An Introduction
Waste Management or disposal includes processing and disposing of Waste starting right from its point of inception to complete disposal. Waste can be solid or liquid and sometimes even gas. It can be domestic, industrial, biomedical, municipal or radioactive Waste. Each different type of Waste has a specific disposal method and they can be classified as:
Landfill: A huge dumping ground for garbage usually located away from a city. Every kind of solid waste is disposed of in a landfill.
Incineration: Waste from municipalities and solid residue from Wastewater treatment are disposed of by resorting to combustion which converts them to residue and gaseous products. It is not an eco-friendly method as combustion leads to the release of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide.
Recycle, Reduce, Re-use
The three R’s of Waste Management, i.e., Reduce reuse and Recycle should be followed at every place possible. These methods of Waste Management are mostly environment friendly and help avoid resorting to Waste Management measures like landfill and incineration that are harmful to humans as well as the environment.
There are numerous benefits of recycling. Recycling helps recover resources that can be used to make use of them in a different way. New products can be made by recycling general Waste. Solid Wastes like wood, glass, plastic, electronic devices, clothing and leather items can be Recycled.
Wastes that are organic in nature can be Recycled and reused, often as manure or fertilizer for agriculture by the method of decomposition. Food scraps, plant products (such as cow dung) and carcasses, paper products are the most reusable for making manure.
Some Waste items that contain plastic such as polythene bags, bottles, pipes, etc. don't decompose easily and can pile up as a landfill for many years, sometimes ending up in the ocean and killing animals who choke on them accidentally. The use of such products that are harmful to everyone should be Reduced. Alternative options have been developed to Reduce the use of plastic such as jute bags instead of polythene bags, paper straws and packaging to be used in place of those made of plastic are a few to name.
FAQs on Essay on Waste Management: Solutions for a Cleaner Planet
1. What are the Challenges Faced in Waste Management?
One of the major challenges associated with waste management is solid waste management due to an increase in industrialization. The waste disposal is only rising and in cities with high population faces the wrath of this even more as with time there is deterioration in the natural environment and thus the health of the working class.
2. How can One Tackle this Problem of Waste Management?
The most effective way to resolve this problem is by reducing the production of waste itself; one can do that by composting the food and garden waste or by segregating and sending for recycling. The other important way is by addressing the public on the importance of waste management and its benefits to the environment.
3. What are the sources of Waste?
Waste accumulates in our everyday life from different sources. Households, industries and factories produce both solid and liquid Waste, hospitals and laboratories produce biomedical Wastes like syringes, gauge pads, etc., agricultural fields and farms produce agricultural Waste that includes dung, hay, etc., and even educational institutes like schools and colleges generate some amount of Waste which are called commercial Wastes.
4. What are the types of Waste?
There are mainly two types of Wastes:
Biodegradable Waste: These kinds of Waste are usually generated from the kitchen and are mostly organic in nature and can be decomposed to make manure that is generally used for composting in the garden.
Non-Biodegradable Waste: Wastes that do not decompose easily such as plastic and glass, accumulate in the environment and harm animal life.
5. Why is Waste Management important?
Waste created by different sources in the environment has the potential to harm humans and animals alike by spreading diseases when the Waste is not taken care of through disposal. Animals grazing in the field or unsuspecting water animals can get tangled and die of suffocation from non-biodegradable Waste products like plastic bottles and straws or polythene bags. Waste Management is important to Reduce the effect of Waste on the environment as well as for building livable and sustainable cities through recycling, reusing and reducing Waste materials.
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6. How can individuals help in Waste Management?
Individuals can take small steps in everyday life to help Reduce the amount of Waste generated through households by reusing materials wherever possible and buying environment-friendly products as well as those which are recyclable in the future. Waste Management also includes the separation of Wastes according to the type of Waste such as solid Waste or liquid Waste, and segregating and disposing of them safely.
7. What is the role of the government in Waste Management?
Starting from municipalities, the local body has the responsibility to process and dispose of Waste from every source and take sanitary measures for keeping a city clean for healthy living.
Governments can set standards and regulate industrial Waste by encouraging research on Waste product reduction as well as safe elimination and they can also impose penalties or fines for not being able to meet standards for Waste generation and Management thus keeping the factories in check.
They can promote drives on the usefulness of recycling and reusing in rural areas which are the main sources of agricultural Waste. They should also encourage students to learn Waste Management for more sustainable and holistic growth of the future environment.