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English Grammar Class 3 - PDF


English Grammar Class 3 - Download Free PDF With Solutions

One of the main subjects in the CBSE curriculum for Class 3 is English. English is now regarded as an official language in many countries. English grammar syllabus for Class 3 includes interesting topics like nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, adjectives, etc. that are interactively created to make your child eagerly love learning English grammar. 

Communicating in English effectively requires a solid command of the subject. English is taught as a crucial subject in schools due to its importance as a communication tool. Class 3 English grammar has the same weightage as other crucial subjects like Math and EVS to help students enhance their language skills. The curriculum focuses on teaching the essential skills of reading, writing, and speaking the language and helping students grasp the different parts of speech found in Class 3 English Grammar.

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English Grammar for Class 3 Download Free PDF

In today’s lesson, we will discuss the basic components of English grammar. The topics included are sentences, parts of a sentence, nouns, gender of a noun, number of a noun, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, punctuations and tenses. The mentioned topics have been discussed in detail along with the illustrations. Practice questions and solved examples are given throughout the article for better understanding and concept clarity. Let’s begin the journey on this amazing topic.

Introduction to Grammar

Introduction to Grammar


  • A sentence is a collection of words that makes sense or is meaningful. 

  • A sentence consists of a subject and object. They are joined using a supporting verb.

  • For example, The dog is playing. In this sentence, “The dog” is the subject and “is playing” is the predicate.

Parts of Sentences

  • A sentence is composed mainly of two parts which are one is the subject and another is the predicate. 

  • The subject is the main part of a sentence followed by a description. 

  • The predicate refers to what is described by the subject which could be a thing or place or any noun. A subject is a noun or pronoun and a predicate is composed of action words or phrases which are done by the subject.

Types of Sentences

Types of Sentences

  • Sentences could be four types based on the purposes like describing, questioning, ordering, requesting or expressing emotions of surprise. 

  • Examples of sentences are, he is a boy.

  • What a beautiful flower!

  • Who is your mathematics teacher?

  • What is your name?




  • The noun is an integral part of a sentence.

  • It could be the name of a person, the name of a thing, or the name of a place. 

  • The nouns could be of different types.

  • Proper nouns denote a particular person, place, or thing.

  • Collective nouns refer to a collection of things like pebbles and trophies.

  • Abstract nouns refer to words that can only be felt and can’t be seen or heard in real life like happiness, love, and sorrow.

Nouns Representation

Nouns Representation


Types of Nouns

Types of Nouns

Gender of a Noun

  • Nouns could be masculine, feminine or neuter.

  • For example, the men live in that room.

  • The women live in that room.

  • Men is a masculine noun whereas women is a feminine noun.

Noun Number

  • A countable noun could be singular or plural.

  • To change a singular noun into a plural, the suffixes like ‘s’ and ‘es’ are added to them.

  • For example, Fish is singular and fishes are plural.




  • Pronouns are words that could be used in the place of a noun in a sentence

  • A pronoun is capable of replacing a noun in a sentence.

  • For example, It is a pronoun used instead of a dog.

  • He is a doctor. “He” is used instead of the name of the doctor.

  • She is a swimmer. “She” is used instead of the name of the swimmer.

Examples of sentences with pronouns:

  • She is dancing.

  • They are singing.

  • He is presenting a video.

  • She has a lot of pets.

  • It is a beautiful garden.


  • Prepositions are words that denote the location of a noun or a pronoun.

  • For example, the book is on the table. In this sentence, ‘on’ is a preposition as it shows the location of the book.

  • The cat is under the table.

  • The pen is inside the box.

  • The coffee cup is on the saucer.

  • The woman is in the house.


  • The words that join together two sentences, clauses, phrases or words.

  • The cat and mouse are running.

  • The bat and ball are in the box.

  • You can eat amla or orange.


  • Punctuation is a collection of symbols that are used in our sentences to make them clearer to read and understand.

  • We must use proper punctuation marks while writing English. 

  • Examples of punctuation marks are Full stop (.), Comma (,), Question Mark (?), Dash (-), Semi-Colon (;), Apostrophe (‘), Mark of Exclamation (!), Inverted Commas (” “), etc.

  • Will you pick me up tonight?

  • Hurray! We won.

  • My hobbies are dancing, reading, playing sports and reading.


  • Tenses denote the time during which action has taken place.

  • The different types of tenses are present, past and future tenses.

  • Present tense denotes an action happening in the present. For example, He is dancing inside the temple.

  • Past tense denotes an action that has already happened in the past. For example, He danced inside the temple.

  • Future tense denotes an action that will/ might happen. For example, He will dance inside the temple.


