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CBSE Class 7 Science Light Worksheets with Answers - Chapter 15 - PDF


Class 7 Worksheets for Science on Vedantu

CBSE Class 7 Science Light Worksheets with Answers for Chapter 15 in PDF format to download prepared by expert Science teachers from the latest edition of CBSE(NCERT) books. Register Online for NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science tuition on Vedantu to score more marks in CBSE board examination. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Maths Students who are looking for the better solutions ,can download Class 7 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Vedantu CBSE chapter-by-chapter worksheets are a simple tool for determining a student's strengths and weaknesses. Parents should assist the child in better understanding by re-teaching him. This will reduce parents' anxiety because each chapter's worksheet and progress will make it easier to work on rather than the full curriculum; each subject can be covered, analysed, dealt with, and moved on. When it comes to concepts, these will be really helpful because students will be able to quickly figure out what is bothering the child and which section of the lesson it is. When done properly, worksheets are excellent tools.

Important Topics in CBSE class 7 Science Light Chapter-15

The NCERT curriculum is primarily used by the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE). Students taking the class 7 Science exam in 2024-25 should be familiar with the most recent and updated syllabus. Students must understand the CBSE Class 7 Science syllabus in order to flourish in the subject. This level of knowledge is critical because it allows you to grasp the fundamental concepts of the Science subject and ensures a high result on the Class 7 yearly exam. The Class 7 Science syllabus for 2024-25 is divided into 18 chapters that cover a wide range of theory-based and application-based science activities.


Topic name


Light travels along a straight line




Right or left


Playing with spherical mirrors


Images formed by lenses


Sunlight - white or coloured

Short Notes on CBSE Class 7 Chapter - 15 Light

What Exactly is Light?

Light is a type of energy that our eyes can perceive as a sort of radiation. Because of light, we can see our environment. From one place to another, light travels in a straight line. For example, if we gaze at a candle's flame using a straight pipe, we can clearly see the candle. We can't see the candle or the light coming through the pipe if we bend it, though, because it's blocked.

Light Reflection:

When light strikes an object, it is either absorbed or reflected back to the source. The phenomenon of an object reflecting the light that falls on it is known as light reflection. As a result, the course of light is altered through reflection.

Any shiny surface that can reflect light is referred to as a mirror. A flat-surfaced mirror is known as a plane mirror. A Curved Mirror is a curved mirror that bulges in one direction or out the other.

What Exactly is an Image?

Light reflects off of a mirror, it creates a picture of the item in front of it. The impression of an object formed by the light on the mirror is known as the image of an object. The distance between the image and the mirror, as well as the distance between the item and the mirror, is always the same. When the distance between the item and the mirror is increased or decreased, the distance between the image and the mirror is similarly increased or decreased.

The size of the picture generated on the mirror, on the other hand, can change depending on the distance between the object and the mirror. The size of the picture decreases as the distance between the item and the mirror rises, and vice versa. If the image is produced with the same side up as the item, it is said to be erect. If the image is generated upside-down in comparison to the object, it is called Inverted.

The Laws of Light Reflection: 

  • Incident Ray - An incident ray is a light ray that strikes a reflecting surface.

  • Reflected Ray - A Reflected Ray is a light ray that is reflected back from a reflecting surface.

  • At the point of incidence of Incident Ray, the normal is a line that is perpendicular to the reflected plane.

Reflection Styles:

The reflection of light varies depending on the surface of the reflecting object.

  • Diffused Reflection (or Irregular Reflection): In this sort of reflection, light rays falling on the surface are reflected back in a random pattern. This is most likely to happen with an uneven or rough-surfaced object.

  • Regular Reflection: The light rays that fall on the surface of the reflecting item reflect back in a specific direction in this sort of reflection. The rays that are reflected are always parallel to one other. This is more common when the surface is smooth and polished.

Mirrors That are Spherical:

Spherical mirrors have a sphere-like form, as the name implies. It has the appearance of being a sphere. Spherical mirrors are divided into two categories:

  • A spherical mirror having an inwardly curved reflecting surface is known as a concave mirror.

  • A convex mirror is a spherical mirror with a curved reflecting surface that faces outwards.


A lens is a curved portion of a reflective substance such as glass or plastic that is curved on both sides. Lenses differ from mirrors in that they only have one side with a reflecting surface. A lens can be classified into one of the following categories based on its shape:

  • A lens that curves outwards is referred to as a convex lens. It's thicker in the middle and gets thinner as it gets closer to the edges. At a particular point, it blends the light rays going through it. As a result, it's also known as a Converging Lens.

  • Concave Lenses are inwardly curved lenses. It has a thinner centre and larger margins. It refracts the light that passes through it in a variety of directions. As a result, it's also known as a Diverging Lens.

What is a Rainbow in the Sunlight?

A rainbow is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the sun's light is reflected and refracted by water droplets in the atmosphere. A rainbow is a band of seven colours that appears in the sky as an arc — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

This also indicates that the sun's white light contains seven different coloured lights that separate owing to refraction (called a Spectrum of Lights). The following diagram depicts the white light spectrum: Rainbows, soap bubbles, the surface of a CD, and prisms are just a few examples.

