Opposite Words in English for Class 1
Antonyms are also referred to as opposite words for class 1. In opposite words, we find and write the contrasting word for the given word. For example, if your teacher asks you the opposite of fat, then your answer would be thin. Opposite words are one of the components of grammar. A teacher can introduce early students to opposite words with the help of contrasting pictures, fill in the blanks and match the following activity.
Opposite Words
In easy language, we can say opposite words are the reverse of something like day and night, hot and cold, dirty and clean and white and black. Sometimes you need to make opposite sentences also like “I like hot tea”, then you could say “I like cold tea” or “I dislike hot tea”.
Ten Easy Opposite Words for Class 1
Narrow - Wide
Opposite - Same
Normal - Strange
Deep - Shallow
Tiny - Huge
Unity - Division
Entrance - Exist
Rich - Poor
Shiny - Dull
Left - Right
Opposite Words for Class 1 with Pictures
50 Opposite Words for Class 1
Big – Small
Happy – Sad
Hot – Cold
Up – Down
Fast – Slow
Tall – Short
Inside – Outside
Day – Night
Open – Close
Full – Empty
Soft – Hard
Good – Bad
Wet – Dry
Far – Near
Heavy – Light
Strong – Weak
Left – Right
Clean – Dirty
Start – Stop
High – Low
Old – New
Easy – Difficult
Bright – Dark
Sweet – Sour
Front – Back
Early – Late
Same – Different
Thick – Thin
Rich – Poor
Brave – Cowardly
Slow – Quick
Alive – Dead
Big – Tiny
Happy – Angry
Laugh – Cry
Buy – Sell
Above – Below
Sit – Stand
Love – Hate
Push – Pull
Come – Go
Empty – Full
Old – Young
Give – Take
Wet – Dry
Pretty – Ugly
Loud – Quiet
Long – Short
Weak – Strong
Open – Shut
Easy Opposite Words Class 1
The opposite words A to Z are given.
Above - Below
Asleep - Aawake
Ally - Enemy
Bad - Good
Back - In front of
Big - Small
Cold - Hhot
Calm - Angry
Careful - Careless
Dry - Wet
Deep - Shallow
Dark - Light
E- Letter:
Empty - Full
Enemy - Friend
F- Letter:
Fat - Thin
Fancy - Plain
Fix - Break
Girl - Boy
Giant - Dwarf
Hate - Love
Hot - Cold
In - Out
Inside - Outside
Junior - Senior
Kind - Cruel
Large - Small
Lazy - Active
Marked - Unmarked
Man - Woman
No - Yes
Night - Morning
Off - On
Out - In
Pull - Push
Pass - Fail
Queen - King
Quiet - Loud
Right - Wrong
Rainy - Sunny
Slow - Fast
Soft - Hard
Take - Give
Tall - Small
Ugly - Beautiful
Under - Over
Vacant - Occupied
Victory - Defeat
Wet - Dry
Warm - Cold
Yes - No
Yesterday - Tomorrow
Some More Opposite Words
Some commonly used Opposite words in English for Class 1 are as follows.
Opposite Word for Clean
Cleaning is very important for us, we and our surroundings should be clean. The opposite word is dirty . Let us learn the opposite word of clean with one activity.
Write the Opposite of the Sentence: My house is so dirty, the opposite of this sentence is “My house is so clean”.
Opposite Word for Heavy
You get the feeling of heaviness after eating too much delicious and tasty food. You do not like lifting your heavy bag home from school. Heavy opposite word for class 1 is light. Write the opposite of the given sentence: I like heavy jewellery, the opposite of the given sentence is “ I like light jewellery”.
Opposite Word for Little
I don't like tasty food in small amounts. All we want are our favourite things in a large amount. Little Opposite word is large. Write the opposite word of the given sentence: I want a little amount of sugar in my tea, the opposite of the given sentence is “I l want a large amount of sugar in my tea.
Opposite Word for Narrow
You see small and narrow streets in your neighbourhood every day. We say, “he is narrow-minded”. The word narrow is related to the word small. The narrow opposite word is broad. The streets were broad. He is Broad-minded.
Opposite Words Related to Personality
Some commonly used opposite words in English for class 1 related to personality are as follows.
Tall - Sshort
Fat - Thin
Big - Small
Shy - Bold
Brave - Coward
Funny - Serious
Honest - Dishonest
Cruel - Kind
Skinny - Fat
Lazy - Active
Opposite words are part of grammar in which students teach contrasting words. Opposite words are also known as antonyms. Opposite words for Class 1 are one of the Grammar activities. The teacher can use many tools to teach students opposite words like matching activity, picture activity, fill in the blank activity, etc. Students get aware of the opposite words in early classes. Opposite words help children in comparison and increase their English vocabulary. The teacher should first introduce class 1 students with simple and easy opposite words, like day-night, hot-cold, love-hate, big-small, girl-boy, etc. This will help students to learn opposite words easily.
FAQs on Opposite Words for Class 1: A Fun Learning Guide
1. Use the opposite words to rewrite the underlined words.
Jerry is a lazy bird. He likes to sleep for 12 hours. He does not like it if anyone comes to his house. One day he found his old friend that came to his home. He shouted at him. The friend started crying, due to his crying other birds also came and shouted at Tom that day Tom realised how bad he was shouting at others.
Below given paragraphs are written with the help of opposite words:
Jerry is an active bird. He dislikes sleeping for 12 hours. He does not dislike anyone coming to his house. One day he found his new friend that comes to his home. He shouted at him. The friend started crying, and due to his crying, other birds also came and shouted at Jerry that day Jerry realised how bad is shouting at others.
The opposite of anger is calm, likes are dislikes, and old is new.
2. What is the use of teaching opposite words in class 1?
Teaching opposite words in class 1 is advantageous for kids since it makes learning figures of speech like oxymorons and antithesis easier in higher classes.
3. Write 5 opposite words.
Below are given 5 opposite words
Up-down, true-false, early-late, fast-slow, healthy-sick
4. What are the opposite words for class 1 that I can use daily?
Some opposite words you can use every day are "up" and "down," "fast" and "slow," "full" and "empty," and "wet" and "dry."
5. How do opposite words for class 1 help in sentence formation?
Opposite words help in sentence formation by allowing you to compare things. For example, "The cat is big, but the dog is small."
6. What are some tricky opposite words for class 1 to remember?
Some tricky opposite words for class 1 are "early" and "late," "strong" and "weak," and "happy" and "sad," which might seem a little harder but are useful.
7. Why are opposite words for class 1 important in stories?
Opposite words make stories more interesting. For example, in a story, you can say "The hero was brave, but the villain was scared."
8. How can I learn opposite words for class 1 in a fun way?
You can learn opposite words by playing word-matching games, doing fill-in-the-blank activities, or using flashcards with words and pictures.
9. Are there opposite words for animals, too?
Yes! For example, "cat" and "dog," or "big elephant" and "small rabbit." You can find opposites for many things, including animals.
10. Can opposite words help with understanding emotions?
Yes! Opposite words like "happy" and "sad," or "angry" and "calm," help you understand and express your feelings better.