Overview of Fun Facts About Clouds for Kids
Have you ever wondered how fluffy clouds are made? What is the process of formation of clouds and how do they move? Clouds are fantastic for many reasons. They protect us from the sun, they provide a layer of cloud cover between us and the sun-drenched element below, and they help to enhance our view of Earth from Space. But clouds have unique characteristics that make them very interesting to learn about. In this article we are going to look at such amazing information about cloud facts and also will look at fun facts about cumulus clouds.
Various Types of Clouds
To determine all ten primary cloud categories, meteorologists integrate cloud properties and levels:
Cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus are known as high clouds.
Altostratus, Altocumulus, and Nimbostratus are known as the middle clouds.
Low-lying clouds are the stratus and stratocumulus clouds.
Cumulus and cumulonimbus are called vertical clouds.

Types of Clouds
Cloud Facts
One question you might ask is if the clouds are made up of water then how can they float? Scientifically it is found that the clouds are made up of water molecules which are very tiny and their weight is negligible. It makes them greater in surface area and keeps them from falling on the ground. However, even the clouds can fall if there is no hot air rising up in the atmosphere which can even lead to many miss happenings. By this, we can conclude that it is the warm air that keeps the cloud floating.
What Makes a Cloud?
Cloud types are determined by a complex series of factors, including temperature, pressure, moisture content, altitude, and even the presence or absence of wind. However, the most important thing for clouds to have in common is that they all form from water droplets. Other liquid elements such as ammonia, methane, or salt are also required for cloud condensation. Read on to find out more about the different types of clouds and how they form.
Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets which are in turn made up of molecules consisting of - H2O (hydrogen), CO2 (carbon), and N2 (nitrogen).
Clouds also have special properties which are useful for specific situations such as concealing the sun or moon from view during sunset or sunrise or reflecting sunlight from the earth back into space.
Finally, clouds are a source of renewable energy - when they break up, they release heat energy that is then radiated back into space!
Interesting Information About Clouds

Cloud and Rainbow
Some interesting information about clouds is as follows:
Fog is a cloud which develops on the earth's floor.
You may have noticed clouds in the sky that are caused by aeroplanes. They are known as contrails.
Clouds help regulate the temperature. When they move over the warmer ground, they help to keep that area cooler, while when they move over colder air, they have a warming effect.
Cirrus clouds at high altitudes can move at a speed of about 100 mph.
Even though they are in the air, cumulus clouds could indeed weigh about 100s of tonnes.
Clouds can form various kinds of precipitation like rain, snow sleet etc.
To conclude all the learnings from this article we can say that Clouds are a common phenomenon in nature and can also be observed in our atmosphere. In this article we learned that there are many different types of clouds, but the most common is the diffused clouds which are deposited by the wind. We also learned a lot of fun facts about cumulus clouds as well as several other clouds. In this article, we also looked at various fun facts about clouds for kids. With this, we would like to put an end to this article. We hope it's easy and understandable enough for you, in case of any other doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.
FAQs on Facts About Clouds
1. Why are clouds always white?
Since the small water molecules enclosed within the clouds are closely bound, the majority of sunlight that strikes them is reflected, giving clouds their characteristically white appearance. Our eyes interpret the mixture of all those reflected sunlight's frequencies as white.
2. How heavy is a cloud?
Even if a little cumulus cloud may appear puffy and lightweight, it is incredibly weighty. It can be equivalent to the weight of about 100 elephants which calculates to about 550 tons.
3. What is cumulus cloud?
Cumulus clouds are voluminous clouds that resemble cotton balloons. The presence of cumulus clouds that do not become extremely tall indicates a pleasant climate. The bottoms of cumulus clouds are relatively proximal to the earth's surface.