About JEECUP Cut Off 2022
JEE-UP (Polytechnic) is a state-level entrance exam that is conducted by the Joint Entrance Examination Council of Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP). Each year it is held in April. Candidate's performance in the UP Polytechnic entrance exam determines their admission to Diploma, Post Diploma, and Post Graduate Diploma programs in Engineering, Technology and Management offered by Polytechnic Institutions affiliated to the Board of Technical Education UP. The exam is offered in offline mode for Groups A-K.
JEECUP stands for UP Joint Entrance Examination and is also called UP polytechnic exams. It is conducted annually by the Joint Entrance Examination Council of Uttar Pradesh, a.k.a Sanyukt Pravesh Pariksha Parishad. This state-level entrance examination is conducted for the admission of students into various ITIs, Diploma courses, and other programs offered at the Polytechnic and ITI institutions of Uttar Pradesh.
JEECUP 2022 was earlier scheduled in April, then postponed to May, and now the fresh dates for the examination are released. The revised dates are 19th and 25th July 2022.
Announcement of JEECUP Cut Off 2022
After the results of the exams are announced, the JEECUP cut-off marks 2022 will be announced. The cut-off marks are used for seat allocation. The cut-off marks are announced in the form of opening and closing ranks. In order to know the cut-off, candidates must select a program, institution, and round of counseling. In light of how many applications have been received, this number will be set based on how many seats there are. As the number of candidates for each group of examinations is different, many candidates take their references from the previous year's cut-off. A cut-off can vary a great deal due to varying numbers of applicants. Due to this, each year's cut-off varies since different batches of students opt for different courses, due to the change in course preference each year.
As a rule, the cut-off is determined by the difficulty of the exam, along with the JEECUP score from the previous year. On the official website, the list appeared after the previous year's results and cut-off were published. The procedure will remain the same this year. You can access the data online once you fill out the form. When they check their answer with the answer key, candidates can see the approximate cut-off to get a sense of the results. Having equal marks or more than the minimum requirements in the written examination will be the primary qualification for the candidate.
JEECUP Expected Cut Off Marks
Below is a sample JEECUP cut-off that candidates can expect.
There are different cut-offs based on categories and preferred courses.
JEECUP Cut off is the minimum qualifying mark that the candidate needs to obtain to take part in the further rounds of admission. The list of Cut off marks is released after the declaration of the JEECUP result. Now, the cutoff marks for a particular year depends on various factors like-
The number of candidates.
The number of institutions participating.
The difficulty level of the exam.
The total number of seats to be allotted.
Marking scheme.
Reservation of seats.
One can easily download the cut-off marks which are available on the official website of JEECUP in PDF format. The cut-off marks for the previous years help the applicants to analyze the probable qualifying marks for the present year.
About ‘Sanyukt Pravesh Pariksha Parishad’
Joint Entrance Examination Council, UP, was established on 4th November 19, 1986, under the society act-1860. It is a self-finance body and conducts examinations for the admission of the candidates to the ITI and Polytechnic Institutions, which are affiliated to the Board of Technical Education, UP. In all, it conducts examinations for 58 courses spread over 11 groups.
JEECUP Application Form
Candidates preparing for the JEECUP examination must know these critical features of the JEECUP application form so that they can fill the form timely and prepare well for the exam in advance-
The application form is available on the official website by the last week of December or the first week of January.
The form can be filled out online only. Candidates need to fill it correctly and submit it before the deadline.
Also, the candidates need to fill in the details for the registration before jumping to the application form. For the registration, the necessary information is required, including the name, Father’s Name, Date of birth, etc.
At this moment, the candidates must be careful to feed the right phone number at the initial steps, as this will help them receive any notifications further.
In addition to this, be careful to submit only one application, else you may face rejection in the submission.
JEECUP Exam Date 2022
JEECUP exam dates are announced well in advance with the release of the application form. However, this year's dates have been revised two times because of the CoronaVirus outbreak. The final dates are mentioned in the chart below.
JEECUP Admit Card 2022
Admit cards for JEECUP 2022 can be downloaded 1-2 weeks before the examination date. They will be easily available on the main website. Candidates should login and enter the application number and password. They must note that the admit card is necessary to sit for the exam. Hence, they must preserve it till they are not admitted into the institution. Moreover, have a look at the details in the admit card as it will let them know the name and location of their examination center, date, and shift. Plus, if one finds any discrepancy in the admit card, contact the officials at the earliest.
JEECUP 2022 Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for the JEECUP 2022 have to be checked before applying for the exam. A person can sit for the examination, only when he/ she fits the eligibility criteria. Have a look at the basic norms of eligibility-
Indian citizenship is mandatory for the aspirant.
As it is a state-level examination, the candidates need to have a domicile certificate from Uttar Pradesh. There is no upper age limit to fill out the form. However, one should be at least 14 years of age as of 1st July 2022, to meet the age criteria of JEECUP 2022.
