Download Important Class 11 DK Goel Solutions for Chapter 20 - Capital and Revenue Free PDF
FAQs on DK Goel Class 11 Accountancy Solutions: Chapter 20 Overview
1. What does the term ‘capital expense' mean?
A capital expense also known as a capital expenditure, is the cost incurred by the government or a corporate entity in purchasing assets. Fixed assets, such as machinery, equipment, or real estate, are purchased with capital funds.
Purchasing and selling assets is a necessary component of running a company. It is beneficial in extending a business's operations in order to secure future capital and financial assets. For a government, capital expenditure entails improving assets while lowering obligations. It can do so in the form of loan repayment, where the debt represents a liability, and the government reduces its liability by repaying the loan.
2. Is revenue expense an important concept in the Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 20?
Revenue expense, often known as revenue expenditure, is a concept that goes hand in hand with capital expenditure. Revenue expenditures are costs incurred by a business that are incurred as current expenses, meaning they are not incurred to create assets or remove liabilities.
The government's income expenses include salaries and wages, grants, advertising, rent, and costs of sold items, among other things. While capital and revenue expense concepts appear to be comparable at first look, there is a substantial distinction between the two.
3. What are some instances of government capital expenditures?
The price of constructing assets such as schools, colleges, bridges, roads, hospitals, railway lines, dams, and airports are included in the government's capital expenditure. Another kind of government capital spending is the reduction of its liabilities, such as the repayment of loans and the reduction of investments in public units or public sectors. The government's creation of fixed assets is always linked to capital expenditure. The government can control such spending by acquiring new assets, selling them, or lowering the obligations or debt it has amassed. The formation of fixed assets as part of capital expenditure also results in a depreciation of their value.
4. How can Vedantu be helpful in the preparation of Class 11 Accounts subject?
The importance of accountancy in terms of grades is well known among commerce students. The majority of students pursue higher education in this field. As a result, you must not overlook this topic. When it comes to accounting, though, getting a perfect score is not impossible. To avoid making mistakes, you'll need to do a lot of revision and practise.
NCERT Accountancy book Class 11 might be quite useful in this aspect. This book covers everything from basic accounting concepts to more sophisticated ones. This book teaches students about basic topics such as bank transactions, financial statements, depreciation, and bill of exchange, among others. And how can we forget the additional study materials students can access on the website of Vedantu. They can download it and study according to their time and place. Furthermore, you can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.
5. What type of Revenue Expenditures are treated as Capital Expenditure?
The following is a list of significant revenue expenditures which in some cases, they are classified as capital expenditures.
If raw materials and consumables are employed in the creation of any fixed assets.
If you need to transport Fixed Assets, you'll have to pay for transportation and freight.
Repairs and renewals are only charged if they are necessary to extend the asset's life or improve its efficiency.
Expenses incurred during the creation of a business should be recognised as capital expenditure.
If the building work is paid for before the start of production or business, interest on capital is charged.
Development Expenditure In some industries, such as a Tea or Rubber plantation, a long-time of development and a large amount of investment are required before production can begin. Typically, these expenses should be classified as capital expenditures.
Wages if they are used to build up assets or to erect and install plants and machinery.