What is Electron Affinity?
Electron affinity is defined as the quantitative measurement of the energy change that results from adding a new electron to a neutral atom or molecule in the gaseous state. The more negative the electron affinity value, the higher an atom’s affinity for electrons.The energy of an atom is stated when an atom loses or gains energy through chemical reactions that cause the loss or gain of electrons.
The reaction that releases energy is called an ‘exothermic’ reaction and the reaction in which energy is absorbed is called an ‘endothermic’ reaction. Talking about energies, energy from an endothermic reaction is positive. Hence, given a positive sign whereas energy from an exothermic reaction is negative. It is given a negative sign. The energy is released when an electron is being added to a neutral atom. Thus first electron affinities are always negative whereas second electron affinity ( electron to negative ion ) is positive. The electron affinity is further discussed below:
First Electron Affinity
Negative energy because energy is released.
X(g) + e- —> X⁻ (g)
Second Electron Affinity: Positive energy because the energy needed is more than gained.
X⁻(g) + e- —> X²⁻ (g)
First Electron Affinity: The energies are always concerned by the formation of positive ions. The first electron affinity is the energy released when 1 mole of gaseous atoms acquire an electron to form 1 mole of gaseous -1 ions. Example: The first electron affinity of chlorine is -349 kJ mol⁻¹ The energy is needed to gain the electron when an electron is added to a metal element. However, metals are less likely to gain electrons as it is easier to lose their valence electrons and form cations. The reason behind losing their valence electrons is that metals’ nuclei do not have a strong pull on their valence electrons. Therefore, metals are said to have lower electron affinities. The Trend of Lower Electron Affinities For Metals is described by Group 1
Lithium (Li): -60 kJ mol⁻¹
Sodium (Na): -53 kJ mol⁻¹
Potassium (K): -48 kJ mol⁻¹
Rubidium (Rb): -47 kJ mol⁻¹
Cesium (Cs): -46 kJ mol⁻¹
When nonmetals gain electrons, the energy change noted is negative because they give off energy. Non-metals have greater electron affinity because of their atomic structures. There are two reasons associated with why non-metals have greater electron affinity. Non-metals have more valence electrons than metals have which makes it easy to gain electrons to fulfill a stable octet. The valence electron shell is closer to the nucleus, this makes it harder to remove an electron. It is rather easy to attract an electron from another element.
Example: Non-metals like the elements in the Halogen series in Group 17 have higher electron affinity. The electron affinity trend is stated below:
Fluorine (F) : -328 kJ mol⁻¹
Chlorine (Cl) : -349 kJ mol⁻¹
Bromine (Br) : -324 kJ mol⁻¹
Iodine (I) : -295 kJ mol⁻¹
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Second Electron Affinity
Second electron affinity is only met concerning the group 16 elements oxygen and sulfur which both form -2 ions. It is the energy required to add an electron to each ion in 1 mole of gaseous 1- ions to produce 1 mole of gaseous 2- ions.
Factors Affecting Electron Affinity
Electron Affinity is affected by three main factors. These factors are generally related to the structure and configuration of the molecule in question. The three factors affecting the electron affinity of a molecule are Nuclear Charge, Atomic Size, and Electronic Configuration.
Nuclear Charge: The greater the nuclear charge, the greater will be the attraction of the incoming electron. This will result in a larger value of electron affinity. To explain it in simpler terms, the nuclear charge can be understood as the pull that is exerted by the nucleus on the electrons. Therefore, the greater the pull of the nucleus, the greater the chance of electrons attaching to the atom.
Atomic Size: The larger the size of an atom, the larger will be the distance between the nucleus and electron. This will result in a smaller force of attraction by electrons. Therefore, the value of electron affinity will be small. In general, too, the electronic affinity increases by going down the group and decreases from left to right across the periods.
Electronic Configuration: Stable the configuration of an atom, its tendency will be less to accept the electron. Therefore, it will face a lower value of its electron affinity. Electron affinity is almost zero or low in elements having a stable electronic configuration. This is due to the small tendency to accept another electron. Electron affinities of inert gases are zero. This is due to their atoms having stable ns²np⁶ configuration in their shell. Electron affinity of Beryllium, and calcium is practically zero. If the atom has fully or half-filled orbits, its electron affinity will be less.
