The Director of Technical Education, Government of NCT of Delhi is responsible for releasing the application form 2022 CET Delhi. The DTE, Delhi is also responsible for conducting the Delhi CET 2022. The exam is conducted once every year to provide admission to interested students to the first semester or the first year for the academic session 2022-23 for various Full-time Diploma programmes (Engineering and non-Engineering) being offered at the institutes affiliated to the Board of Technical Education (BTE), Delhi. Earlier, the application form for Delhi CET 2022 was supposed to be released on 1st week of May 2022. However, due to the latest pandemic situation, the same has been postponed until further notice. The registration for the Delhi CET is done exclusively in online mode. Accordingly, the dates of the exam and the consecutive release of the admit, the exams and subsequently, the results and the counselling dates have been postponed until further notice. The Delhi CET is an offline mode exam conducted in the pen-paper mode. After the successful completion of the exam, the results will be declared on the website on a specified date. The enlisted students will be called for a counselling session which is followed by document verification and the interview process. The seat allotment includes four rounds and an additional mop-up round in case seats will be left unfilled.
The process of filing the application form has numerous steps involved in them. It involves registration, furnishing the necessary personal details, uploading scanned copies of necessary documents and fee payment. This article will explain to you in detail about the various steps involved in the registration process in detail.
Delhi CET Application Form 2022
The recent pandemic has resulted in the authorities postponing the release of Delhi CET Application Form 2022. Once the application is released, the students need to check their eligibility criteria and follow the given below steps fill up the application form:
Delhi CET 2022 Application Form - Steps to Fill Delhi CET 2022 Application Form
1st Step - Registration - the first step is registration. There are a total of five types of tests that will be conducted for various different courses separately. However, the students have to select only one of the tests based on their interest of course. Candidates will have to furnish various details like gender, contact details, email id, parents information etc. in order to complete the first step.
2nd Step - Filling up the Application Form - once the registration is completed successfully, the candidates need to fill in the application form to be able to take part in the further admission process. In this step, the students will have to fill in all there, personal as well as academic details. This step also checks for most of your eligibility criteria academic wise.
3rd Step - Uploading of the scanned documents - the next step will ask you to upload the scanned images of required documents. Ensure the images are of the prescribed size, format and quality. The photograph size must be 4 to 100 KB and the signature and thumb impression size must be in 1 to 30 KB format. The candidates will be asked to upload scanned images of their signature, photograph, left thumb impression.
4th Step - Payment of Requisite application fee - This is the next step in the application process. Candidates will have to pay Rs. 400 (excluding bank charge of Rs. 15 and GST of Rs. 3) through online mode (net banking/debit card/credit card). The requisite fee amount is the same irrespective of the students’ category. Students must ensure that the fee payment is completed successfully before going on to the next step.
5th Step - once the Fee payment is done successfully, it is important that the students review their application. They must check each and every detail entered by them in order to avoid any kinds of mistakes or errors. This is very important because if any faulty information is found during the document verification process, the candidature of the student can be cancelled by the authorities during any time of the admission process. Once the review is over and the details are found to be error-free, students should do the final submission of the application form.
FAQs on CET Delhi Application Form 2023-24
1. Can the Details be Modified in the Application Form?
Yes. Modifications can be made before the final submission of the form.
2. is the Application Fee same for all?
The application fee is same for all irrespective of their category. All candidates have to pay the same fee.