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CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus

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Introduction to CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus

11th Standard may not have boards. But it is still as important to ace the exams like Chemistry Practical in it as the standards 10th and 12th. 11th plays an important role in a student’s life. How? Well, because of the following points below.

  • It is in 11th that the students get to learn a few new concepts

  • The students  get to learn the subjects which they have chosen

  • It builds a foundation for the concepts that will be followed in class 12th

  • It is when the students do not have to stress about their boards but still have to focus on their learning

The subjects like Chemistry hold a lot of importance when it comes to the student’s 11th exams. So, it also becomes a must to ace this subject’s exam, whether theoretical or practical. Although it is for sure that one will definitely need to have a good grasp on their CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical syllabus and Theory Syllabus.

About the Subject Chemistry

Now, when a student chooses Chemistry to major in their 11th class, it is a given that they will get to do a lot of experiments. And why not? After all, the subject is really about that only. And so there is no denying that they will not only have theoretical exams, but also have practical exams. 

Marking Scheme for Chemistry Exams

It is a given that all the students are given their final scores based on the marks that they have scored in both of their exams. However, one can get used to going through the syllabus or just remembering it, after having practised it all year long. But it is with their practical exam that they may find a few hurdles. And in order to not go through that, they must be very particular in having a good look at their CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus. 

Class 11 Practical Syllabus - Chemistry

There are various experiments for CBSE Class 11 chemistry students, who are going to attempt their practical exams soon. Students can also find the entire CBSE practical syllabus of Class 11 chemistry, as given below. The manual of Chemistry Lab of Class 11 prepared in accordance with the latest syllabus for Class 11 chemistry prescribed by the board of CBSE. At Vedantu, our experts and teachers have taken the utmost care while preparing for the lab manual of Class 11 chemistry.

Let us look at how to write chemistry practical Class 11 CBSE.

  1. Basic Laboratory Techniques

  • Cutting glass tube and glass rod

  • Drawing out a glass jet

  • Bending a glass tube

  • Boring a cork

  1. Characterization & Purification of Chemical Substance

  • Boiling point determination of an organic compound.

  • Melting point determination of an organic compound.

  • Crystallization involving an impure sample of any one of the following:

  • Alum, Benzoic Acid, Copper Sulphate.

  1. Experiments Related to pH Change

  1. Any one of the following experiments:

Determination of pH value of a few solutions obtained from the fruit juices, solutions of both known and varied concentrations of acids, bases & salts using the universal indicator or pH paper.

Comparing the pH value of the solutions of both strong and weak acids of similar concentration.

Study the pH value change in the titration of a strong acid with a strong base using the universal indicator.

  1. Study of pH value change by the common-ion effect in the case of both weak acids and weak bases.

  1. Chemical Equilibrium

Any of the experiments from the following.

Study on the shift in equilibrium between the thiocyanate ions and ferric ions by increasing or decreasing concentration of any of the ions.

Study on the shift in equilibrium between the chloride ions and [Co(H2O)6]2+ by concentration change in either of the ions.

  1. Quantitative Estimation

  • Preparing the standard solution of oxalic acid.

  • Using a chemical balance.

  • Preparation of standard solution of the sodium carbonate.

  • Strength determination of a given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating it against oxalic acid's standard solution.

  • Strength determination of a solution of hydrochloric acid that is given by titrating it against the standard sodium carbonate solution.

  1. Qualitative Analysis

1.Determination of one anion and cation in salt that is given.


\[NH^{+4}, Pb^{2+}, As^{3+}, Cu^{2+}, Al^{3+}, Mn^{2+}, Fe^{3+},Ni^{2+}, Co^{2+},Zn^{2+}, Ca^{2+}, Ba^{2+}, Sr^{2+}, Mg^{2+}\]


\[S_{2}^{-}, CO_{2}^{-3}, SO_{2}^{-3}, NO^{-3}, NO^{-2}, Cl^{-}, l^{-}, C_{2}O_{2}^{-4}, PO_{-3}^{-4}, CH_{3}COO^{-}\]

(Note: Here, we have excluded the insoluble salts)

  1. Detection of Sulphur, Nitrogen, Chlorine in the Organic Compounds Project

The scientific investigations include laboratory testing, collecting information from various sources. A few suggested projects are:

  • Study of purification of water methods.

  • Checking drinking water bacterial contamination by sulphide ions testing.

  • Testing the presence of iron, hardness, chloride, fluoride, and more related terms depending upon the regional difference in the drinking water and the study of causes of the presences of these ions above the given or permissible limit (if any).

