CBSE Class 6 English A Pact with The Sun Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds Important Questions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 English A Pact with The Sun Chapter 1 - A Tale of Two Birds
1. Why was the king astonished when hearing the second bird's voice?
When the King rode his horse away from the tree near the cave, he reached an ashram. Soon, a voice greeted him, guiding him inside and asking him to drink water and rest. The king looked for the source of the voice. He saw a big, brown bird. What surprised him was that the bird looked exactly like the one he saw earlier, but the way it talked was entirely different. The bird was soft-spoken and respected the King.
2. How did the two birds get separated?
The Mother bird loved the baby birds. They lived together on a tall, shady tree. Soon the forest was faced with a big storm. Rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning destroyed the trees. The tree in which the birds lived also fell. One of the branches fell on the mother bird and she died. The strong wind blew the baby birds away. They landed in different places - one near a cave and the other near an ashram. The storm separated the birds.
3. What did the first bird say to the stranger?
The King was spending his day hunting. He saw a deer and followed it deep into the forest. The King was tired. He got off the horse and sat down to take some rest. He heard voices. The voice was said to come quickly and take away the jewellery and the horse of the person sitting there. He saw that it was a bird screaming. He heard noises coming from the cave. He got on his horse and rode away.
4. What did the second bird say to him?
He met another bird at the rishi’s ashram. The bird greeted the King politely, asking him to drink some water and take some rest till the rishi came back. The King was shocked when he saw the bird. He could see the similarity between the two birds. The only thing that differentiated the birds was how they conversed and behaved. One was polite and the other was the robbers’ friend. He was pleased with the way the second bird respected and treated him.
5. What do we learn from the story?
The story teaches us how one’s upbringing and company impact one’s life. The bird that landed near the cave soon learned the robber's language and stopped talking to his sibling. He learned the robbers' way of life. This could be seen in the way he treated others. The other bird landed near the rishi’s ashram and spoke politely, with respect and dignity because that is how he has seen others act. As the rishi said, one is known by the company one keeps.