Important Questions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 4 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 10 English (Footprints Without Feet) Important Questions Chapter 4 - A Question of Trust
1. Who is Horace Danby in Class 10 English, Chapter 4, 'A Question of Trust'?
Horace Danby is a respected lock-maker who secretly steals once a year to fund his passion for rare books. He carefully plans his burglaries, ensuring he leaves no evidence behind. However, despite his careful planning, he falls victim to a clever trick that leads to his arrest.
2. Why does Horace Danby steal in 'A Question of Trust'?
Horace loves rare and expensive books, but he cannot afford them with his regular earnings. To satisfy his desire, he robs a safe every year, stealing only enough to buy the books he wants, making sure he can live a modest life otherwise.
3. Who is the mysterious woman in 'A Question of Trust'?
The mysterious woman is an unknown thief who pretends to be the owner’s wife to trick Horace. She convinces him to open the safe for her and takes the jewels, leaving Horace to face the consequences when he is later arrested for the theft.
4. How does the woman trick Horace in Class 10 English, Chapter 4, 'A Question of Trust'?
The woman, appearing as the homeowner’s wife, pretends to be in need of her jewels and convinces Horace to open the safe for her. Trusting her story, Horace helps her without wearing gloves, leaving his fingerprints behind, which ultimately leads to his capture.
5. What is the main theme of 'A Question of Trust'?
The story explores the themes of trust and deception. Horace’s belief in his own skills and his misplaced trust in the woman ultimately leads to his downfall, highlighting how trust can be exploited and how dishonesty can have unexpected consequences.
6. Why does Horace get caught in 'A Question of Trust'?
Horace gets caught because he opens the safe without gloves, leaving his fingerprints behind. When he tries to explain that he was tricked, no one believes him, as the real wife of the house denies any involvement, leading to his arrest.
7. How does Horace feel about the woman who tricked him in 'A Question of Trust'?
Horace feels bitter and angry about being tricked by someone in the same “profession” as him. He realises that he was outsmarted by someone more cunning and now doubts the idea of “honour among thieves.”
8. What lesson does Horace learn in Class 10 English, Chapter 4, 'A Question of Trust'?
Horace learns that even the most carefully planned crime can go wrong when you trust the wrong person. His experience with the woman teaches him that misplaced trust can have serious consequences, even for someone as skilled as he is.
9. Why is the title 'A Question of Trust' suitable for this story?
The title reflects the story’s main idea: Horace’s trust in the wrong person leads to his downfall. His misplaced trust in the mysterious woman results in him getting arrested for her crime, highlighting how trust can be a dangerous factor in the world of crime.
10. How does the story 'A Question of Trust' challenge the idea of "honour among thieves"?
The story challenges the idea by showing how the woman, a fellow thief, exploits Horace’s trust to get what she wants, leaving him to take the blame. This twist in the story suggests that there is no true loyalty or honour, even among thieves.