Overview of Facts About Metamorphic Rocks
Every day we see rocks around us lying everywhere on the roads and on the side of roads but have you ever wondered how these rocks are formed and what is the process by which they attain the form they have now? In this article, we will learn all about the rocks, their kinds, how they are formed and what is the process that makes them how they look now. All the rocks all over the world are made up of minerals that are stored in the earth's crust. Different kinds of rocks contain the same or the other minerals but are differentiated on the basis of where these rocks are formed and how they are formed. So let's start learning.
Formation of Rocks: Rock Cycle
The Rock cycle is the cycle which describes the whole process of how different kinds of rocks like sedimentary igneous and Metamorphic are formed and how they are related to one another and how they transform into one another over time.
The main steps of the whole Rock cycle are as follows:
A volcano sends the Molten Lava or Rock to the surface of the Earth which in terms cools down and forms the igneous kind of rocks.
The sedimentary rocks eventually disintegrate into small sedimentary fragments due to the effect of climate rivers and other circumstances.
These Rocks eventually become buried deep inside the earth's crust and are covered by other rocks.
Now these buried rocks are worked upon by extreme temperature and pressure until the sedimentary rocks metamorphosis into the metamorphic rocks.
Types of Rocks
Scientifically there are about three kinds of rocks namely sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks.
A rock that has undergone temperature and extreme pressure to transform itself from one form to the other is said to be metamorphic.
If layers of mineral sediment are compressed simultaneously, sedimentary rock is formed.
A rock that is igneous was created from molten lava, either within the Earth or on its surface.
Rock Cycle
In this article, we are going to look at metamorphic rocks and cycle rock. We will discuss all the facts about metamorphic rocks, how they are formed and what are Metamorphic rock examples.
Metamorphic Rock Definition
Scientifically the metamorphic rock definition is as follows. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that are formed under extreme temperatures and pressure below the Earth's surface. Now you must be wondering why not these rocks don't melt under such high temperatures and pressures. The answer to the question is that these rocks do not melt down under such extreme conditions because the chemicals that are present in them change their form from one to another or can even change their lattice shape or the Crystal shape.
As discussed above there are in total three types of rocks that are found on earth. Astonishingly but metamorphic rocks can be formed from any other kind of rock, that is they can be formed from sedimentary or igneous rocks also.
Metamorphic Rock
Metamorphic Rocks Examples
For example, we can say that limestone is scientifically a sedimentary rock but it is transformed into marble by metamorphosing it. Metamorphic rocks examples can be anthracite, granulite, slate and marble. Limestone is an example of sedimentary rock and is the source of marble. Slate is an example of sedimentary rock that is formed from mudstone.
Metamorphic Rocks Information
In this section of the article are listed metamorphic rocks information and these are as follows:
These get created when sedimentary or igneous rocks are transformed. Extreme heat and pressure are what induce the reformation of these rocks.
Formation of Metamorphic Rocks From Other Forms
In addition to being crystalline in form, these rocks are frequently squeezed or flattened.
Rocks that have undergone metamorphism typically exhibit high levels of resistance to deterioration and erosion, making them exceptionally durable and a good bet for construction supplies.
To conclude all the learnings from this article we can say that rocks are very important in forming what we call the surface of the earth on which we walk and do other activities from farming to things that give us aesthetic pleasure. In this article, we learnt all the related facts about rocks and then we briefly studied what metamorphic rocks are, how they are formed and what functions they perform and also look at various examples of them. With this we would like to end this article and hope that we are very clear and understandable enough to clear all your doubts yet if you still have doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.
FAQs on The Incredible Metamorphic Rocks Facts
1. When does the rock cycle end?
The rock cycle does not end at any point; it is called a cycle because it does not have a particular end and repeats itself. The Rock cycle continues even if one form of rock is formed instead it continues and changes from one form of rock to the other.
2. Does pollution affect the rock cycle?
Yes pollution does affect the rock cycle one by increasing the atmospheric temperature which in turn affects the formation and cooling of the rocks. Pollution is also the major cause of acid rain which leads to changes in the chemical state of the rocks making them less effective in shielding from erosion.
3. Is diamond a rock?
Diamond is found inside the mineral ore of an igneous rock called kimberlite. It is usually considered both rock and also mineral.