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NCERT Notes 2022-23


NCERT Notes for Class 1 to 12 - Free PDF Download

NCERT notes are a collection of important topics and key points which helps students to gain complete understanding of the Units. Vedantu provides study material for students from class 1 to 12. Students can stop worrying and check out the reliable study material at Vedantu. PDFs of NCERT class 10 Science notes, class 12 Physics NCERT notes and many more are available for free download.

There are a few subjects such as Chemistry and Biology that are considered difficult to understand as claimed by the majority of students. At Vedantu, Chemistry class 12 NCERT notes and class 12 Biology NCERT notes include easy to understand explanations for students to avoid difficulties. 

Secondary level students of Class 10 and 9 can also find study material for their subjects. You are advised to access the NCERT class 10 Science notes and NCERT notes for class 9 Science for understanding the tricky scientific concepts.

The links to download the NCERT Notes for Class 1 to 12 are provided in the table below:

NCERT Notes for Class 1 to 12

NCERT Notes PDF for Classes 1 - 12

NCERT notes act as the best source to get a holistic understanding of Units. Students are advised to read every chapter thoroughly, write down their doubts and then take the help of NCERT short notes pdf to comprehend the topics completely.

NCERT Notes for Class 12

Class 12 NCERT notes for all subjects are provided. These notes are prepared under the guidelines prescribed by CBSE and cover the entire CBSE syllabus. For students of class 12th, it is very crucial to keep handy notes by their side for multiple revisions.

NCERT Notes for Class 11

NCERT notes for class 11 are given for you to download. Find the links provided below for NCERT notes that cover the CBSE class 11 Syllabus.

NCERT Class 10 Notes

If you are looking for clearing your doubts, summarised topics and a source to prepare for your board exams then look nowhere because at Vedantu you can find PDFs of NCERT notes for all subjects. Some students might find Science being a difficult subject, if this is the case then check out NCERT class 10 Science notes to easily understand the chapters.

NCERT Notes for Class 9

Download NCERT notes for class 9 to prepare for class 9 final examination. Find subject-wise PDFs NCERT notes, prepared by experts to help you perform well.

NCERT Notes for Class 8

NCERT notes for class 8 are an important source for preparation. Read NCERT notes for comprehending the concepts, looking at examples and clearing doubts. PDFs links are provided for subject-wise Ncert notes.

NCERT Notes for Class 7

NCERT notes for class 7 are compiled with easy explanations for students to prepare for their exams. PDFs are available for class 7 students and they can use these notes for clearing their doubts.

NCERT Notes for Class 6

Students can access NCERT notes for class 6 of subjects- Science, Maths, English, Hindi and Social Science. PDFs available of NCERT notes to download for free.

NCERT Notes for Class 5

NCERT notes for class 5 available for subjects- Maths, EVS, Hindi and English. You can easily download these PDFs in the links provided.

NCERT Notes for Class 4

NCERT notes for class 4  available in PDF format. You can access the notes for subjects- Maths, EVS, Hindi and English. Students can take help of these notes to understand the chapters thor.

NCERT Notes for Class 3

NCERT notes for class 3 are designed for students to learn about the topics in an easier way. NCERT notes are available for subjects- Maths, EVS, Hindi and English. You can easily download these PDFs in the links provided.

NCERT Notes for Class 2

NCERT notes for class 2 are available of the subjects- Maths, EVS, Hindi and English. Students may download the NCERT notes pdf using respective links for studying. 

NCERT Notes for Class 1

NCERT notes for class 1 available for all the subjects- Maths, EVS, Hindi and English. Students can download these notes for free. They are prepared using easy language, making it comfortable for the students. You can easily download these PDFs in the links provided.

Key Features of Vedantu NCERT Notes

  • It covers the entire syllabus explained in a very easy to understand language.

  • These notes are created for the purpose of in-depth understanding.

  • It will help you in your exams as well strengthen your understanding of subjects for your future examinations.

  • NCERT notes by Vedantu strictly adheres to the CBSE curriculum.

  • These NCERT notes provide key points that are often asked in competitive exams such as NEET and JEE

Importance of NCERT Notes

  • NCERT notes serve as the best source of information for students to comprehend all the Units in an easier way.

  • These notes are compiled with genuine information therefore building up the confidence of students in their subject knowledge.

  • These notes expand the knowledge range of each student as it involves important concepts, their examples, derivations and short notes about the origin of concepts.

  • Students can not only just understand the subjects by using NCERT notes but also keep them in handy for their last minute preparations.

Students can also refer to other study materials available on Vedantu’s site for their exams. There is free access to all study material, making it easier for students to excel!


Students can find NCERT notes for classes 1 to 12 at Vedantu. These notes are accessible to download in PDF format. NCERT notes by Vedantu are put together by experts, they include key points, important pieces of information, various examples for students to understand and in-depth explanations. If you are looking to prepare for the board exams or competitive exams JEE and NEET then look nowhere and access the study material available at Vedantu for the best results!

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FAQs on NCERT Notes 2022-23

1. Why choose Vedantu NCERT Notes PDF?

NCERT notes by Vedantu are compiled with accurate information and are easily understandable for students. These notes are created keeping in mind the questions that appear in final examinations. Students can rely on Vedantu NCERT notes for their preparation as it covers the entire CBSE syllabus. These notes also provide references to all extra topics that are probable to come in the exam.

2. Where can I find NCERT notes online?

You can find NCERT notes online at Vedantu, India’s most trusted e-learning website. All the NCERT notes PDFs available at Vedantu are free of cost and easily accessible for downloading. At this platform, all NCERT notes are of excellent quality so you can study with these notes without worrying.

3. What is NCERT exemplar?

NCERT exemplar is the textbook which is entirely concept based and has in-depth knowledge about topics. These books are used by students to prepare for their CBSE board examinations and also competitive exams like JEE and NEET.

4. Is NCERT enough for board exams?

CBSE board exams involve questions that have their roots in the concepts that are provided in NCERT textbooks. Students can rely on NCERT for conceptual understanding and strengthening their basics of each subject but it is advised to also practise using other material available such as extra books recommended by their teachers or reliable online resources.

5. How to download NCERT notes in PDF format?

You can go to Vedantu’s site for accessing the NCERT notes. On the website, every topic’s study material is provided along with the links to download those materials in pdf format. Students can easily download the NCERT notes using the respective links provided at Vedantu.