Difficult Words with  Meanings















In this chapter, we started with the definition of a sentence, its parts, nouns, noun number, gender of a noun, pronoun, prepositions, conjunctions, punctuations and tenses. A sentence has a subject followed by a predicate. Nouns denote names of different things whereas pronouns are substitutes for nouns. Tenses denote the time during which action has taken place. We then discussed the types of nouns and tenses. Practice Questions along with the answers and the meaning of the difficult words have been discussed in the end. 

Practice Questions

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable nouns/ pronouns/ conjunctions/ prepositions. Add appropriate punctuation if required.

  1. Tina left ___ sandal outside

  2. He is a smart ___

  3. Sheetal ___ Harry worked hard to become an Entrepreneur.

  4. Kids are having ____ brunch.

  5. Last night, she ate crunchies ___ watching a movie.

  6. Sheela has finished the food ___ her plate.


2. Identify the subject and predicate in each of these sentences

  1. He loves taking a walk.

  2. Sam hates snakes.

  3. Sheela completed her work.

  4. The cat chases the mouse.



1. Fill in the blanks with suitable nouns/ pronouns/ conjunctions/ prepositions

  1. Tina left her sandal outside.

  2. He is a smart boy.

  3. Sheetal and Harry worked hard to become entrepreneurs.

  4. Kids are having their brunch.

  5. Last night, she ate crunchies while watching a movie.

  6. Sheela has finished the food on her plate.


2. Identify the subject and predicate in each of these sentences

  1. He/(Subject) loves taking a walk/(Predicate)

  2. Sam/(Subject) hates snakes/(Predicate)

  3. Sheela/(Subject) completed her work/(Predicate)

  4. The cat/(Subject) chases the mouse/(Predicate)


Benefits of English Grammar For Class 3 

As previously said, if they have a basic grasp of grammar, children will have a solid basis for verbal and written communication. It is the fundamental advantage of grammar topics for Class 3. Children will gain from learning grammar in the following ways.

  • Listening: Children who comprehend grammar will be able to listen to the language being spoken and interpret it using syntax, tense, and word choice. 

  • Speaking: Children would not be able to use the full spectrum of English if they do not have a firm grasp of grammar, much like with listening. 

  • Writing: While speaking and listening are more frequently utilized daily, accurate writing requires a thorough understanding of grammar. It helps kids academically because writing well is important for success in all subjects.

  • Reading: A solid grasp of language improves our reading abilities, like writing. Without it, it would be impossible for us to recognize grammatical clues that affect meaning and the author's intention.

Important Grammar Topics For Class 3

The English textbook used in CBSE Class 3 curriculum prescribes the book ‘Marigold’. Class 3 English Grammar syllabus covers the different parts of speech, comprehension passages, and tense identification. The major topics covered in this book are - 

  • Nouns - Common and Proper nouns; Countable and Uncountable Nouns; Collective Nouns 

  • Nouns - Gender; Singular and Plural

  • Possessions 

  • Use of the articles - A, An, and The 

  • Pronouns 

  • Adjectives 

  • Main Verbs and Helping Verbs (has, have, had, do, did )

  • Simple Present and Simple Past 

  • Adverbs 

  • Prepositions 

  • Linking Words 

  • Comprehension 

Class 3 English Grammar PDF Overview

  • Our Class 3 English worksheets are created in an engaging format with interactive material that immediately captures young students' interest. 

  • It has a fantastic collection of English grammar activities for Class 3. 

  • Your children will undoubtedly benefit from these Class 3 English grammar worksheets since they will enjoy completing them and help them remember the concepts for extended periods. 

  • This PDF by Vedantu consists of several questions related to all the topics of English grammar for Class 3 with answers

  • Kids should learn these English Grammar concepts because it enables them to interact with their classmates, teachers, and other officials at school. 

  • The simple design of the worksheet for Class 3 English grammar considers the young minds' capacity to absorb information.

Vedantu is among the best e-learning platforms in India. To give the best learning experience to your little one, check out the worksheet for Class 3 English grammar and provide them with the gift of fun learning. So why are you still waiting? Watch your kids succeed in school with flying colours with the help of our study materials.

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FAQs on English Grammar Class 3 - PDF

1. What is the variation between countable and uncountable nouns?

A countable noun is anything that we can count. It can be singular like a friend or plural like five books, etc. On the other hand, an uncountable noun is one that we can't count. Though, we can measure it, like water. 

2. How do you improve the comprehension skills of Class 3 students?

Many students find that speaking the words aloud helps them comprehend what they are reading more fully than when reading silently in their mind. If your child is having trouble understanding a particular passage from a book or a particular word, encourage them to read aloud.

3. What is a collective noun?

A collective noun has a singular appearance yet refers to a collection of individuals or things. Collective nouns include terms like army, swarm, and flock.