What are Prepositions?
English grammar is incomplete without words like in, on, at, of, to, above, beneath, etc. But do you know what are these? These words are used with a noun or pronoun to define their place, position, time, or method and are called prepositions. Some additional examples of prepositions are against, among, along, towards, under, upon, below, behind, before, beside, inside, into, near, being, between, during, from, off, until, with, except, etc.

Examples of Prepositions
Teaching prepositions or other such concepts of the English language to kids can become tricky sometimes, which is why we are here to help you.
Here are some basic activities for prepositions to help children understand this important concept easily and in a fun way. So, let’s get started!
Activities for Prepositions
1. Hands-on Preposition Practice
In this activity for prepositions, each student is given the same small toy and a paper cup. Then ask the students to follow your directions using their toys. Now tell the children to put their toy “on” top of the cup, “inside” the cup, “beside” the cup, “beneath” the cup, etc. You can continue the game using different prepositions and can keep a scorecard to declare the winner. This activity will teach students prepositions of direction.
Another similar activity is to make them draw a larger shape and a smaller shape. Then give them instructions to move the smaller shape around, just like you did with the toy and paper cup above.
2. Simon Says
This is another popular game that you can use to teach prepositions to kids. Begin by making all your students stand and choose one thing in the class that everyone has and can use, for example, a chair, book, or pencil. Now give simple instructions using a preposition to describe what you need the player to do in relation to the object.
For example, if you choose a chair, you can say: Simon says stand beside your chair, Simon says sit on your chair, Simon says put your hand under your chair, etc.
Now as per the game’s rules, if a student follows a command without having a “Simon says” or does the wrong motion, they are out.
3. Missing Prepositions
You can gather some things in front of the classroom and ask the students to have a look at them. Now instruct the students to write a sentence about each item using prepositions. For example, a student can write “a pencil is lying on the floor,” or “the book is in the bag.”
Check their sentences and mark them accordingly.
Did you like these activities for prepositions? Aren’t they fun and creative? We have similar activities and worksheets for other important topics of English as well. Check them out on our website!
FAQs on Fun Activities for Teaching Prepositions to Children
1. How are prepositions helpful?
Prepositions are an important part of a sentence or speech. They provide structure to the sentence and help establish a relationship between people, objects, and locations.
2. What are the rules of prepositions?
Here are the basic rules of prepositions:
Rule 1: There must be an object.
Rule 2: It must be placed before something.
Rule 3: The pronoun following the preposition should be an object form.
Rule 4: Do not confuse the preposition ‘to’ with the infinitive ‘to’.
Rule 5: A verb cannot be an object of a preposition.