FREE PDF of Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi (Durva) Chapter 11: Pongal (पोंगल)
FAQs on CBSE Class 7 Hindi (Durva) Chapter 11 Pongal (पोंगल) Important Questions
1. Should I use NCERT textbooks to prepare for the CBSE Class 7 examination?
Yes, you must use NCERT textbooks to prepare for CBSE class 7 examinations. NCERT textbooks stick to the CBSE curriculum so you do not have to look for other books. It provides in-depth knowledge and detailed explanation of every topic. It also comes with lots of practice questions which are very important from board examination point of view. The step-wise and detailed solutions to these practice questions are available on the website of Vedantu.
2. Which is the best platform among all online platforms for downloading chapter-wise revision notes, NCERT textbook solutions, Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 – Pongal?
Vedantu is a well-known and authentic source where you can get chapter-wise revision notes, NCERT textbook solutions, and previous year's questions in the form of a free-to-download PDF. The Chapter has been summarised in simple language by an experienced teacher so that the concept of the chapter can be easily understood.
3. Are Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 – Pongal enough to prepare for the examination?
Yes, Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 – Pongal are enough for exam preparation. They are explained in simple language, containing various concepts to consider when preparing for the exam. All resources are listed on Vedantu, providing all relevant study materials to help students achieve better results in their exams.
4. What is the right time for a student to solve Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 – Pongal?
Students should read the entire chapter and have a deep knowledge of the chapter before working on the key questions. Students should also know the chapter's key points and key events as it helps them solve key questions. Visit the website of Vedantu if you have any important questions.
5. How to download the Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 – Pongal?
Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 – Pongal are a great resource for students as they help them better understand chapter summaries and concepts. Students who cannot understand any part of the chapter can check the relevant answers explained in the Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 – Pongal available in the pdf format on the website of Vedantu. These solutions are completely available free of cost in pdf format.
6. What is the main theme of the chapter पोंगल?
अध्याय का मुख्य विषय पोंगल त्योहार का उत्सव, तमिल संस्कृति में इसकी महत्वता, और कृषि एवं प्रकृति के प्रति आभार है।
7. How long is the Pongal festival celebrated?
पोंगल चार दिनों तक मनाया जाता है, प्रत्येक दिन का अपना महत्व और रस्म होती है।
8. What are the main dishes prepared during Pongal?
पोंगल के दौरान बनाई जाने वाली मुख्य डिश एक विशेष चावल की डिश है जिसे "पोंगल" कहा जाता है, जिसे चावल, दूध, और गुड़ से बनाया जाता है।
9. What is the significance of the first day of Pongal?
पहले दिन, जिसे भोगी पोंगल कहा जाता है, पुराने सामान को त्यागने और नए प्रारंभ का उत्सव मनाने के रूप में मनाया जाता है।
10. How do families typically celebrate Pongal?
परिवार पोंगल का उत्सव पारंपरिक खाद्य पदार्थ बनाकर, अपने घरों को सजाकर, और सामुदायिक कार्यक्रमों और रस्मों में भाग लेकर मनाते हैं।
11. What is the role of the sun god in the Pongal festival?
पोंगल के दौरान सूर्य देवता की पूजा की जाती है क्योंकि उन्हें समृद्धि और अच्छे फसल लाने वाला माना जाता है।
12. What emotions are associated with the Pongal festival?
पोंगल त्योहार खुशी, आभार, और समुदाय की भावना से जुड़ा होता है, क्योंकि परिवार एक साथ मिलकर इसे मनाते हैं।
13. How does the chapter reflect the cultural significance of Pongal?
यह अध्याय पोंगल की सांस्कृतिक महत्वता को दर्शाता है, क्योंकि यह परंपराओं, रस्मों, और यह परिवारों और समुदायों में एकता को बढ़ावा देने की बात करता है।