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Examples of Future Continuous Tense in Sentences

Last updated date: 10th Sep 2024
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Future Continuous Tense Examples, Usage, and Structure

The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific point in the future. It helps in painting a picture of what will be happening at a particular time in the future, giving a sense of ongoing activity or progression. By using the Future Continuous Tense, you can create a clear picture of future events and convey the duration or continuity of actions. In this page, we will explore the Future Continuous Tense with detailed explanations, practical examples, and tips on how to use it effectively in your writing and speech. Whether you’re preparing for an exam or looking to improve your grammar skills, this guide will help you master the Future Continuous Tense.

Table of Content
1. Future Continuous Tense Examples, Usage, and Structure
2. Interesting Facts about Future Continuous Tense Examples :
3. Future Continuous Tense
    3.2Steps: to form the Future Continuous Tense:
    3.6Examples Explained:
4. Structure of Future Continuous Tense with Examples
5. Future Continuous Tense Examples:
6. Different Ways in which the Future Continuous Tense can be Used:
7. Takeaways from the Future Continuous Tense Examples: 
8. Find Out if you Got them All Right from the Answers Below:
9. Takeaways from this Page:

Interesting Facts about Future Continuous Tense Examples :

The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific future time. Example: "I will be studying at 8 PM."

It highlights actions that will be in progress during a particular future time. Example: "She will be travelling this time next week."

Often used with the simple future Tense to indicate simultaneous actions. Example: "While I will be cooking, he will be setting the table."

Formed using "will be" followed by the verb's present participle (verb+ing). Example: "They will be watching a movie."

Emphasises the duration of an action rather than its completion. Example: "By next year, I will be working here for five years."

Can be used to make polite requests or inquiries about plans. Example: "Will you be joining us for dinner?"

Useful for describing actions happening at the same time. Example: "I will be writing emails while my colleague will be preparing reports."

Focuses on the ongoing nature rather than the exact end time of the action. Example: "They will be dancing at the party."

Future Continuous Tense

Tenses are broadly classified into three categories based on when the action takes place: present Tense, past Tense, and future Tense. Each of these major Tenses is further divided into four specific types. The Future Continuous Tense is one of these types within the future Tense category.

In simple terms, the Future Continuous Tense describes actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. It refers to events that are expected to happen and continue for a certain period.


The Future Continuous Tense is used to talk about actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. It focuses on what will be happening, not just the start or end of the action.

Steps: to form the Future Continuous Tense:

To form the Future Continuous Tense, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Future Tense of "Be": The Future Continuous Tense is formed using the future Tense of the verb "to be," which is "will be."

  2. Add the Present Participle: Combine "will be" with the present participle (the "-ing" form) of the main verb.


$Subject+ will be+verb+−ing\text{Subject} + \text{will be} + \text{verb} + -ingSubject+will be+verb+−ing$


  • I will be studying at 8 PM tonight.

  • She will be working on her project all day.

  • They will be travelling to Paris next month.


  • Subject: Refers to who is acting (e.g., I, she, they).

  • Will be: The future Tense of "be" is used to indicate that the action is expected to continue.

  • Verb + -ing: The main action in its present participle form, showing that the action is ongoing in the future.

Examples Explained:

  1. I will be studying at 8 PM tonight.
    (This means that the action of studying will be in progress at 8 PM.)

  2. She will be working on her project all day.
    (This shows that she will be engaged in working throughout the entire day.)

  3. They will be travelling to Paris next month.
    (This indicates that their travel to Paris will be an ongoing action throughout next month.)

Structure of Future Continuous Tense with Examples

The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. Here’s the structure and examples to illustrate how it works:


  1. Affirmative Sentences:

    • Structure: Subject + will be + verb(-ing) + object

    • Example: She will be reading a book at 8 PM.

  1. Negative Sentences:

    • Structure: Subject + will not be (won't be) + verb(-ing) + object

    • Example: They won’t be watching the movie tomorrow.

  1. Interrogative Sentences:

    • Structure: Will + subject + be + verb(-ing) + object?

    • Example: Will you be attending the meeting next week?


  • Affirmative:

    • "I will be cooking dinner when you arrive."

    • "He will be playing soccer this Saturday."

  • Negative:

    • "She won’t be studying at this time tomorrow."

    • "We won’t be staying at the hotel."

  • Interrogative:

    • "Will they be traveling to Paris next summer?"