  • Acidity study of various samples of tea leaves.

  • Study of the effect of acids & bases on the tensile strength of fibers.

  • Determination of the evaporation rate of various liquids.

  • Analysis of vegetable & fruit juices for their acidity.

Important Note: Any other investigatory project that involves about 10 periods of work is chosen with the teacher's approval.

Practical Examination for the Visually Impaired Students of Class XI

Note: The same guidelines and evaluation scheme for the visually impaired students as given for Class XII can be followed.

  1. List of the Apparatus to Identify for the Assessment in Practicals (for all the experiments)

Tripod stand, Beaker, Wire gauze, funnel, glass rod, filter paper, test tube, Bunsen burner, test tube stand, test tube holder, dropper, ignition tube, tongs, china dish, tripod stand, funnel, wire gauze, standard flask, Bunsen burner, pipette, conical flask, burette, funnel, dropper, clamp stand, filter paper, and wash bottle.

  • Procedure or Setup of the apparatus

  • Odor detection in the qualitative analysis

  1. List of the Experiments

  • Characterization & Purification of the Chemical Substances

  • Crystallization of an impure sample of any copper sulphate, and benzoic acid.

Experiments based on the pH

  • Determination of pH value of some solutions that are obtained from the fruit juices, solutions of the known and varied acid, bases, and salt concentrations using the pH paper

  • Comparison of the pH value of the solutions of both strong and weak acids having the same concentration.

  1. Chemical Equilibrium

  • Study the equilibrium shift between the ferric ions and the thiocyanate ions by either increasing or decreasing their concentration.

  • Study about the equilibrium shift the \[(Co(H_{2}O)_{6})^{2+}\] and the chloride ions by changing either of the ions' concentration.

  1. Quantitative Estimation

  • Preparing the standard solution of oxalic acid.

  • Determination of a given sodium hydroxide solution's molarity by titrating it against the standard solution of oxalic acid.

  1. Qualitative Analysis

  • Determination of one anion and cation in a given salt

Cations\[-NH_{4}^{-}\] and Anions\[-CO_{3})^{2-}, (SO_{3})^{2-}, S_{2}^{-}, CH_{3}COO^{-}, Cl^{-}\]

(Note: Here, we have excluded the insoluble salts)

  • Halogen Detection in the organic compound that is given.

  • Nitrogen Detection in the organic compound that is given.

Proper Preparation with the CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus

If you think that preparing for your Chemistry Practical exam would be hard, then that is not really the case. When it comes to having the students get ready for these, they are always asked to revise it all before a few weeks of their exam. Or the students may also practice the experiments with the permission of their teacher in the school laboratory. It is also a better idea to ask the teacher to help you out.

FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus

1. How to Prepare for the Practical Exam of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry?

The method to prepare for the Practical Exam of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry is called 'Class Reversed' or 'Flipped Classroom'. This is a growing trend in all subjects, including Science as well. However, its effect on learning the Chemistry subject can be seen in a twofold manner. 

This technique encourages students to study the lesson before going to the classroom. This concept also familiarises the student with the subject and academic content, making the classroom much easier to follow. Students can then consolidate that knowledge, and they can use their valuable class time to raise important questions.

2. How can a Class 11 student find their CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus?

A CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus can be easily found on multiple sources. The students can find it on the CBSE official website. They can find it in school, where they always keep such things. Then, they can also find it on some other reliable platforms like Vedantu, which is pretty easy to use. Here, they can find the PDF formats of their syllabus and gain the ability to access it anytime that they want and from any device.

3. Can a student practice their Class 11 Chemistry experiments?

In the 11th standard, the students get to learn a lot of new experiments. Now, they will mean nothing if they do not get to practice them properly. Hence, it is very important that they not only know the theory about these experiments but also perform them practically. This also contributes to better their understanding. They can always ask their teachers for permission to use the laboratory at school for such experiments. This will also help them get ready for their exams.

4. Is a CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus important?

Yes, when it comes to a syllabus for any type of exam, it is extremely important that the students have the knowledge of what is exactly in their course. It is what helps them prioritize the topics that they need to prepare. This is also the way in which they can actually make use of the study material that they have in the best way possible. Without a syllabus, the students would not know what and how they must study, so as to score well.

5. How can a student use their CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus to prepare for their exam?

It becomes very easy for the students to prepare for their CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical exam with the help of their latest syllabus. They can easily get it from Vedantu, an online education platform. The syllabus can tell them exactly what they need to prepare for in order to get the marks that they desire to have. It is also easy for them to get access to their lab in school with the permission of the authorities to help them prepare.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.