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FAQs on Sandeep Garg Class 11 Economics Chapter 4 Solutions
1. Why should we solve class 11 economics sample papers?
Exam practice with sample papers is an important part of preparing for any examination. Whether it is a school-based term-end examination or the 11th-grade final examination, students should make sure they practice sample papers once they have completed the syllabus, this will help students in the following ways.
By solving sample papers, you can keep track of how well you are preparing by finding out what topics you lack and what areas of preparation you need to focus on.
Practicing with sample papers helps students improve their rate of accuracy in solving questions since they are able to identify mistakes they are making, especially while solving equations and graphs. The more you practice from Vedantu sample papers, the less likely you will commit errors in the actual exam.
Based on the actual exam pattern and marking scheme, sample papers provide students with a brief insight into the exam pattern and marks scheme which can help them in their preparation for the exam and identify the topics carrying the most weightage to focus on for good results.
2. Which is the best book for the preparation of the class 11 economics syllabus?
11th standard economics includes Indian Economic Development(IED) and Business Statistics. With a variety of books available out there for each subject, it makes it difficult for students to decide which book to trust on. Here is the list of the books you can refer to:
IED book- We would recommend looking for the IED book published by Saraswati publications and Dhanpat Rai publications (Sandeep Garg).
Statistics- For statistics, it is better to go with Tr Jain and Vk Ohri since it contains various questions with descriptive answers of each. You can also refer to Sandeep Garg as it has a huge set of diverse questions, so you can take a look at that one as well.
3. How can i better prepare for the class 11th economics syllabus?
Start your preparation right from the beginning. Start preparing from the NCERT books, Sandeep Garg, and Vk Ohri.
Since Economics requires hard work and practice, make sure you solve at least one sample paper or mock test each day.
Make sure to prepare short notes of the definitions, differentiation, formulas and try to go through them daily
Since the syllabus of economics is all interrelated so before starting the new unit, always revise the chapters you have completed earlier from the short notes
Class 11th economics contains a lot of numerical-based questions, so make sure you practice the maximum questions daily.
4. What is the syllabus of class 11 economics?
The syllabus of Economics is divided into Term-1 and Term-2. The syllabus of which are as follows:
Term-1 ( Objective Question Paper)
Part-A ( Statistics for Economics) |
Unit-1 Introduction |
Unit-2 Collection, Organization, and Presentation of Data |
Unit-3 Statistical Tools and Interpretation |
Part- B ( Introductory Microeconomics ) |
Unit-1 Introduction |
Unit-2 Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand |
Unit-3 Producer Behavior and Supply |
Unit-4 Forms of Market and Price Determination |
Subjective Question Paper |
Part- A Statistics for Economics ( Measure of Dispersion, Correlation, Index Numbers) |
Part- B Introductory Microeconomics ( Producer Behavior & supply, Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition) |
5. How many hours should an 11th class student study economics?
Syllabus of 11th class Economics is vast so you need to prepare the syllabus daily to complete it before the exam
A number of hours you should devote to economics depends upon your capability and speed of learning concepts and solving questions.
You should devote at least 1 hour a day in which you should read the chapter and then solve the numerical given at the end of the chapter.
More than concentrating on hours of studying you should focus on how much you are understanding even if you are studying economics for 1 hour daily and understanding the concepts, you will be able to score well.