All the Details about CBSE Practical Date Sheet 2023 are Available
FAQs on CBSE Practical Exam Information: Know the Information
1. What are the guidelines to be followed during CBSE practical exams?
Students must follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the CBSE during the practical exams, such as wearing lab coats and safety glasses and using appropriate equipment.
2. Can students perform experiments at home for CBSE practical exams?
Students cannot perform experiments at home for CBSE practical exams. They must perform the experiments in their respective schools under the supervision of their teachers.
3. How can students prepare for CBSE practical exams?
Students can prepare for CBSE practical exams by understanding the concepts and principles involved in each experiment, practising regularly, maintaining a record of experiments, following instructions, being organized, seeking guidance from teachers or seniors, and referring to sample papers and previous year question papers.
4. Can students bring their equipment for CBSE practical exams?
Students cannot bring their equipment for CBSE practical exams. They must use the equipment provided by the school, and the examiner must approve any additional equipment required.