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English Grammar Class 5 Modals


English Grammar Class 5 - Download Free PDF With Solutions

Modals can be difficult, especially when using them in a sentence, as they act as the helping verb. Can you use modals in a sentence properly? Do you know about their usage? If you are struggling to learn modals or have any confusion about modals for class 5, this article will guide you for easy learning. So, let’s start!

What are Modals in English Grammar?

Modals refer to the helping verbs used in a sentence to express specific hypothetical situations like requests, capability, or advice. Modals are always used with a main verb. The most common modal verbs are- may, might, shall, should, can, could, will, would, and must.

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Benefits of Learning Modals for Class 5

  • It is very important to know the use of modals in English grammar as these verbs are widely used in the English language.

  • Modal verbs are used in a sentence to create nuances of expression.

  • Some of the modal verbs are the verbs that are used to express politeness while proposing a suggestion or asking a question.


Examples of Modals Class 5

  • I can play the flute.

  • She must come to tomorrow’s class. 

  • You should not skip school. 

  • The train might get delayed because of the heavy rainfall.

Facts about Modals Class 5

Use of Modals in English Grammar

Modal: Can 




I can help you to pass the examination.


She can fail if she doesn’t study hard.


Can you tell my friend to call me tomorrow?


I can play tennis.

Taking permission

Can I borrow your English grammar book?

Modal: Must




Your father must be late for his office due to the traffic jam.


You must read this book.


You must eat vegetables.

Modal: Might



Offering hesitantly

Might I help your brother with his homework?


She might be late for today’s class.

Modals: Could 



Ability (in the past)

I could go to the playground anytime I wanted.

Questioning politely

Could I watch TV for 10 minutes, please?


It could get very cold in Kashmir.

Requesting politely

Could I help her, please?

Suggesting politely

You could go to the hills last summer vacation.

Offering politely

I could give her my notebook if she needed it.

Modals: Will



Demand, wish, request

Will you give me your notebook?


I will call you every day.


I think she will be late for class again.

Modals: Would 



Request, wish

Would you play badminton with me?

Past habits

Sometimes she would borrow my story books.

Modals: Shall



Giving suggestions

You shall work out every morning.

Modals: May not




You may not awake late at night.

Modals: Ought to 




You ought to study every morning.


You ought to stop eating junk food every day.

Modals: Need to



Something that is not necessary

You need not attend the music class as our music teacher is out of town.

Important Topics of Class 5 English Grammar Modals

In this chapter, you will learn:

  • What are modals in English grammar?

  • Use of modals in English grammar

  • Practising modals exercises for class 5 CBSE with answers


The Free PDF is best for taking modal notes for class 5 students. All modal verbs and their usage are briefly introduced in the PDF with many examples. The modals exercises for class 5 in the PDF will be very helpful for your kids to practice the chapter after reading the explanations. You can use this PDF as the worksheet on modals for class 5 and make their learning more fun-filling and easy.

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FAQs on English Grammar Class 5 Modals

1. What is the speciality of modals?

Modals are the helping verb that affects or changes the form of other verb/verbs in the sentence.

2. How many modal verbs are present in English Grammar?

There are 9 moral verbs in English: can, will, shall, may, could, should, might, would, and could. There are other moral verbs called quasi-modal verbs like has to, ought to, and need to.

3. When are modal verbs used in a sentence?

Modal verbs are used in a sentence for many purposes like expressing ability, possibility, request, suggestion, asking or granting permission, necessity, commanding, habit, and likelihood.