What is Sulphur?
Sulfur, also known as sulphur, is amongst the most reactive elements that are present in the periodic table. It is essentially a non-metal which belongs to group 16 (VI A) of the periodic table. The atomic number of sulphur is 16 and it is denoted by S. The element sulphur is a crystalline solid having a bright yellow colour at room temperature. Sulphur is found abundantly in the universe. The sulphur has been used by people since the earlier days and it was known as brimstone which basically means burning stone.
Sulphur Element
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The above image shows the detailed electronic configuration chart of sulphur.
Natural Occurrence of Sulphur
Sulfur or sulphur is the tenth common element of this universe. The creation of 32S takes place in the massive stars where the temperature is more than 2.5 X 109K. It is also present in many types of meteorites in the form of sulphide. The Jupiter moon lo has distinctive colours due to the presence of a sulphur element in several ways in a molten, gaseous and solid-state. On Earth, sulphur is the fifth common element by mass.
Elemental sulphur is generally obtained near the volcanic regions as well as hot springs. In previous times, the primary source of sulphur was Sicily. The submarine volcanoes also lead to the formation of lakes of molten sulphur that is mostly present on the seafloor.
The action of anaerobic bacteria on sulphate minerals like gypsum also leads to the synthesis of native sulphur. Earlier, the commercial production took place by the fossil-based sulphur deposits from gypsum in salt domes. However, this process is currently not the primary source to obtain sulphur for commercial use. Many valuable metal ores like galena, blende, and gypsum are the compounds of sulphur. It is present in the ores in the form of sulphides or sulphates. Natural gas, petroleum and coal also contain sulphur compounds.
Physical Properties of Sulphur
Sulphur is responsible for forming numerous polyatomic molecules. The octa-sulphur is one of the most popular types of molecules associated with sulphur. It is odourless with bright yellow colour and it exists in a soft solid state. The melting point of the molecule is around 115.21° C and its boiling point is about 444.6° C. When the molecule is present between the boiling and melting temperatures, it polymerizes and this leads to lower density but higher viscosity. The depolymerization happens at higher temperatures, which leads to decreased viscosity. The density of sulphur is approximately 2g/cm³, and it might be higher or lower based on allotrope.
Chemical Properties of Sulphur
The burning of sulphur produces a blue flame and an irritating odour due to the formation of sulphur dioxide. Sulphur is insoluble in water but partially soluble in non-polar organic solvents, including benzene. The first ionisation energy of this element is 999.6KJ/mol, and the second is 2252 KJ/mol. The most common oxidation states of this element are +4 and +6. Sulphur is highly reactive and almost reacts with all elements even with the iridium (unreactive metal) except noble gases.
Sulphur compounds have many unusual features as they can exhibit catenation similar to carbon. These properties of sulphur allow it to form chain structures as well as a ring system like the carbon. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is one of the most familiar compounds of sulphur. It is a colourless and poisonous gas that has the odour of rotten eggs. It is naturally present in the form of vapours in mineral water and volcanoes. During the removal of sulphur from petroleum, a large amount of hydrogen sulphide is obtained.
Oxygen and sulphur also combine to form various compounds. The most known oxide of sulphur is sulphur dioxide which is a poisonous and colourless gas. It is also used as a reducing agent and bleach in several industries. Scientists also used it to obtain sulphur trioxide. This oxide is also beneficial in fruit ripening and food preservation.
Uses of Sulphur
There are several uses of sulphur. Some of the popular ones are as follows:
Sulphur is an essential element for producing other essential chemicals. The most important chemical produced by sulphur is sulphuric acid which has many industrial applications.
The reaction of sulphur with methane gives carbon disulfide, which is essential for manufacturing rayon and cellophane.
Vulcanization of rubber is another important use of the sulphur element.
Sulphur is one of the crucial components of fertilisers. It is mostly present in fertilisers in the form of a mineral calcium sulphate.
Many pharmaceutical products contain organosulfur compounds. It is also a component in many agrochemicals and dyestuff.
People are using elemental sulphur as pesticides and fungicides from previous times. Dusting sulphur (sulphur in powdered form) is a common pesticide in organic farming.
FAQs on Sulfur
1. What is the Role of Sulphur in Science?
Every living cell has sulphur as one of the essential components. Its presence within the human body is in equal abundant proportion to potassium. A person who weighs 70 kg has about 140 gms of S. In various animals and plants, most sulphur is present as amino acids. Eggs tend to have high sulphur content for nourishing feathers in the chicks. The odour of rotting eggs is because of the formation of hydrogen sulphide.
2. What are the Different Isotopes of Sulphur?
Sulphur has 36 isotopes were only 4 tend to be stable and these are ³²S, ³³S, ³⁴S, and ³⁶S. The radioactive isotopes of sulphur have a tiny half-life of fewer than 3 hours. The researchers utilise sulphur having distinctive isotopic composition for identifying pollution sources. In hydrologic studies, enriched sulphur is utilised as the tracer. The sulphur isotopes have several medical applications. The ³³S and ³⁴S are used in genome research.
3. What are Some of the Applications of Sulphur?
Sulphur is used in the production of sulphuric acid which has several industrial applications. The reaction of methane with sulphur provides carbon disulfide which is fundamental in the production of cellophane and rayon. There are several pharmaceutical products that contain organosulfur compounds. Sulphur is also used in dyestuff and agrochemicals. Sulphur is also used in fungicides and pesticides. Dusting sulphur is a common pesticide that is used in organic farming.
4. What are the Features of Vedantu Notes on “Sulphur”?
The Vedantu notes on “Sulphur” provide thorough and lucid documentation of the different aspects associated with the sulphur element. The notes include definition, comprehensive explanation of sulphur, different facts associated with sulphur, occurrence in nature, physical and chemical properties, and uses. These notes are systematically structured and provide an accurate reference to the students for helping them understand the concept and prepare for their exams accordingly.
5. How Can I Download the Vedantu Notes on “Sulphur”?
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6. What is the Biological Role of Sulphur?
Every living cell contains sulphur as an essential component. It is present in the human body equal in abundance to potassium. A person who has 70 Kg weight contains around 140 gms of S. In different plants and animals, most of the sulphur is present in the form of amino acids. Eggs are high in sulphur content to nourish feathers in chicks. The odour of the rotting eggs is due to the formation of hydrogen sulphide. In the cells, the function of the sulphur is to reduce the hydrogen and its electrons to promote cellular repair.
7. What are the Isotopes of Sulphur?
Sulphur has 36 isotopes in which only four are stable, that is 32S, 33S, 34S, and 36S. The radioactive isotopes of this element have a small half-life of around less than 3 hours. Researchers use sulphur with distinctive isotopic composition to identify sources of pollution. In hydrologic studies, enriched sulphur is used as a tracer. Isotopes of sulphur have various medical applications too. Both 33S and 34S are useful in genome research. 32S is an essential component in the production of radioisotope 32P that has therapeutic applications. 34S is used for the production of medical radioisotope 34Cl, which has many medical applications.