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AP EAMCET 2019 Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions - 23rd April 2019 Morning Shift


23rd April 2019 Morning Shift - AP EAMCET Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions

The exam of the AP EAMCET is a state level exam which is organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, at the state of Kakinada. The exam of the EAMCET is yearly taken by a large number of engineering and medical as well aspirants in Andhra Pradesh and state of Telangana. The exam of EAMCET was conducted on 22 May in 2019.The government of Telangana has filed a suit in Supreme court to delay the process of counselling. The Supreme court has made it clear that it could really extend the counselling for one month.


The exam of 2016 AP EAMCET was held on 29 April 2016. This exam was conducted by the JNTU University on behalf of the APSCHE. The 2016 exam of TS EAMCET was held on 15 May. The TS EAMCET 3 exam was held on 11 September.


The exam will be conducted from 9 to 14 September in the year 2020 that is for Engineering and 9 & 11 September 2020 that is for Agriculture. The 2020 AP EAMCET test will be conducted on 17th to 25th in 2020.

The State of Andhra Pradesh

It is bounded by the Indian states of Tamil Nadu to Karnataka to the southwest and west state as well Telangana to the northwest and the north. The state of Odisha to the northeast. The state of eastern boundary is a 600-mile that is 970-km coastline along the Bay of Bengal. The state of Telangana was a region within the state of Andhra Pradesh for almost six decades, but in the year 2014 it was carved off to form a state which is separate. The capital of both the states which is Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and that is in the state of Hyderabad in west-central state of Telangana.

The 2020 EAMCET

The study of the Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test which is the full form of EAMCET and is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Kakinada that too on behalf of APSCHE. This examination is a type of prerequisite for the students admission into various professional courses that are offered by different colleges all throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh.

JNTU institute is in the state of Kakinada will organise the exam of 2020 AP EAMCET examinations and applicants for the exam must ensure they meet the requirements and are eligible for the exam as well. The criteria of eligibility is given in detail below.

The exam of AP EAMCET and its application form was released in mode which is online. There are major 4 steps which are involved in submitting the application online form which is briefed below:

  • The Fee payment.

  • To Know your status of Payment.

  • The Filling of  Application.

  • The Print the Application Form.

The JNTU, of the state Kakinada, and the exam which is conducting the board will release admit cards of AP EAMCET on the official website. The students or the Candidates can download it online and take a printout of it. The 2020 AP EAMCET results will be released online. Once the result is declared, the cut off marks will also be calculated and announced. This will be on the basis on which further processes of Counselling and admission then and there takes place.

The subjects for this exam include chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology. We have also given a compilation of all the subjects and the topics as well that a candidate can also refer to while preparing for the exam.

For complete syllabus one has to visit AP EAMCET Syllabus.

The 2020 exam of AP EAMCET exam is going to be held from April for various streams. The result for the same will be declared after a few weeks. The cut-off easily determines the eligibility of candidates for further process. A candidate who scores below the required cut off score would not be eligible for counselling and process of admission.

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FAQs on AP EAMCET 2019 Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions - 23rd April 2019 Morning Shift

Q1. Is the Exam of AP EAMCET 2020 Cancelled for this Year?

Ans: The 2020 AP EAMCET exam  has been postponed for a year to twice. Earlier this particular exam was scheduled from April 22 in the year 2020, which was then postponed to the date of July 27. On 2020 July 13 the exam of the APSCHE has officially announced that exam of AP EAMCET 2020 has been postponed till the month of September.

Q2. What are the Qualifying Marks for the AP EAMCET?

Ans: The percentage of marks which is for qualifying exam of the exam of AP EAMCET is 25% of the maximum marks which is considered for the ranking purpose. And for the students or the candidates however who are belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe. No qualifying minimum mark is prescribed for them.

Q3. Is the EWS Applicable Section for the Exam of AP EAMCET?

Ans: The EWS is included in the exam of AP EAMCET application form 2020. And the students or we can rather say that the candidates who fall under this category will have to select the same thing.

Q4. How can One Score 140 Marks in the Exam of EAMCET?

Ans: Tips which have to follow for scoring of 140 marks in the exam of EAMCET exam are:

  • Every question carries one mark and has no negative marking as well. 

  • Fifty percent of marks will be covered from the subject Mathematics.

  • Students have to give the priority to the subject of mathematics.

Q5. Can Students of Karnataka Write EAMCET?

Ans: In order to write the exam of EAMCET one should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh or Telangana. It is very important for the students or the candidates to satisfy Local or the Non-Local status which is the requirements as per the state of Andhra Pradesh or Telangana.