What is a Unit Cell?
An ordered arrangement of atoms, ions and molecules described in a Crystalline material is termed as Crystal structure. Ordered structures happen where the nature of particles shape up in a pattern that is symmetrical which repeats with the principle direction of matter in three-dimensional space.
The unit cell mirrors the structure and symmetry of the whole crystal that is created by the unit cell’s repetitive translation with its principal axis.
The principal axes’ length and the angles of the unit cell are known as lattice constants. They are known as cell parameters or lattice parameters.
The crystal’s properties of symmetry are defined by the space group’s concept.
The structure and symmetry of crystals play a vital role in defining multiple physical properties like cleavage, optical transparency and electronic band structure.
A unit cell is said to be the smallest repeating unit of the crystal lattice in the living organism, which is also said to be the building block of the crystal. That’s how life started to exist on earth. Atoms are arranged in a three-dimensional symmetry within a crystal structure.
A crystal structure is defined as the arrangement of particles in a unit cell in terms of geometry. The unit cell’s geometry is known as a parallelepiped.
It provides six lattice parameters marked as the cell edge’s length and their angles.
The particle's position in the unit cell is shown by fractional coordinates. They are measured by a reference point, with the edges of the cell. It is important to report the coordinates of particles of the smallest asymmetric subset. To occupy the smallest physical space, these particles are chosen, which proves that it’s not necessary for all the particles to be located physically inside the boundaries provided by lattice parameters.
Unit cell’s other particles are created by the symmetry operations which describe the unit cell’s symmetry. The collection of unit cell’s symmetry operations is defined as the Crystal structure’s space group.
The Group of atoms of the Crystal structure is the same, the basis, they are stationed around each and every lattice point.
There are three types of unit cells present in nature, primitive cubic, body-centered cubic, and face-centered cubic.
Types of Unit Cell
As we have already mentioned earlier, there are three types of unit cells, and we will discuss them in brief in this section.
Primitive Cubic Unit Cell
If you look at the primitive cubic unit cell, you will find out that only at the corners, you are going to find the atoms. Every single atom which is present in the unit cell is shared with the other adjacent cell. Meaning each unit cell shares its atoms with 8 other primitive cubic unit cells. Thus, a particular unit cell contains only ⅛ of an atom. On the other hand, 4 unit cells are present in the same layer, and there are 2 layers. The upper and the lower layer makes a particular unit cell be 1/8th of the atom that is present inside it.
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The total number of atoms present in the single primitive cubic unit cell can be counted by taking eight atoms present in the corner. Thus, ⅛ X 8 = 1 atom.
Body-Centered Cubic Unit Cell
The BCC is almost the same as a simple cubic unit cell, meaning it has eight atoms present in each corner of the cube and one atom in the center of the cube. BCC has an open structure. The atom which is present at the center solely belongs to the unit cell in which it is present.
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To find the number of atoms present in BCC, you need to consider two things.
First, 8 corners will make ⅛ per corner atom = 8 x ⅛ = 1 atom
One atom present at the center of the body = 1 atom
Thus, the body-centered cubic unit cell has two atoms.
Face-Centered Cubic Unit Cell (FCC)
A face-centered cubic unit cell is the most densely populated unit cell. In addition to this, at the center of the cube's faces, you will find out one atom. These face-centered atoms are shared between 2 adjacent unit cells, and only ½ of each atom is a part of the individual cell.
To find out the number of atoms present in the FCC, you need to know this in the first place.
There are 8 corners x 18 per corner atom = 8 x 18 = 1 atom
6 face-centered atoms x 12 atoms per unit cell = 3 atoms
Thus, we have 4 atoms in a Face centered cubic unit cell.
What is the Basic Unit of Life?
What distinguishes a living organism from a non-living object? Well, the answer is a living being will have self-sustaining biological processes. A cell is the smallest and the most basic form in which life exists on earth. The new cells made in the living organism came into existence from the division of the preexisting cells into two.
Classification of Crystal Structure by Symmetry
The property that is used to define Crystal structure is in its symmetry only. When some symmetry operations are performed on the Crystal lattice, it remains unchanged. All the crystals consist of translational symmetry in three types but it’s possible that some contain other elements of symmetry.
Lettice System:
When Crystal structures are grouped by the axial system which is used to define their lattice, it is known as lattice system.
Each lattice system has a set of axes that are arranged geometrically.
All the crystals come under the seven lattice system. They seem similar but they are not the same as the seven Crystal systems.
FAQs on Unit Cell
1. What is a Primitive Unit Cell?
A primitive cell is said to be the cell unit, which contains exactly one lattice point. In terms of size, it is the smallest possible cell. On the other hand, if there is a lattice point present at the cell's very edge, and it is shared with another cell, it will only count on behalf. Moreover, if a point is located on the corner of the cube, it is shared by 8 cubes, and the count would be ⅛.
A cell will always try to fill the lattice space without leaving any space with crystal translation operations.
2. What is the Difference Between a Space Lattice and a Unit Cell?
A space lattice is a map of an array of points drawn to show how particles such as ions, atoms, and molecules arrange themselves at different sites when presented in three-dimensional spaces.
When it comes to defining unit cells, you can say it is the smallest repeating unit in space lattice, which will give you a crystal of the given substance if you repeat again and again over time. Every single unit cell needs its vectors a and b for its description. A three-dimensional space lattice also is divided into smaller unit cells, which can be described by three vectors.
3. What are point groups?
The mathematical group that consists of symmetry operations which makes sure that one point remains unmoved and provides the surety that the appearance of Crystal structure will remain unchanged, is termed as point group or crystal class.
The symmetry operations consist of following points:
Reflection: it helps in reflecting the structure over the reflection plane.
Inversion: it changes the coordinate Sign of each point while keeping the center of symmetry or point of inversion in mind.
Rotation: it is used in rotating the particular portion of a structure of a circle.
Improper rotation: it comprises a rotation regarding an axis along with an inversion.
4. What do you understand about Grain Boundaries?
These are interfaces in which crystals of different arrangements meet. It is the interface with a single-phase and has crystals on every side of the boundary that are identical except in arrangement.
Grain boundary areas consist of atoms that are disturbed from their original lattice sites and the impurities which are migrated to the lower energy grain boundary.
Grain boundaries are actually the defects of the Crystal structure and because of them, the thermal and the electrical conductivity of the material decreases. To learn more deeply, look at the study material of Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry
5. Write about the defects of Real crystals?
Real crystals contain defects in their arrangements. These defects minutely describe the real materials, electrical and mechanical properties. When there is a substitution of an atom within the crystal structure, with one of the principal atomic components, the electrical and thermal properties of the material get altered. When the research on magnetic impurities that manifests as electronic spin impurities shows the alteration of some properties such as certain heat that can get affected by impurities in small concentrations. Crystal lattice dislocations allow shear at lower stress than required.