Essay on Brain
The human brain is a very powerful organ. It controls the functioning of all the organs of the body. It also controls the thoughts and feelings of the person.
The human brain performs many functions like temperature control, human behaviour, blood circulation, respiration, sight, hearing, speech, etc. It is the most complex part of the body weighing about 1.5 kg and is protected by the skull. Therefore, there are different parts of the brain which control different functions of the body. Some important parts of the brain are:
Brain Picture for Kids: Three Types of Brain.
Where is the Brain Located?
The brain is the most powerful organ in the human body. It controls the functioning of our body. If anything happens to the brain, then the body will not work. So it's important to protect the brain. Therefore, it's located inside the hard-covering structure called the skull. It protects our brain from any kind of injury.
Functions of the Brain
The human brain is brilliant and complex. The brain is made up of many parts, each of which has a specific and important function. It controls our ability to balance, walk, talk and eat. It coordinates and regulates our breathing, blood circulation, and heart rate. It is responsible for our ability to speak, process, and remember information, make decisions, and feel emotions. Each brain is unique, ever-changing, and extremely sensitive to its environment.
Parts of the Brain for Kids
The human has three types of Brain:
The Middle brain
The cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus together make up the forebrain. The cerebrum is 80 to 90 percent of the human brain. The hypothalamus is located on the diencephalon part of the anterior brain (which is located at the base of the thalamus). This part gives knowledge of hunger, thirst, sleep, heat, fatigue, expression of emotions, etc.
The midbrain is not divided as any other part and the posterior brain includes the pons, cerebellum, and medulla.
The function of the hindbrain is to control changes in the head, neck, etc., in response to visual and auditory stimuli. It also regulates the movement of the eye muscles.

Brain Picture for Kids.
Interesting Facts About the Human Brain
Brain Facts for Kids:
The human brain weighs about 1336 grams.
The human brain is made up of 73% of water. Attention, memory, and other cognitive skills are affected if the body is dehydrated (dehydration or dehydration) even by 2%.
The Human Brain contains 86 billion brain cells.
The human brain grows to 3 times its size in the first year of life. It continues to grow till the age of about 18 years.
One million chemical reactions take place within the brain in 1 second.
Solved Questions
1. Into how many parts is the hindbrain divided?
Ans: In three parts (cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and pons).
2. How much does a human brain weigh?
Ans: The weight of an adult human brain is 1200 to 1300 grams.
3. The cerebrum comes under which part of the brain?
Ans: The cerebrum comes under the "forebrain".
4. Which part of the human brain is mainly responsible for thinking?
Ans: Forebrain (Cerebrum) is responsible for thinking.

Three Types of Brain - Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Medulla.
Learning by Doing
Brain Activity for the Kids (Tick the Correct Option):
1. What is the brain responsible for?
a. controlling the heartbeat
b. balancing the body
c. thinking
d. all of the above
2. The pons, cerebellum, and medulla are which part of the brain?
a. Hindbrain
b. Midbrain
c. Forebrain
d. Neither of the above
3. Involuntary actions in our body are controlled by?
a. Medulla in Forebrain
b. Medulla in Spinal Cord
c. Medulla in Midbrain
d. Medulla in Hindbrain
In humans, the brain is the controlling point of the nervous system. The cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus together make up the forebrain. The cerebrum is 80 to 90 percent of the human brain. The human brain weighs about 3 pounds. One million chemical reactions take place within the brain in 1 second. The human brain is made up of 73% of water.
FAQs on The Function of the Brain
1. How many bones are found in the human skull?
8 bones are found in the human skull.
Eight Cranial Bones of the Brain.
2. Which part of the human brain is the centre of intelligence, memory, and emotions?
Cerebrum is the part of the human brain which is the centre of intelligence, memory, and emotions.
3. What is the name of the structure in which the human brain is protected from bones?
The cranium is the structure of the skull in which the human brain is protected from bones.