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English Grammar Class 3 Apostrophe - PDF

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
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English Grammar Class 3 Apostrophe - Download Free PDF with Solutions

In English, specific punctuation marks can be used for various purposes. The apostrophe is a prime example. Different instances in the usage of the English language employ apostrophes. It's hard to imagine that such a tiny symbol could cause trouble, yet incorrect apostrophe placement can lead to confusion. 

A typographical error might also make your work appear less professional. Therefore, it's important to understand how to utilize apostrophes properly. Apostrophes for Class 3 are introduced to make students aware of this symbol at a young age to ensure a good understanding of this punctuation mark.

English Grammar for Class 3 Apostrophe Download Free PDF

The article lesson will teach your class how apostrophes are used as contractions and possessive expressions. These text-based lessors by lots of examples, applications, and hands-on learning activities. The article provides practice questions and solved examples for better understanding and clarity of the idea. Let's start our journey on this beautiful topic. Stay tuned.

Introduction to Apostrophe

Introduction to Apostrophe


The mark (') used in writing to show that a letter or number has been omitted, or before or after s to show possession.



Apostrophe Use: Contractions and Omissions

A word (or set of words) that lacks specific letters or sounds is said to be contracted. An apostrophe is used to indicate missing letters in contractions. The most typical contractions are formed by adding verbs, auxiliary verbs, or modals to other words:

Without using Apostrophe

After using Apostrophe

He would


I have


They are


Here is


Apostrophes and Possessive Nouns

The apostrophe usage requirements for possessive nouns are possibly the most confusing. They vary a little, depending on what type of noun you make into a possessive. Here are the rules of thumb:

Add an apostrophe and an ‘s’ to most singular nouns:

Example: The leashes for the dogs’ (multiple dogs), the writing tables, (multiple tables) and atmospheres of the planets’ (multiple planets).

For plural nouns that do not end in s, add apostrophe +s:

Example: The children’s toys and the geese’s migration route.

Different style manuals have different suggestions for what to do with singular proper nouns that end in s. Some recommend adding only an apostrophe:

For example Charles Dickens’ novels Kansas’ main airport.

Others say to add apostrophe +s:

Example: Charles Dickens’s novels Kansas’s main airport.

Either way conveys the same meaning. They are just two styles of writing.

Irrespective of the style manual you choose, only apostrophes should be used with plural proper nouns that finish in s:

Example: The Harrises’ house and The Smiths’ vacation.

Types of Apostrophes

Types of Apostrophe

Types of Apostrophes

Apostrophes are available in two types: smart and straight. To use them properly, it helps to know how they work.

  • Smart

  • Straight 

Smart apostrophes, or curly or typographic apostrophes, are professional-looking marks preferred by most publishers. You probably get word processors by default thanks to a feature called smart quotes. Smart apostrophes are the tags you'll see in this paragraph and throughout this post.

On the other hand, straight apostrophes are what you normally get when smart quotes are not allowed.

Uses of Apostrophe

1. To Show Possession

To see if you have a possessive, turn over the phrase and make the phrase "of...".

Example: newspaper column = the newspaper column

To show possession with a singular noun, add 's to the word's singular (even though it ends with the letter s.)

Example: the owner's car.

Example: James' hat.

To plural forms that don't end in s, add 's.

Example: child's play

Example: geese’s shooting

Adds to the end of plural nouns that end in s.

Example: roofs of houses Example: letters from three friends

Add to the last noun in the do group

to show joint ownership of the item.

Example: Todd and Anne’s apartment.

2. To show the omission of letters

In case of contractions, one or more letters (or numbers) were omitted. The apostrophe shows this omission.

Contractions are common only in

speaking and informal writing.


I don't know much about him = I do not know much about him.

I’m eating my breakfast = I am eating my breakfast.

3. To form the plural letters, numbers, and symbols

Although apostrophes are not usually used to form plurals, they are inserted to form the plural letters, numbers, and symbols.



Two A's = two letters that become both to be A.

Nita got A' s on her biology quizzes.

Six 5's = six numbers that are 5 each.

There are six 5's in the total marks in my answer sheet.

p's and q's = a phrase indicating politeness, possibly from "mind your pleases and thankyous"?

Sunita’s mother constantly stressed minding one's p's and q's

Mistakes to Avoid While Including Apostrophe

The apostrophe is a real grammatical villain! Here's the biggest error related to apostrophes:

(Serious Mistake) Don't use an apostrophe just because your word ends with an "s".

Don't be tempted to put an apostrophe in a word just because it ends with an "s". For example:

  • An anteater prefer’s termites to ants. (Wrong)

  • Anteaters prefer termites to ants. (Correct)

Here is another example:

  • Time flie’s like an arrow. A fruit fly is like a banana. (Wrong)

  • Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. (Correct)





are the process of something becoming smaller or shorter.


something that was not included; the act of not including someone/something


to be able to trust; rely on


relating to, occurring in, or used in typography or typesetting


to do something in a way that shows skill, training, or care


a machine or person who processes things


despite that


to insert something into something or between two things


to try to persuade or entice someone to do something, even if it is the wrong one


a type of knife used as a weapon, especially in the past.


