CBSE Class 8 Social Science - Social and Political Life Important Questions Chapter 8 - Law and Social Justice - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science - Social and Political Life Chapter 8 - Law and Social Justice
1. Why are the laws important for social justice?
Laws are formed by the government. In a democracy like India, laws are formed by the representatives elected by eligible citizens. Laws are essential for ensuring the better and effective functioning of democracy. Laws protect us from exploitation and oppression. Laws provide us with certain rights to guard ourselves against any kind of injustice. There are several laws that also protect the environment. Laws protect children from child labour, workers from exploitation at the hands of employers’ and promote the welfare of all. Class 8 Social Science has important topic and has to be studied
2. Is making a law sufficient to protect our workers?
Lawmaking is an essential step in a functioning democracy. However, an equally important step in its implementation. Making a law is not going to help its intended beneficiaries unless the law is implemented on the ground in its letter and spirit. To ensure that laws protecting and benefitting the worker are being implemented, the government must inspect the working places regularly. Simultaneously, the government must also punish those who violate the laws. Therefore, the objective of the law of protecting the weaker section from the powerful and resourceful sections will be realized.
3. How can you ensure social justice for workers by making and enforcing the laws Class 8?
Various laws are made to protect the workers from the exploitation and oppression by employers. Laws are also made to ensure that workers are paid a minimum wage and that they work in a safe environment. Apart from making the laws, upholding the laws is also the responsibility of a government. Government shall inspect the workplaces, factories and other establishments to ensure that laws are abided by; they are working in a safe environment; are getting paid for working overtime and are paid minimum wages. The government must also punish the violators.
4. What factors led to Bhopal Gas Tragedy?
The worst industrial disaster in the world took place in India, in Bhopal. Methyl-isocyanate leaked from the gas plant and more than 8000 people died. Many who survived are to this date suffering from various ailments. Several factors led to the disaster. Firstly, safety laws in India were not strong. Secondly, even weak safety laws were not implemented. Thirdly, the government did not recognize the plant as hazardous, putting the lives of the residents in danger. The disaster underscored the need for strict laws and better enforcement.
5. What changes in Environment laws were brought after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy?
The Bhopal gas tragedy brought to light the lax safety laws that persisted in the country. The poisonous gas leaking from the plant killed thousands of innocent people and harmed the environment. The government introduced new laws and changes in the existing laws to protect the environment. Henceforth, the polluter-pays principle was implemented in India. The law states that the polluter will be responsible for the damage caused to the environment and will pay for it. Numerous judgments of the Supreme Court upheld Article 21 of the Constitution. The article includes the right to a clean environment and pollution-free water. The government has since the tragedy has taken its duty of enforcing the laws to protect individuals and punish the violator seriously.