Example: Electron affinity of Be and N is almost 0 because they are having filled electrons in their valence shells. Filled orbits are all stable due to symmetry. Therefore, these elements will be having the least tendency to accept any electron. In general, the electron affinity follows the below trend: Halogens > Oxygen family > Carbon family > Nitrogen family > Metals of group 1 and 13 > Metals of group 2.
Studying Electron Affinity with Vedantu
At Vedantu, we are aware that studying can sometimes be a bit stressful, however, with access to the right study material and a good study schedule, anyone can study well and ace their exams. Here is how you can study Electron Affinity and other topics in the Chemistry Syllabus.
First, create a good study schedule for yourself. Spread out your study schedule over a few weeks at least. This will give you enough time to study without trying to cram in a lot of information in a short time. Each day, allot a few hours, at least 2-3, to studying chemistry.
When you begin studying, you should ideally start with your textbooks. However, once you finish reading up on the topic, you can refer to the resources available on Vedantu, including this page.
To find resources on Vedantu, you can use the search bar and navigation menu to look for specific documents or notes. For electron affinity, you can refer to this page and also the example questions available here. You can also download chemistry past papers or sample papers and practise solving those.
FAQs on Electron Affinity
1. As we move down the group of the periodic table, electron affinity increase or decrease? If so, why?
As we move down the group on the periodic table, electron affinity tends to decrease. There are three reasons associated with why it tends to decrease by moving down. Here are the reasons:
Electrons are subtly being placed in energy levels, away from the nucleus. This result in electrons not having a strong attraction to the nucleus
The atom does not gain electrons as there is a minimum charge on the outer energy level from the nucleus.
There is repulsion between the electrons due to the shielding effect. Hence, they move further away from each other and the nucleus itself.
2. Why the Halogens show high electron affinity?
Electron affinity reflects the ability of an atom to accept an electron. The halogens show high electron affinity due to their small size. It has a high nuclear charge and an almost full outer shell of electrons. The smaller the electron size, the greater the affinity. Halogens prove this factor to be true. High energy is released when an electron is added to halogen. This makes it have a high electron affinity. That is why halogens show the highest electron affinity.
3. What does Electron Affinity mean in simple words?
In chemistry, electron affinity simply means the energy that is released when an electron is added to a neutral atom, which then forms a negatively charged ion.
When you measure an element's tendency to act as an oxidising agent, that is, an electron acceptor, you're essentially measuring the element's electron affinity.
A molecule's electron affinity is directly related to the chemical bonds it forms. Depending on the type of chemical bond, some molecules may have a higher electron affinity while some have a lower electron affinity.
There are three main factors that affect electron affinity. These factors are Nuclear Charge, Atom Size, and Electronic Configuration.
The nuclear charge of an atom can be simply understood as the pull that the nucleus of the atom has on the electrons. Therefore, the greater the pull of the nucleus, the greater the chance of attracting electrons.
The size of the atom means that the nucleus is further away from the electrons, meaning that there is less of a pull on the electrons. Thus, the electron affinity will be lower.
The electronic configuration of an atom refers to how stable it is. If an atom has a stable configuration, it won’t attract electrons, so the electron affinity will be lower. Therefore, the higher the stability of the atom, the less the electron affinity will be.
4. How should I study Electron Affinity?
To study Electron Affinity, you will need two things: a good study schedule and high-quality study materials. Vedantu has already provided the study materials needed, like this page, so all you need to do is download the materials offered and then concentrate on your study schedule.
To study properly, you'll need to make sure that your study schedule is spread out over a few weeks at least. Studies have shown that when you learn something over a few weeks, as compared to over a few days, you learn the material faster and you retain the information for longer. Then, set aside a few days to go through your textbooks or reference books. Once you have thoroughly studied the subject from there, you can move on to the resources available on Vedantu. This includes revision notes, sample papers and past papers for chemistry, charts and solved examples, and a lot more.
5. Where can I find more resources to study Electron Affinity?
You can find more resources to study Electron Affinity on the Vedantu website and app. This page contains a detailed explanation of electron affinity and the factors that affect the electron affinity of a molecule. You can go through the website for more notes like the ones available on this page. If you're browsing on your phone, the Vedantu Live Learning app is available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for free.
To find the other resources for electron affinity available on Vedantu, just use the search bar or the navigation menu to find specific resources. You can look for revision notes, chemistry past papers, the chemistry syllabus, and much more. To find solved example questions on electron affinity.