    • "Will she be working on the project during the weekend?"

These structures and examples illustrate how to use the Future Continuous Tense to discuss actions that will be in progress at a future time.

Future Continuous Tense Examples:

Here are some examples of the Future Continuous Tense:

1. I will be studying for my exams all day tomorrow.

(This sentence shows that the action of studying will be ongoing throughout the day.)

2. She will be travelling to Paris next week.

(This indicates that the action of travelling will be in progress during the next week.)

3. They will be playing soccer when we arrive.

(This suggests that the activity of playing soccer will be happening at the time of our arrival.)

4. We will be having dinner at 7 PM.

(This means that the action of having dinner will be ongoing at 7 PM.)

5. By this time next year, he will be working on his new project.

(This indicates that the action of working on the project will be in progress by the specified time next year.)

6. The team will be presenting their findings at the conference.

(This shows that the action of presenting will be happening during the conference.)

7. She will be painting the house throughout the weekend.

(This means that the painting will be an ongoing activity during the weekend.)

8. We will be waiting for the bus when the storm starts.

(This indicates that the waiting will be in progress when the storm begins.)

9. They will be finishing their assignments before the deadline.

(This suggests that the finishing of assignments will be happening continuously up to the deadline.)

10. I will be reading a book while you are cooking dinner.

(This means that the reading will be ongoing during the time you are cooking.)

11. The company will be launching its new product next month.

(This indicates that the product launch will be happening throughout next month.)

12. He will be attending the workshop on Monday.

(This shows that the attendance at the workshop will be in progress on Monday.)

13. By next summer, we will be exploring new destinations.

(This suggests that exploring will be happening continuously by next summer.)

14. The students will be rehearsing for the play next week.

(This means that the rehearsals for the play will be ongoing next week.)

15. I will be working from home tomorrow.

(This indicates that working from home will be the action happening throughout tomorrow.)

16. They will be travelling to Europe during the summer holidays.

(This indicates that the travelling will be happening throughout the summer holidays.)

17. She will be studying for her exams all weekend.

(This means that studying will be an ongoing activity for the entire weekend.)

18. We will be attending a conference while the project is being reviewed.

(This shows that attending the conference will be in progress at the same time the project review is happening.)

19. The team will be developing new software next quarter.

(This suggests that the software development will be continuously occurring during the next quarter.)

20. He will be jogging in the park every morning.

(This indicates that jogging will be a regular, ongoing activity each morning.)

21. By the time you arrive, I will be finishing up the report.

(This means that the completion of the report will be in progress when you arrive.)

22. They will be celebrating their anniversary next week.

(This shows that the celebration will be ongoing throughout the next week.)

23. She will be updating the website all day.

(This indicates that updating the website will be a continuous activity for the entire day.)

24. The children will be playing outside until dusk.

(This suggests that the playing outside will be happening continuously until evening.)

25. I will be joining the meeting from 2 PM to 4 PM.

(This means that joining the meeting will be an ongoing activity during the specified time.)

26. We will be renovating the kitchen over the next few weeks.

(This shows that the renovation work will be happening continuously over the upcoming weeks.)

27. She will be practising the piano for the upcoming recital.

(This indicates that the piano practice will be ongoing as she prepares for the recital.)

28. He will be gardening every Saturday morning.

(This suggests that gardening will be a regular, ongoing activity every Saturday morning.)

29. The company will be expanding its services next year.

(This means that the expansion of services will be a continuous process throughout the next year.)

30. They will be exploring new strategies throughout the project.

(This indicates that exploring new strategies will be an ongoing part of the project.)

31. I will be cooking dinner when you arrive.

(This means that the cooking will be happening continuously while you are arriving.)

32. She will be reading a novel during her vacation.

(This indicates that the reading of the novel will be ongoing throughout the vacation.)

33. They will be launching the new product at the trade show.

(This shows that the product launch will be in progress during the trade show.)

34. We will be renovating the office space this summer.

(This means that the office renovation will be an ongoing activity throughout the summer.)

35. He will be writing his thesis throughout the semester.

(This suggests that the writing of the thesis will be continuous during the semester.)

36. The kids will be practising their dance routine every evening.

(This indicates that the practice will be an ongoing activity each evening.)

37. I will be attending online classes while working from home.

(This shows that attending online classes will be happening concurrently with working from home.)

38. She will be preparing for the job interview all week.

(This means that preparation for the interview will be a continuous activity throughout the week.)

