and encouraging people to learn them.

  • School Programs: Special activities and lessons in schools where students are taught about the Deaf community and the importance of sign languages.

  • Advocacy Campaigns: Efforts to urge governments to officially recognize sign languages and to ensure that Deaf people have equal access to education, employment, and other opportunities.


The International Day of Sign Languages is a special occasion that reminds us of the power of communication and inclusion. Celebrating this day helps raise awareness about the importance of sign languages and the rights of Deaf individuals. The International Day of Sign Languages 2024 Theme will focus on further promoting sign language education and inclusion worldwide. By using sign languages, we can improve a more inclusive world where everyone is understood and valued, whether they can hear or not.

FAQs on International Day of Sign Languages: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

1. What is the theme of the International Day of Sign Languages?

This day is a special chance to support and celebrate the language and culture of Deaf people and those who use sign language. The 2024 Sign Language Day will focus on “emphasising the unity that sign languages bring”.

2. How to celebrate International Day of Sign Languages?

Many communities host events on the International Day of Sign Languages to celebrate sign language and Deaf culture. Support Deaf-owned businesses and organisations, and talk to friends, family, and colleagues about sign language and Deaf culture.

3. In which year was the first International Day of Sign Language celebrated?

The day was first celebrated in 2018 as part of the International Week of the Deaf. According to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are about 70 million Deaf people worldwide.

4. Which organisation or Institution Recommended Observing The International Day of Sign Languages?

The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) recommended observing the International Day of Sign Languages.

5. Which sign language is used in India?

Indian Sign Language (ISL): ISL is used by the Deaf community throughout India.

6. What is the colour of sign language day?

On the International Day of Sign Languages, blue lights are often used to show support. Blue is linked to the Deaf community, and together with other colours, it represents the diversity of humanity and languages.

7. What is the main idea of sign language?

Sign language involves using hand and body movements to communicate when spoken language isn't possible or preferred. This method of communication likely dates back further than spoken language.

8. What is the international sign language called?

Often called International Sign, it may also be known as Gestuno or International Sign Pidgin. This term, used by the World Federation of the Deaf and other groups, refers to a sign language used internationally.

9. What is sign language called?

ASL is a full, natural language with its grammar, different from English, and shares the same linguistic properties as spoken languages.

10. How many types of sign language are there?

There are over 300 different sign languages used worldwide. They vary by country, and even within the same country, sign languages can have regional differences.