23rd April 2019 Morning Shift - AP EAMCET Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions
FAQs on AP EAMCET 2019 Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions - 23rd April 2019 Morning Shift
Q1. Is the Exam of AP EAMCET 2020 Cancelled for this Year?
Ans: The 2020 AP EAMCET exam has been postponed for a year to twice. Earlier this particular exam was scheduled from April 22 in the year 2020, which was then postponed to the date of July 27. On 2020 July 13 the exam of the APSCHE has officially announced that exam of AP EAMCET 2020 has been postponed till the month of September.
Q2. What are the Qualifying Marks for the AP EAMCET?
Ans: The percentage of marks which is for qualifying exam of the exam of AP EAMCET is 25% of the maximum marks which is considered for the ranking purpose. And for the students or the candidates however who are belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe. No qualifying minimum mark is prescribed for them.
Q3. Is the EWS Applicable Section for the Exam of AP EAMCET?
Ans: The EWS is included in the exam of AP EAMCET application form 2020. And the students or we can rather say that the candidates who fall under this category will have to select the same thing.
Q4. How can One Score 140 Marks in the Exam of EAMCET?
Ans: Tips which have to follow for scoring of 140 marks in the exam of EAMCET exam are:
Every question carries one mark and has no negative marking as well.
Fifty percent of marks will be covered from the subject Mathematics.
Students have to give the priority to the subject of mathematics.
Q5. Can Students of Karnataka Write EAMCET?
Ans: In order to write the exam of EAMCET one should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh or Telangana. It is very important for the students or the candidates to satisfy Local or the Non-Local status which is the requirements as per the state of Andhra Pradesh or Telangana.