A Brief Introduction to the Heart
Have you heard about the heart and heartbeat? Let us study the heart in this module. The heart is an important organ of your body. It is on the left side of the body. The heart plays an integral function in your body. It pumps blood to all the parts of your body, facilitated by the arteries and veins. The heart and blood vessels play an important role in keeping the human body alive. The heart is a muscular organ like other muscles but it is a little special. Without the function of the heart, a body cannot work in any way.

The Heart
The heart performs its function like a pump. It has a right and left side. The right side pumps the blood to the lungs after taking it from the body. The left side performs the opposite function of taking blood from the lungs and giving it to all the other parts of the body. Let us learn more about the heart system in the human body.
Parts of the Heart
Chambers, atrium, ventricles and aorta are the parts of a heart. Chambers are the four blood-filled parts of a heart which play an important role in its functioning. The top chambers are called atria and the bottom ones are called ventricles. Atria are the blood-filled chambers which receive blood from the body and lungs. It is divided into two parts called right atrium and left atrium.

Parts of the Heart
Ventricles are the bottom chambers which give blood to the lungs and body. They are also divided into two parts. The right ventricle and left ventricle are the two parts of the heart. Aorta is the main artery in your heart. All these parts working together leads to the pumping of the heart. The heart pumps when it receives blood and sends the blood to other parts.
Circulatory System for Kids
The circulatory system is connected with the heart and blood vessels in the body. As the name suggests, it does the circulation of blood in the heart. It performs a very important function in the body. It is made up of vessels which carry blood to the heart and from the heart to the body. Arteries and veins together undertake this task. Veins take the blood to the heart and arteries carry it away from the heart.
It also carries other things like oxygen, nutrients and cells with it. It works as a protector as well by keeping waste products like carbon dioxide. Pulmonary Circulation and Systemic Circulation are the two parts of the circulatory system. The former is a loop kind of organ connected from the heart to the lungs and the latter carries blood from and to the heart to other parts.
Keep Your Heart Healthy!
It is advisable by many heart specialists to keep the heart healthy. As the heart is an integral part of your body, it is to be kept safe and healthy for a healthy body. A nutritious diet has to be taken with green vegetables in order to keep your heart safe. Smoking is injurious to health and it causes many heart diseases. There are a lot of exercises which are beneficial for your heart. Yoga is also highly recommended to keep the heart healthy. Regular check-ups are also advisable.
Facts on the Heart
Below stated are the heart facts for kids:
An adult's heart is typically the size of a fist.
Per day, your heart will beat approximately 115,000 times.
Each day, your heart pumps around 2,000 litres of blood.
Your heart's beat is under the direction of an electrical system. The cardiac conduction system is what it is known as.
Even if the heart is not linked to the body, it can still beat.
In 1893, the first open-heart procedure was performed. Daniel Hale Williams, one of the few black cardiologists in the country at the time, carried it out.
A minute old was the youngest patient to have cardiac surgery. She had a cardiac abnormality that frequently results in infant death. Although the surgery was successful, she will ultimately require a heart transplant.
The heart system in the human body is an important body organ which circulates blood to all the body parts. It works in consonance with the circulatory system of the body. It keeps your blood clean and carries it to all the parts. It is very important to keep your heart safe and healthy for a healthy body. To keep our heart healthy, we must eat nutritious and green food, we should do regular exercise and we should avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking. Regular check-ups with the physicians are one of the ways to monitor your heart health.
FAQs on Heart Facts for Kids - The Most Important Organ in the Body
1. What is the function of the heart system in the human body?
A heart is an integral part of the body. The heart carries blood in our body. It receives blood from the lungs and body which it sends back to the body. A heart basically transports the blood in your body. It has four chambers filled with blood. Upper chambers are called atria and lower chambers are called ventricles. Both these parts work together in the body and lead to the pumping of the heart. The heart works with the circulatory system made of veins and arteries.
2. Is the heart a muscle?
Actually, your heart is a muscle-filled organ. An organ is a collection of tissues that cooperate to carry out a certain function. The heart's role in this process is to circulate blood throughout your body. In addition, cardiac muscle, a type of muscle tissue, makes up the majority of the heart.
3. What are the 5 most common heart disorders?
There are numerous kinds of diseases in the heart. Among them, the five most common ones are heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, heart failure and blockage in the valves of the heart. A proper and good diet is a must to keep our heart system in the body healthy. We should eat green vegetables, we should choose a lot of fruits in our diet and also we should avoid smoking and alcohol. The best way to avoid cardiac diseases is to keep the heart healthy.