Class 11 DK Goel Solutions Chapter 18 - Bills of Exchange
FAQs on DK Goel Class 11 Accountancy Solutions: Chapter 18 Overview
1. What does it signify when a bill of exchange matures?
The maturity of a bill refers to the date when it is ready to be paid. According to the provisions of the bill, 3 days of grace are added to the due date to arrive at the maturity date. The concept of a due date will aid you in better comprehending the maturity of a bill.
It is made up of the terms listed below:
1. Bill at Sight: This form of bill must be paid on the spot.
2. Bill after Sight: The due date for this form of bill is computed by adding the date the debtor accepts the bill to the period specified in the bill's terms. Add three days to the due date to get the maturity date.
3. Bill after Date: In this case, the due date is computed by adding the date on which the bill was drawn to the period specified in the bill's provisions. The maturity date is obtained by multiplying the due date by three days.
4. Exceptions to bill maturity: If the bill's due date falls on a national holiday (such as Independence Day) or on a Sunday, the bill's due date is counted one day earlier than the original date, and if the due date falls on an emergency holiday (such as a nationwide strike), the bill's due date is counted one day later.
2. Is Vedantu a reliable source to prepare the Bills of Exchange chapter?
Vedantu's mission is to redefine and evolve the way people have been teaching and learning for decades. We are able to provide a superior learning experience for students and aid in their outcome improvement by combining skilled teachers, interesting content, and superior technology, which is unlike any offline experience. Therefore, we provide carefully crafted study materials for students to prepare well. These additional study materials are all available on the website and with no extra fees. They can be downloaded either from the website or their mobile application available on the playstore.
3. The unconditional promise to pay must be included in a bill of exchange. Do you agree with the following statement?
An unconditional order to pay is one of the most important features of a negotiable instrument. The drawee is not allowed to impose any restrictions, such as requiring payment only if creditors pay or the firm generates a profit.
For the following reasons, a bill of exchange must include an unequivocal order to pay:
To avoid any potential controversy throughout the payment process.
To bind the debtor to pay the obligation and to offer security to the creditor.
To adhere to the 1881 Negotiable Instruments Act.
4. How is Vedantu revolutionary in terms of online learning?
Vedantu is the undisputed leader in the K-12 LIVE tutoring market. Vedantu is accessed by over 35 million people each month for free via its app and website. Its Youtube channel has 65 million views, the most of any educational firm in India in the K-12 market. Students can also watch Vedantu on specialised channels on Airtel TV and TATA Sky. Last year, Vedantu served over 200,000 paying students, a 300 percent increase over the previous year. This growth was fueled by a 4.5x increase in revenue year over year, making it the industry's fastest-growing online education company and the second-largest K-12 company when it comes to the terms of revenue and students.
5. Why is an online study platform like Vedantu beneficial for students?
An online course involves just as much effort as a traditional course, and the time commitment is roughly the same. The online model, like a virtual workplace, allows you to be more flexible. It doesn't matter where or when you complete the requirements as long as you satisfy your deadlines and communicate with your instructor and peers.
The benefits are as follows:
Increased Flexibility and Learning at Your Own Pace
More effective time management
Self-motivation that has been demonstrated
Increased Virtual Collaboration and Communication
Taking a More Global View
Improved critical-thinking abilities
Improved technical abilities.