39. They will be planning their wedding over the next few months.

(This indicates that the wedding planning will be ongoing for the coming months.)

40. We will be testing the new software throughout the beta phase.

(This shows that software testing will be happening continuously during the beta phase.)

41. He will be watching the entire movie marathon this weekend.

(This means that watching the movies will be an ongoing activity throughout the weekend.)

42. The team will be working on the project during the night shifts.

(This indicates that working on the project will be continuous during night shifts.)

43. She will be painting the house next month.

(This suggests that painting the house will be an ongoing task throughout the next month.)

44. We will be celebrating the holiday season with our extended family.

(This shows that celebrating the holiday season will be happening continuously with the family.)

45. They will be researching new trends in the industry next quarter.

(This means that researching industry trends will be an ongoing activity during the next quarter.)

46. I will be exercising at the gym every morning.

(This indicates that exercising at the gym will be a regular, ongoing activity each morning.)

47. She will be designing the new marketing campaign over the coming weeks.

(This shows that designing the campaign will be a continuous task over the next few weeks.)

48. The students will be presenting their projects at the end of the semester.

(This suggests that the project presentations will be happening throughout the end of the semester.)

49. We will be hosting a series of webinars next year.

(This means that hosting the webinars will be an ongoing activity throughout the next year.)

50. They will be exploring various solutions to the problem during the meeting.

(This indicates that exploring solutions will be a continuous part of the meeting.)

Different Ways in which the Future Continuous Tense can be Used:

The Future Continuous Tense can be used in three main ways: affirmative, negative, and interrogative. Here’s a breakdown of each:

  1. Affirmative Future Continuous Tense: This form is used to indicate that an action will be happening in the future. For example, "I will be going to the movies tomorrow."

  2. Negative Future Continuous Tense: This form shows that an action will not be occurring in the future. For example, "I won’t be going to the party tonight."

  3. Interrogative Future Continuous Tense: This form is used to ask questions or seek information about future actions. For example, "Will your parents be coming to the party?"

Takeaways from the Future Continuous Tense Examples:

Here are some questions to test your understanding of the Future Continuous Tense:

  1. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the sentences with the correct Future Continuous Tense form of the verbs in brackets:

    • By next week, I _____ (work) on the new project.

    • She _____ (not attend) the conference next month.

    • _____ they _____ (study) for their exams at 10 PM tonight?

  2. Identify the Tense: Determine whether the following sentences are in the Future Continuous Tense or another Tense:

    • He will be travelling to Paris next summer.

    • She has been working on the assignment all day.

  3. Correct the Mistake: Find and correct the mistake in this sentence:

    • "They will be not coming to the party."

  4. Create a Sentence: Write a sentence using the Future Continuous Tense to describe an event that will be happening at a specific time tomorrow.

  5. Transform the Sentence: Change the following sentence into the Future Continuous Tense:

    • "She reads a book."

  6. Form a Question: Create a question in the Future Continuous Tense using the following information:

    • "John/attend/the meeting/tomorrow"

  7. Negative Sentence: Convert the following sentence into the negative form of the Future Continuous Tense:

    • "They will be playing football."

  8. Explain Usage: Explain how the Future Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that will be ongoing at a future point in time. Provide an example.

Find Out if you Got them All Right from the Answers Below:

1. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the following sentences using the Future Continuous Tense form of the verbs in brackets:

  • I _____ (finish) my assignment by this time tomorrow.

    • Answer: will be finishing

  • She _____ (attend) the conference next week.

    • Answer: will be attending

  • They _____ (not play) in the park this evening.

    • Answer: will not be playing

  • _____ he _____ (study) at the library during the afternoon?

    • Answer: Will he be studying

2. Identify the Tense: Determine whether the following sentences are in the Future Continuous Tense or another Tense:

  • She will be traveling to Paris next summer.

    • Answer: Future Continuous Tense

  • They have been preparing for the exam.

    • Answer: Present perfect continuous Tense

3. Correct the Mistake: Find and correct the mistake in this sentence:

  • "We will be eating dinner when you will arrive."

    • Answer: "We will be eating dinner when you arrive."

4. Create a Sentence: Write a sentence using the Future Continuous Tense to describe an event that will happen in the near future.

  • Answer: I will be attending a wedding next Saturday.

5. Transform the Sentence: Change the following sentence into the Future Continuous Tense:

  • "She is writing a letter."