An apostrophe, more commonly known as a punctuation mark, can also refer to an exclamation point. The definition of an apostrophe as a literary device is when the speaker stops addressing one party and instead addresses a third party. This third party may be an individual, present, or absent from the scene. Inanimate objects like a dagger or immaterial ideas like death or the sun can also be the subject. Because there is a clear speaker and a change of addressee, the apostrophe occurs most often in games. However, it is sometimes found in poetry and prose.

Practice Questions

1. State whether the apostrophe placed in the following sentence is correct or not

  • She Confirmed that the handbag was hers.

  • Yes, your’e right!

  • She dots her I’s with little hearts.

2. List the words that each contraction denotes.

  • Don’t

  • Haven’t

  • won’t

  • isn’t

  • I’m

3. Write the appropriate contraction for each group of words.

  • He would

  • Has not

  • She is

  • We have

  • They had



  • True

  • False, the correct answer is you’re.

  • True


  • Do not

  • Have not

  • Will not

  • Is not

  • I am


  • He’d

  • Hasn’t

  • She’s

  • We’ve

  • They’d

Importance of The Apostrophes

  • An apostrophe is a form of punctuation mark that resembles a floating comma. When an apostrophe is used in a contraction, it is similar to a substitute. 

  • When two words are connected to form one, the combination is called a contraction. An apostrophe is used in place of some letters in words. The apostrophe replaces the missing letters.

  • The possessive case, the plurals of numerals and letters, and the absence of one or more letters from a word are all presented by the apostrophe. 

  • It can be misused in various contexts, such as plural letters, to denote possession of "it" or to illustrate contractions. 

  • As the meaning of words or sentences gets altered without proper use of apostrophes, it is crucial to utilize them correctly.

  • According to the CBSE Class 3 English syllabus, as children acquire third standard English, they begin to understand new words and symbols of English grammar. 

  • Additionally, they learn the correct pronunciation and vocabulary at this level through intensive language training. 

Therefore, it's crucial that kids like studying rather than feel overwhelmed by it, which can lead them to withhold their studies altogether. So Class 3 apostrophe examples are explained in detail in this worksheet for an easy understanding of the concept.

Apostrophe Examples For Grade 3

  • The dresses belonging to the students - Students' dresses

  • The toys belonging to the girl - Girl's toys 

  • The books belonging to the boys - Boys' books

Facts Related To Apostrophe For Class 3 

1. If something belongs to a singular noun that does not end in "s", use an apostrophe before an "s" plus the letter "s" after the noun when writing about it. For example:

  • The dog's fur was black.

2. If something belongs to a plural noun that does not end in "s" (men), use an apostrophe before an "s" plus the letter "s" after the noun. For example:

  • The children's books were on the shelf.

3. If something belongs to a compound noun, add an apostrophe plus "s" at the end of the word. For example:

  • Her sister-in-law's cousin is a doctor.

Important Topics of The Apostrophe For Class 3

The chapter on apostrophes for the 3rd standard majorly covers the use of the apostrophe for showing possession. It includes pictorial exercises along with fill-in-the-blanks and other types of questions.  

What Does The Class 3 English Apostrophes PDF Teach Us?

  • For the first and second term exams, Class 3 English Grammar Chapter 9 Apostrophe ('s) usage and rules have been modified under the most recent CBSE Syllabus 2022-2023. 

  • In this PDF, students will learn how to utilize apostrophes with common terms in short sentences. 

  • Exercises with sample questions are provided for practice purposes and aid in teaching students the full range of apostrophe ideas. 

  • Class 3 English grammar apostrophe solutions are also provided in this PDF. 

Verify your child's work frequently to ensure they aren't making mistakes. They will quickly become adept at correctly using apostrophes with some practice. Vedantu's worksheets for Class 3 students will help your kid understand the concept well. Also, Apostrophe examples for grade 3 will help them to excel.

FAQs on English Grammar Class 3 Apostrophe - PDF

1. What are the major uses of the apostrophe?

1) To demonstrate possession

2) To demonstrate letter omissions

2. Why are apostrophes used in books?

In literary works, apostrophes draw the reader's attention to anything other than the speaker. Targeting an absent person or a third party with an apostrophe is common. Other times, they concentrate on a nonliving thing, a location, or even an impersonal concept. 

3. What are some of the common verb contractions we use in daily life?

We frequently are unaware of our usage of contractions in spoken language. We frequently utilize verb abbreviations even when writing. Some of the most commonly used contractions in ordinary speech are -

  • I’m - I am

  • Can’t - Cannot

  • Don’t - Do not

  • Won’t - Will not