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Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 9 Solutions


Class 11 Economics Sandeep Garg Solutions Chapter 9 – Index Numbers

The Class 11 Economics Sandeep Garg Solution Chapter 9 is curated by professionals and significant economic educators for students to understand the concepts better and secure a good average. This solution acts as an accurate reference source to provide elementary knowledge on all the exercises for economic students. The solutions offer an enhanced preparation process, and students can refer to the chapter-wise solutions for free from here and prepare accordingly.

Introduction to Economics Class 11 Chapter 9 Sandeep Garg PDF

The Index Numbers Class 11 Chapter 9 Economics Sandeep Garg provides solved questions and problems related to Index estimation simply and understandably. In this chapter, students will learn definitions, concepts, and calculation of the index numbers of the current year regarding this financial year. The Class 11 Economics Index Numbers chapter presents the method or approach required for the calculation of a simple average of relative prices in a very easy and understandable manner. The important topics enlisted in the Class 11 Economics Index Numbers are as follows-

  • Introduction to Index Number

  • Features of Index Number

  • Importance of Index Number

  • Limitations of Index Number

  • Types of Index Number

  • Methods of constructing Index Numbers- Simple aggregative method based on the current year and base year, Simple average of price Relatives method, Weighted Aggregative method, and Weighted average of price relative method

  • Some Important index numbers- Consumer price index (CPI), Index of industrial production (IIP), Wholesale price index (WPI), Sensex, and Index of agriculture production (IAP)

  • Problems in the construction of index numbers

  • Uses of index numbers

  • Inflation and index number

Features of Sandeep Garg Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 9- Index Number

  • The chapter Index Numbers offer precise measurement of all the quantitative changes that are concerned with variables overtime.

  • The Class 11 Sandeep Garg Solution Index Numbers chapter facilitates comparative study that has occurred over different periods.

  • The chapter Index numbers are expressed in terms of percentages without the use of the symbol %.

  • Class 11 Economics Sandeep Garg Solution Chapter 9 presents index numbers in terms of numbers and as a relative measurement of a particular data group.

  • Index numbers present the changes in terms of averages.

Preparation Tips

  • The Sandeep Garg Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 9 presents theories, definitions, topics, concepts, calculations, and formulas for students to understand easily. 

  • Students must have a thorough comprehension of all the important topics and must regularly practice all the chapter-wise solved questions and exercises to understand the chapter better.

  • Students should practice the solved calculations, problems, and questions regularly.

  • The most effective way to enhance the preparation approach is a thorough understanding and practice of the concepts and formulas.


The Sandeep Garg Class 11 Solutions for Economics Chapter 9- Index Numbers give a detailed presentation of all the important concepts, problems, and solved exercise questions for students during their preparation or revision process for the examination. The chapter helps students enhance their preparation and secure good grades.

Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers is sure the right way for you to get all your doubts related to the Chapter 9 Index Numbers to get cleared! You will also be able to access the Vednatu interactive classes for free without any interruptions to get a proper understanding of the subject.

You can now also download the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers pdf via Vedantu for an easy access option during your exam revision time.

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FAQs on Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 9 Solutions

1. What is the Laspeyres Index or Laspeyres Methods mentioned in the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers?

The Laspeyres Method mentioned in the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers involved the usage of Laspeyres Index which is calculated by working out the cost of a group of commodities at current rates and further dividing this by the cost of the same group of commodities at base period rates. The value obtained by dividing is then multiplied by 100 to get a final value. This means that the base period index number will always remain 100.

It is also observed that periods that have higher prices have index numbers that are greater than 100. This index helps it make it practical and easier to understand the concept. Laspeyres Index also helps find out the Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index which is also used by the government to measure inflation that has occurred. 

2. How to find an accurate solution for Chapter 9 Index Numbers questions?

In order to find accurate solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers questions, you can use the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers provided by Vedantu which is a simplified version of the other solutions obtained. You can find a simple method of studying using the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers before your exams which helps you score greater marks than you might have imagined. The main benefits of this solution include that you understand both basic and complicated concepts while also learning more about the subject.

3. What are some tips to use while practicing using Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers for exams?

There are some great tips you can use in order to have an efficient practice using the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers and some of them include:

  1. Make sure you provide enough time for each chapter such as when learning through Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers make sure you give time for yourself to understand what is mentioned in it.

  2. Once you understand the concepts try to make a flow chart out of it that will help you relate one concept to another. This will also lessen your time to turn around through pages to learn through a lot of concepts all at once.

  3. Dedicate time to solve practice papers or mock exams for Class 11 provided by Vedantu which gives you an exam-like feel when you write the exam.

  4. Do not just keep on studying for continuous hours instead use a few hours of break in order to get your mind refreshed during the studies.

4. What topics of Class 11 economics are highly useful for Class 12?

It is Class 11 that for the first time students get to experience the Economics subject. Using this opportunity to focus on what the subject is all about and what you get to learn from it will enhance your love for the subject. As long as what is important for Class 12 is considered, it is true that Class 11 Economics becomes the base for your Class 12 studies and hence makes it easier for you to learn the concepts mentioned in your Class 12 Economics syllabus.

5. Is it possible for me to score good marks by studying one day before the exam using Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers?

Just studying one day before the exam does not help any student score great marks unless a miracle occurs which is not possible. If you wish to score good marks you can use the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers but you need to make sure you start your preparation at least a month or two before your exams. While the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 Index Numbers can help you with the concepts it will not help you understand what are the expected questions in the exam as it is entirely up to the examiner as to which types of questions he or she likes to include. Hence making sure you are clear about all your concepts before the exam is a must.