Overview: AP ECET 2022
AP ECET which stands for Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu (JNTUA) on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education or APSCHE. Through this exam, all the Diploma holders of Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy, and B.Sc Graduates can seek admission under the lateral entry quota to the 2nd year of BE/ BTech/ BPharmacy Programmes offered at the universities in Andhra Pradesh.
AP ECET Exam 2022
AP ECET Application Form:
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu (JNTUA) has released the AP ECET application form 2022 online on 1st week of May,2022. The application is available on the official website of the exam conducting authority. All the candidates can fill up the application through the website itself.
The application process is quite long as it consists of registration by enrolling in important details, payment of application fee, filling up the application form (only after successful payment), submitting the application, and then taking the printout of the application form for future use.
Every candidate must be aware of all the eligibility criteria and the last date of application submission ( i.e. 1st week of June, 2022) before filling the application form.
In case a candidate accidentally enters any incorrect information, there’s nothing to worry about. The authority will open a correction window later to fix those errors (applicable to a few fields only).
AP ECET Exam Dates:
The AP ECET 2022 exam has been postponed due to the recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) nationwide. The application form was released by the responsible authorities online on 1st week of May,2022. The last date to submit the application will be 1st week of June, 2022 (it has been extended) without the late fees. Those who will not be able to fill up the application form on time can fill it up later. But they have to pay late fees.
Take a look at the table below for further information.
AP ECET Admit Card:
JNTUA, the exam conducting authority, will issue the hall ticket on its official website. Every candidate can download the admit card by providing their Registration Number and Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy). Once they download the admit card, they should take a printout of the AP ECET Admit Card 2022 and also keep the softcopy handy in a pen drive or any portable drive.
AP ECET Cut-off 2022:
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University will announce the AP ECET 2022 cut-off for all the programmes offered through AP ECET admission test. JNTU Anantapur on behalf of APSCHE conducts the entrance test every year at the state level via online mode. The authority will reveal the category-wise and section-wise cut off marks separately. And, to qualify, every AP ECET candidate will have to score a minimum of 25% of marks out of the total (50 marks out of 200 marks) in the examination. Those who successfully qualify the minimum cut-off marks will be eligible for the counseling process further.
AP ECET Eligibility Criteria:
There are some strict eligibility criteria that every candidate should be aware of before applying for the exam. Here are a few that should be strictly followed. The candidate must be an Indian citizen and belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh. If not, then the candidate should fulfill the local/non-local status requirements as given in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974.
Speaking of educational qualifications, a candidate must hold a diploma in Engineering & Technology or Pharmacy from the State Board of Technical Education of Andhra Pradesh or any other recognized board or University. Or, he/she should have passed the 3-year BSc Degree examination with Mathematics as one of the compulsory subjects among others. On the other hand, Candidates who are already pursuing a diploma programme are also eligible to apply but must have passed the course prior to the admission.
AP ECET Exam Pattern:
AP ECET 2022 test will be conducted as a computer-based test on the 3rd week of June,2022. A total of 200 multiple choice questions will be asked in the exam. Each correct answer will fetch one mark. Hence the entire exam will be of 200 marks in total. But there will be no negative marking. The language of the exam will be in English. A total of three hours (180 mins) will be allotted to the candidates to complete the paper.
AP ECET Result:
The AP ECET 2022 result will be published on the official website of APSCHE by JNTU Anantapur on behalf of the responsible authorities. The result will allow the candidate to get lateral admission to the second year of the B.E /BTech or B.Pharmacy programmes. Candidates need to enter their registration number and date of birth to check their results. Once the results appear on the screen, the candidate must download and take a printout of the result for further use.
AP ECET Counseling:
On the basis of the AP ECET results 2022, the counseling will be done for allotment of seats under various disciplines of UG programmes (BE/ BTech/ BPharm). The counseling process will probably be conducted in the 4th week of July, 2022 (tentative dates) to offer admission.
The entire procedure consists of three steps in total - 1. Registration, Documents Verification, and 3. Web Counseling. All the candidates are advised to carry the original documents along with their photocopies and their recent passport size photographs as well.
FAQs on AP ECET 2023-24
1. Can Candidates from Other States Apply for AP ECET?
A. No, candidates from other states cannot apply for this examination.
2. What is the Passing Score in AP ECET 2020?
A. AP ECET candidates must clear the admission test by securing a minimum of 25% or 50 marks out of 200.
3. Is there any Negative Marking in the AP ECET Admission Test?
A. No, there is no negative marking in this admission test. Each correct answer will fetch one mark.
In the case of a tie-breaker, the total number of incorrect responses will be calculated.