Newton's Disc: 

To make Newton's disc, divide a disc into seven segments and paint each of them with the rainbow's seven colours. When the disc is turned quickly in daylight, all of the colours tend to blend, giving the disc a white appearance.

Tips to Excel CBSE Class 7 Science:

  • Have the correct attitude: When you're excited to learn about a topic, studying becomes a fun pastime. When you are confident in the concepts you've learned and have completed numerously solved practise questions, preparing for a test or exam becomes a lot easier. Knowing why you're learning something makes it easier to understand.

  • Collect the necessary resources: All you need to prepare for your Class 7 exams is NCERT books and askIITians study material, exam papers, and NCERT solutions. We provide you with the greatest tutors in India, as well as an online Test Series and an active Q&A forum where you can get quick answers to all of your questions and concerns.

  • Create a conducive learning environment: To study, get a comfy workstation and chair. Make sure you're getting enough light that isn't too harsh on your eyes. To avoid being too cold or too overheated when studying, dress appropriately for the season. If the temperature is a little cooler, though, you may be able to stay awake and concentrated for longer.

  • Distract yourself as little as possible: Experts at Vedantu advise that you study in a separate room or a corner facing the wall. If necessary, noise-cancelling headphones can be used to block out the noise. Some pupils find that listening to soft instrumental music helps them concentrate on what they're reading.

Class 7 Online Coaching at Vedantu

According to the New Education Policy, Class 7 is the second year of middle school in the Indian education system (NEP). Vedantu provides CBSE online coaching to kids in Class 7 and views it as a warm-up time for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) hopefuls. We recognise that Class 7 is a critical stage in a student's development of an interest in disciplines such as physics, mathematics, biology, and chemistry. As a result, the Vedantu CBSE Class 7 materials go through all of the principles and topics in great detail and clear, easy-to-understand terms.

Vedantu was the first to offer online school coaching programmes. To provide the best learning experience for Class 7 pupils and solutions for free, we have excellent and trained professors, awesome and specialised digital content, and the most up-to-date infrastructure. Get in touch with us right away to find out how we can help you boost your marks in class.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 7 Science Light Worksheets with Answers - Chapter 15 - PDF

1. How can I download CBSE class 7 Science worksheets for free?

You may get all of the free Science worksheets for standard 7th grade in PDF format. Class 7 chapter-wise solutions in Science have been covered by our teachers by the current academic year's curriculum. All of the test sheets and question banks for Class 7 Science, as well as CBSE Worksheets for Science Class 7, would be extremely beneficial to Class 7 students in their preparation for upcoming tests and examinations. Students in class 7 are encouraged to download all printable workbooks in PDF format for free from the official website and links are given.

2. Please explain the concept of right-left inversion in the mirror.

The image generated by the mirror is always inverted from left to right. This indicates that the object's right side appears as the image's left side, and the object's left side appears as the image's right side. Consider a man who examines himself in the mirror. The right arm looks to be the same as the left arm, and vice versa.

The word 'AMBULANCE' is painted reversed left-right on an ambulance.

This is due to the mirror's image being inverted from left to right. The driver of the vehicle ahead of the ambulance in its rearview mirror would be able to read the word ambulance printed inverted left-right. The word left-right smart will be inverted once more by the rearview mirror.

3. What are the main differences between real and virtual images? Is this question important?

Yes, this is one of the important questions that are asked for exams. The answer to this question is:

  • Real Image: When light rays reflect and meet at the same location, an actual image is created. It can be viewed on a computer monitor. It's always the other way around. Concave mirror shaped.

  • Virtual Image: When light rays reflect and diverge from the same place, a virtual image is created. It is not viewable on a computer screen. It's always upright. Convex, Concave, and Plane Mirrors Created.

4. Why should I use these worksheets for practising? Are they really important?

Every question is answered correctly to make the topics easier to grasp for the pupils. Various charts and graphs are also included in the solutions to help students study more effectively. The faculty at Vedantu develops solutions by the CBSE board's most recent syllabus and recommendations. Students under the CBSE board can use the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 15 as a resource. Students will do better on the yearly test if they solve the textbook questions together with these solutions.

5. Can you briefly explain the applications of convex and concave mirrors?

Here is the answer to the question. Read the answer properly. This might come in handy during exams. Applications of concave-shaped mirrors:

  • Satellite dishes employ a concave mirror to collect all of the signals and reflect them on a specific point. A concave mirror is used by dentists to reflect light on a specific tooth.

  • The form of a shaving mirror is concave. A car's headlights have a concave mirror to reflect light back straight on the path. Torches employ concave mirrors as well.

Convex Mirrors Have a Variety of Uses.

  • Convex mirrors are used in the rearview mirrors because they provide a larger view of the road behind you. Near an ATM, security mirrors are convex so that the user may see if somebody is observing from behind.