    • Answer: She will be writing a letter.

6.Form a Question: Create a question in the Future Continuous Tense using the following information:

  • "John/visit / the museum/tomorrow."

    • Answer: Will John be visiting the museum tomorrow?

7. Negative Sentence: Convert the following sentence into the negative form of the Future Continuous Tense:

  • "They will be enjoying the concert."

    • Answer: They will not be enjoying the concert.

8. Explain Usage: Explain how you would use the Future Continuous Tense to describe an event that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. Provide an example.

  • Answer: The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that will be ongoing at a particular point in the future. For example, "At 8 PM tonight, I will be watching my favourite TV show." This indicates that the action of watching the TV show will be in progress at that specific future time.

Takeaways from this Page:

Understanding these points helps you use the Future Continuous Tense effectively to express future actions and their duration.

  • Ongoing Future Actions: The Future Continuous Tense describes actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. For instance, "I will be studying at 8 PM tonight" indicates an action in progress at a future moment.

  • Formation: It is formed using "will be" followed by the verb's present participle (e.g., "will be going," "will be reading"). This structure helps to convey that an action will be happening over some time.

  • Affirmative, Negative, and Interrogative Forms: You can use the Future Continuous Tense in various ways:

    • Affirmative: "She will be attending the meeting."

    • Negative: "He will not be staying late."

    • Interrogative: "Will they be joining us for dinner?"

FAQs on Examples of Future Continuous Tense in Sentences

1. What are Future Continuous Tense examples?

Future Continuous Tense examples include sentences like "I will be studying at 8 PM" and "They will be travelling to Paris next month."

2. Can you give 20 examples of future perfect continuous Tense?

Examples of future perfect continuous Tense are: "By next year, I will have been working here for five years," and "She will have been studying for hours before the exam starts."

3. What is the Future Continuous Tense with examples?

The Future Continuous Tense describes actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. For example: "I will be reading a book at 9 PM" and "We will be watching a movie when you arrive."

4. What is the structure of the Future Continuous Tense with examples?

The structure of the Future Continuous Tense is: Subject + will be + verb (ending in -ing). Examples: "He will be running in the park" and "They will be having dinner at 7 PM."

5. What is the Future Continuous Tense formula with examples?

The formula for the Future Continuous Tense is: Subject + will be + verb (present participle). For instance: "I will be cooking dinner" and "She will be meeting her friends at the café."

6. How is the Future Continuous Tense used in sentences?

The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. For instance, "I will be working on the project all day tomorrow" and "They will be arriving at the airport at noon."

7. What is the difference between Future Continuous Tense and future perfect continuous Tense?

Future Continuous Tense describes ongoing actions in the future, like "I will be reading a book at 5 PM." Future perfect continuous Tense describes actions that will be ongoing until a future point, like "By next month, I will have been reading this book for a year."

8. Can you provide more examples of Future Continuous Tense in everyday situations?

Sure! Examples include: "She will be taking a nap when you get home" and "We will be celebrating his birthday all weekend."

9. How do you form the negative Future Continuous Tense?

To form the negative Future Continuous Tense, use: Subject + will not be + verb (present participle). Examples: "I will not be attending the meeting" and "They will not be staying at the hotel."

10. What are some common mistakes to avoid with the Future Continuous Tense?

Common mistakes include using incorrect verb forms or forgetting the "will be" construction. For example, avoid saying "I will be goes" and use "I will be going" instead.

11. How can the Future Continuous Tense be used in questions?

To form questions in the Future Continuous Tense, use: Will + subject + be + verb (present participle)? Examples: "Will you be joining us for dinner?" and "Will they be staying with us next week?"

12. Are there any rules for using the Future Continuous Tense?

Yes, use the Future Continuous Tense to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. Ensure the sentence structure is correct: Subject + will be + verb (present participle).

13. Can you give examples of Future Continuous Tense in formal writing?

Examples include: "The company will be launching the new product next quarter" and "The team will be conducting research throughout the year."

14. What are some additional examples of the Future Continuous Tense for practice?

Additional examples include: "I will be attending the conference next month" and "She will be completing her assignment by the deadline."

15. what is Future Continuous Tense with examples?

The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. It often indicates that something will be in progress at a particular moment or over a period in the future.


  • "Tomorrow at this time, I will be traveling to Paris."

  • "They will be playing soccer next Saturday."