A to Z Fruits Name
There are different things which we eat in our day-to-day life so as to get energy. Apart from food, we eat different things which give us minerals and vitamins to perform day-to-day tasks for the entire day. Children sometimes do not like to eat food. They get bored by eating chapati, So what do children eat apart from food, which also gives them the required energy? The answer to this question is fruit. A child loves to eat fruits.
Have you seen different kinds of fruits? Let us look at the picture given below to understand about fruits:

Different Fruits
Importance of Fruits for Kids
Fruits help a child to get a sufficient amount of energy to perform different tasks in a day.
Fruits keep a child active.
Fruits give proper nutrients required for the growth and development of a child’s personality.

Strong kid by Eating Fruits
Fruits also help to develop the mental abilities of a child, as some fruits are quite important in making our brain work in a strong manner.
Fruits are high in fibre. They help to maintain strong digestion and help to make a stomach fit.
Fruits for Kids
There are different kinds of fruits available, some are sweet and some are acidic, so we should be very particular in knowing which kind of fruits we should eat and which kind we should avoid. So we can define a fruit as a part of a flowering plant that contains the seed. The skin of the fruit may be thin, tough or hard. From the inside, it is sweet and juicy. Some fruits include nuts inside them.
Categorises of Fruits
Table categorises different types of fruits based on their characteristics and provides examples for each category.
Types of Fruits
There are mainly 2 types of fruit: fleshy fruits and dry fruits.
Fleshy Fruits
It is the part of fruit around the seed which is juicy and soft such as apples and oranges.
Whereas in some dry fruits for example cherries in pitches contain only the seed or pit, they are also called stone fruits. Let's discuss different fruits that kids like to eat :
1. Apple

Apple is a rich source of carbohydrates. It is red in colour and is loved by kids. Apple has very good taste and is sweet in taste.
Apple contains lots of health-boosting agents like vitamin C, Vitamin A, and vitamin B1, it also has potassium, magnesium, and iron.
So we can say that apples are good for your health.
2. Banana

Bananas have a smooth texture so are very easy to swallow for the kids! It has a yellow peel outside and the fruit inside is white in colour.
Banana is a good source of energy and it gives instant energy to a kid.
3. Mango

Mango is known as the king of fruits. It is the favourite fruit of kids. It comes in different varieties and has a sweet taste.
Mango is rich in nutrition and helps in improving blood circulation, also it helps in enhance the human blood level.
4. Strawberry

Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins and C&A is a good source of dietary fibre.
Just one cup of strawberries contains around 180% of the daily value of vitamin C which is good for the kids.
Strawberries are red in colour and heart-shaped.
5. Grapes

