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Uses of Trees

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Learning About Trees and Their Importance and Uses

Trees provide humans with oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil, and support a variety of fauna around the globe. They also give us the resources we need for tools and housing. In addition to being necessary for existence, trees serve as a bridge between the past, present, and future because they are the longest-living species on the planet. The preservation and sustainable management of woodlands, rainforests, and trees in urban environments, such as parks, is crucial. In this article, we will study the importance of trees. So, let’s dive in!


In botany, trees are plants with a trunk, leaves, stem and flowers. Trees are perennial plants with elongated stems and roots. Trees contribute to the environment in many ways. They provide oxygen to the environment and improve air quality. They also help in conserving water and preserving soil. They help in supporting wildlife as well.



Things We Get from Trees

There are many things which we get from trees. These are the uses of trees in our daily life. Some of them are:

  • Oxygen - Plants have consistently shown themselves to be both a friend and a helpful hand to mankind.

  • Fruits and Vegetables - Plant-based foods like fruit and vegetables provide the varied protein, vitamins, fibre, and energy requirements of people and other living things.

  • Nectar - The nectars found in the flowers that plants generally are used as nourishment by living things like birds and different insects.

  • Flowers - Plants generate flowers, which humans employ for a variety of religious rituals.

  • Wood - Humans rely heavily on wood, which can only be obtained through plants, to support themselves, furnish rooms, and operate numerous organisations.

  • Cotton - Certain plants produce blooms that are very beneficial to humans, such as cotton.

  • Spices - You can get spices from seeds, fruit, roots, bark, or other plant parts.

  • Manures - After plants die, they disintegrate to produce an organic material known as manures.

Trees Give Us Oxygen

Photosynthesis is the process that allows trees to consume carbon dioxide to synthesise food. The process involves the tree releasing oxygen from the stomata of the leaves as a byproduct. For photosynthesis, plants also require water and sunlight which are absorbed by roots and leaves, respectively.

It's noteworthy to note that the same quantity of carbon dioxide is required to make the same amount of oxygen. Chloroplasts, the green components of the leaf and the stem, are where the photosynthesis process takes place. Thus, during spring and summer, while their leaflets are green, trees spend the majority of their energy absorbing carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen.

Importance of Trees

Let’s have a look at the importance of trees. This is the answer to a very important question: how do trees help us? Let’s look at the answer.

Health Benefits of Trees

Tree canopies function as a biological filter, capturing dust and absorbing airborne toxins. Up to 1.7 kg are taken away per tree every year. They also lessen noise and offer cover from the sun.

Trees Encourage Wildlife

Trees support intricate microhabitats. When they are young, they provide food and shelter to incredible communities of fungi, lichen, birds, and insects. When they are old, their trunks also offer the hollow protection that animals like bats, wood-boring insects, tawny owls, and woodpeckers require.

Trees Improve Community Cohesion

Trees enhance a location's unique qualities and boost community pride. Urban woods can be utilised as a teaching tool and to bring people together for outdoor pursuits like bird watching and walking.

Importance of Trees in Our Lives

Importance of Trees in Our Lives


Trees and other live plants enhance the beauty of our surroundings, clean the air, serve as sound barriers, produce valuable oxygen, and aid in energy conservation by providing cooling shade in the summer and wind reduction in the winter. We require oxygen to breathe, which trees emit. Trees lessen the quantity of stormwater runoff, which lessens erosion, pollution, and possibly even the consequences of flooding in our waterways.


The habitat of many wildlife species is provided by trees. Many birds and mammals find homes, food, and protection in trees. We concluded our readings from this article here. We hope you enjoyed reading this article.

FAQs on Uses of Trees

1. Which tree can live 1000 years?

New research has found that the ginkgo tree, which can live more than 1,000 years, doesn't really show any expected effects of ageing. They appear to be primed for immortality.

2. How old is the oldest tree?

In eastern California, a Great Basin bristlecone pine known as Methuselah has long been considered earth's oldest living thing. According to tree-ring data, it is 4,853 years old — meaning that Methuselah was well established by the time ancient Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza.

3. What makes a tree a tree?

The reason trees are named trees is that they are tall, woody, perennial plants with a single, unbranched stem that can sustain an elevated crown of branches. The Old English term "treow," which largely described huge woody trees, is where the word "tree" originates.