We all perform different activities throughout the day. Have you ever thought about how we are able to perform work in a good manner? Our body helps us to do various things. Different body parts help us to do things properly. Let's study in detail human body parts. The human body is made up of all different parts. Different parts together constitute the whole body. Different organs work together to perform common functions. The whole system together as a unit is known as the human body.
Human Body Parts Name with Picture
Human Eye
The human eye is an organ that helps us to look around. The human eye provides us with vision and is a very sensitive organ.

Human Eye
Human Mouth
The mouth helps us to eat food. The digestion of food begins from the mouth. The mouth helps us to chew the food.

Human Mouth
Human Nose
It is an organ that helps us to smell. It helps us to breathe. The nose also helps us to keep the dust particles away.


The human shoulder is made up of three bones. The shoulder gives support to the arms.

The knee is the joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans. Knees help us to bend our legs and are round in shape.

The neck is present below the head and above the shoulder, it helps in turning around and looking around. It also gives messages from the brain to the rest of the body.

Arms help us to experience the sense of touch. Arms also help us to bend from the mid portion of the arm which makes it easy to perform activities.

The chest is present below the neck and above the stomach, it helps in protecting the lungs and heart.

The tongue is present inside the mouth, it has a sense of taste and helps in talking.

The stomach plays an important role in the human body and it contains different organs around it. The stomach receives food from the esophagus. The stomach helps in the digestion of food.
Human Leg

Human Leg
Human legs are differentiated into different parts and are very important organs of the human body. Human legs help us to move from one place to another as the main function of legs is to walk and also to help the body to maintain balance.

The top and bottom of the mouth are called the jaw. It helps in chewing the food.

Ears are present on the sides of the head. Ears are the senses of hearing.
Other human body parts are :

Human Body Parts
Interesting Facts
Ears never stop growing.
The Femur is the longest bone in the human body.
The human eye is about 576 megapixels.
Only 2% of human eyes have green eyes.
All body parts help the body to do many important things and each and every organ, as well as the body part, is very important. If any single body part is damaged we face difficulties performing different activities.
FAQs on Human Body Parts Name with Pictures
1. Which is the longest bone in the human body?
The femur is known as the longest bone in the human body. It is the longest and strongest bone in the body. This bone helps us to stand and to move. The femur is also known as the thigh bone it also supports other different unimportant muscles and it also supports tendons as well as ligaments. This one also helps us to stabilize when we move as it holds onto the weight of the body and balances and makes the movement of the body easy. Femur bone runs from the hip region to the knee and has rounded ends and a long shaft in the middle.
2. Discuss different parts of an arm.
The arms are the upper limbs of the body. Arms are the most complex and frequently used body parts. Each arm consists of 4 main parts: upper arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. The upper arm includes the shoulder as well as the area between the shoulder and elbow joint. There are different joints in the upper arm. The forearm is the area between the elbow joint and the wrist, The elbow joint is present in the center of the arm. So the human arm consists of different parts and thus is an important part of the human body.