There are many health benefits of eating grapes.
Grapes have high water content and help a child to remain hydrated, grapes also help to get rid of allergies such as watery eyes, and running nose.
Interesting Facts About Fruits
Tomatoes which we use in preparing dishes are also a fruit.
Bananas are called berries but strawberries are not called berries.
Mango is known as the king of fruits.
A fruit develops from the flower of a plant.
Fruits are very important for the holistic development of a child but one should be very particular about the timings of eating fruits as fruits should be consumed only during the daytime and not after 7:00 in the evening. The best time to eat fruit is early morning as well as in the afternoon. So one should be particular about the time of eating fruit.
Common Confusions:
Fruit vs. Vegetable: Sometimes fruits like tomatoes and cucumbers are mistaken for vegetables because they are used in savoury dishes.
Tropical vs. Subtropical Fruits: It can be confusing to differentiate between tropical and subtropical fruits, as they may overlap in growing conditions.
Colour Categories: Fruits that belong to different colour categories can sometimes look similar, such as yellow apples and green apples.
Ripeness vs. Freshness: Determining whether a fruit is ripe or just fresh can be tricky, especially with fruits that change colour as they ripen.
Tips for Mastery
Understand the botanical and culinary definitions of fruits and vegetables to distinguish between them.
Familiarize yourself with the climates and regions where different fruits grow to better categorize them.
Study pictures and illustrations of fruits to help remember their colours and characteristics.
Regularly test yourself with examples of fruits from each category to reinforce learning.
Trying a variety of fruits can help you recognize and remember their distinct flavours and textures.
Worksheet to Solve
Complete the worksheet with the following exercises:
Fill in the Blanks: Complete sentences with the correct fruit names based on descriptions (e.g., “This yellow fruit is often used in baking and has a tart flavor – __________”).
Categorization Chart: Create a chart with columns for Citrus/Subtropical Fruits, Tropical Fruits, Yellow Fruits, and Green Fruits. List fruits under each appropriate column.
Fruit Identification Quiz: Identify fruits from pictures and categorize them into their respective groups.
Answer Key
Fill in the Blanks:
This yellow fruit is often used in baking and has a tart flavor – Lemon
Categorization Chart:
Citrus/Subtropical Fruits: Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruits
Tropical Fruits: Pineapples, Mangos, Papayas
Yellow Fruits: Bananas, Pineapples, Lemons
Green Fruits: Apples, Kiwis, Grapes
Fruit Identification Quiz:
Fruit from Picture 1 (Yellow): Banana
Fruit from Picture 2 (Green): Kiwi
Test your Understanding of the Topic
1. Which of the following is classified as a citrus fruit?
A) Banana
B) Mango
C) Lemon
D) Avocado
2. What type of fruit is a pineapple?
A) Citrus
B) Subtropical
C) Tropical
D) Green
3. Which fruit is typically yellow and used in many desserts and beverages?
A) Apple
B) Orange
C) Lemon
D) Kiwi
4. Which fruit falls under the green fruit's category?
A) Pineapple
B) Strawberry
C) Kiwi
D) Orange
5. What is the main characteristic of tropical fruits?
A) They grow in temperate climates.
B) They are mostly red in colour.
C) They grow in tropical climates and often have unique flavours.
D) They are exclusively citrus fruits.
Check the Answers Below
C) Lemon
C) Tropical
C) Lemon
C) Kiwi
C) They grow in tropical climates and often have unique flavours.
Takeaways from the Topic “Fruits”
Fruits can be categorized into various groups such as citrus, tropical, yellow, and green, each with unique characteristics.
Understanding where fruits grow (tropical vs. subtropical) helps in identifying and categorizing them correctly.
Recognizing fruits by their colour and ripeness is essential for proper usage and consumption.
Learning about fruits enhances vocabulary and knowledge of different foods, their benefits, and their role in various cuisines.
FAQs on Fruits Names for Kids: A Fun Guide to Healthy Eating
1. Name Different kinds of fruits that a child should eat.
There are different kinds of fruits children should eat. Such as Banana, Apple, Strawberry, Avocado, Pineapple, Watermelon, Mango, Kiwi, Orange, Berry, Blueberry, Cherry, Lemon, Apricot, Figs, Plum, Papaya, and Grapefruit. Each and every fruit has its own benefits. Avocado is very important for children as it helps a toddler to remain healthy as it contains healthy fats it so one can serve a slice of avocado or can mash it and can add into the diet of the child so as to remain fit also avocados are a good source of fibre, it also has vitamin C as well as magnesium into it.
Pineapple is also a very important fruit for kids as it is a very juicy fruit and is a rich source of vitamin C. It helps a child to boost immunity.
2. What are the benefits of eating fruits for kids?
There are many reasons for kids to enjoy eating a wide variety of fruits as fruit provides vitamins, minerals, daily fibre and plant chemicals which help a child to stay healthy. Moreover, eating fruits help a child to be protected against chronic diseases.
A child needs essential nutrients for proper growth and development of the body and these essential nutrients are not synthesised or made by the body on their own, so we need to consume them by eating fruits.
By eating fruits we are able to have proper growth and development of the body, and it leads to the overall well-being of the child.
Some fruits are also important and play a very effective role in removing toxins from the body and thus cleaning the body.
3. What is the purpose of knowing various fruit's name?
Knowing various fruits name helps in identifying them, understanding their uses in cooking, and learning about their nutritional benefits.
4. Where can I find a comprehensive list of fruits name?
A comprehensive list of fruits name can be found in fruit encyclopedias, gardening books, and online educational resources.
5. How can I learn fruit's name in English?
You can learn fruits name in English on Vedantu website.
6. Are there resources available for learning fruits name in English for non-native speakers?
Vedantu provides fruits name in English along with pronunciation guides and visual aids.
7. Can you provide a sample fruits name list for easy reference?
A sample fruits name list includes:
8. Where can I find an extensive fruits name list online?
Extensive fruits name lists can be found on Vedantu website.
9. What are some examples of A to Z fruits name?
Examples of A to Z fruits name include:
A: Apple
B: Banana
C: Cherry
D: Dragonfruit
E: Elderberry
F: Fig
G: Grape
H: Honeydew
I: Indian Fig
J: Jackfruit
K: Kiwi
L: Lemon
M: Mango
N: Nectarine
O: Orange
P: Pineapple
Q: Quince
R: Raspberry
S: Strawberry
T: Tangerine
U: Ugli Fruit
V: Vanilla Bean (often used as a fruit flavoring)
W: Watermelon
X: (Ximenia, a type of fruit)
Y: Yellow Passion Fruit
Z: Zucchini (though often used as a vegetable, it’s botanically a fruit)
10. What are the different types of fruits?
The different types of fruits include:
Citrus Fruits (e.g., oranges, lemons)
Tropical Fruits (e.g., mangoes, pineapples)
Berries (e.g., strawberries, blueberries)
Stone Fruits (e.g., peaches, cherries)
Melons (e.g., watermelon, cantaloupe)