The candidate must be at least 10th passed with a minimum of 35% from a recognized board. Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics have to be the mandatory subjects in the 12th.
The information mentioned above is an overview of the eligibility criteria for JEECUP. The candidate must go through the detailed eligibility to know about the requirements according to different programs.
JEECUP 2022 Exam Pattern
The prior knowledge of the exam pattern assists the aspirants for the preparation of the exam in the best possible way. Moreover, they need to be aware of the marking scheme to focus on important topics and prepare a useful strategy. Well, the exam syllabus differs from group to group, but the pointers given below may help you understand the overall pattern of the JEECUP 2022 question paper.
There will be 100 questions, all objective types with four options each. Candidates need to choose one correct answer against each question.
The examination paper will be printed in Hindi and English both.
The JEECUP 2022 exam will be organized in offline mode, and the time allotted will be 3 hours.
The candidates are awarded four marks for every correct answer and a deduction of 1 mark for every incorrect answer. There is no deduction for unattempted questions.
Please note that if a candidate marks more than one option as the answer, it will be considered wrong.
JEECUP 2022 Result
Candidates can check the result of JEECUP 2022 online at the official site of JEECUP within a month from the date of examination. The result will be in the form of a scorecard in which they will have a candidate name, score, and total percentage. For the result, Candidates only need to enter roll no. and date of birth. Again, like the admit card, get a copy of the result during admission and keep it safe until the final step for admission is done.
JEECUP 2022 Counseling
When the JEECUP result and cutoff are declared, the next step is to attend the counseling for admission. The candidates are eligible for the counseling only when he/she qualifies for it. Every candidate who clears the cut-off will have to register for the counseling as soon as it starts. The next will be the crucial step to attend the physical counseling in the college that is allotted to the candidate with the required documents. Furthermore, a candidate should consider the following points regarding counseling-
Consider the desired courses and institutes while filling the preferences in the counseling. The notification from the college is to be read carefully, and the documents have to be carried to ensure the smooth admission process.
The final allotment of the college is in the hands of the board, and it will depend on the score and the preferences of the candidate.
FAQs on JEECUP Cut Off 2023-24
1. When was the application form for JEECUP 2022 released?
JEECUP 2022 application forms were released on January 1 for admission to all diploma programs offered by the participating institutes of UP Polytechnic JEE. Below is the new exam schedule for each course.
In all districts of Uttar Pradesh, group A - May 31, 2022 (09.00 AM to 12.00 AM).
In all districts of Uttar Pradesh, Group E will take place on May 31, 2022 (02.30 to 05.30 pm).
The online exam for Group-B, C, D, F, G, H, and I is scheduled to take place in all major districts throughout the state between 9:00 am and 12:01 am on June 1, 2022.
In major districts of the state, Group-K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8 will be examined online from 02.30 to 05.30 pm on June 1, 2022.
2. What is the ranking system in JEECUP?
The candidates' rank will be determined by their performance in the entrance exam. From 13th September 2021, the JEECUP rank card for 2021 is available for download. JEECUP 2021 results are published on the official website, along with the answer key, which is used to calculate the scores.
3. What is the seat matrix for JEECUP 2022?
In the JEECUP 2022 seat matrix, colleges registered to participate are listed along with the courses they will be providing. Having a look at the available courses at a particular college along with the number of seats for those courses will give you a good idea of how many seats are available. Candidates can use the list when filling out their choice forms for JEECUP 2022. The JEECUP 2022 Seat Matrix will be used to determine the number of seats for the course.
4. What are the JEECUP 2022 cut-offs for different courses?
In JEECUP 2022, different cut-offs are set for different courses, such as;
Agriculture engineering.
Home Science.
Fashion designing and garment technology.
Textile design.
Textile design printing.
Modern office management and secretarial practices.
Library and information science.
Diploma in pharmacy.
The following are some JEECUP courses that candidates will have to write to gain entry into a respected institution. There are different cut-offs for each of these courses, as well as for each of the categories.
5. What are the documents required for admission through JEECUP 2022 counseling?
After the declaration of the result and the cut-off marks, the qualified candidate needs to register for online counseling. After a while, he/she will be allotted a few colleges depending upon the preferences and the score. The candidate will then have to reach the college or the center notified with the following documents-
10th class mark sheet and passing certificate.
12th mark sheet and passing certificate.
JEECUP 2022 admit card and result.
Transfer certificate and character certificate.
Passport size photograph.
Category certificate, if required.
6. Can the application form of JEECUP be edited if once submitted?
No, the application form cannot be edited, if submitted once. That is why it needs complete attention while it is filled. Plus, the details in the registration form are equally important and should be filled in attentively, so that each piece of information in the admit card and the result match your 10th mark sheet and passing certificate.
7. What is the total fee for the JEECUP exam 2022? Does it vary with the categories? What are the modes of payment?
YES, the fee charged for the JEECUP 2022 application form varies according to the category. For general and OBC candidates, it is Rs. 300+ the bank charges, and for the SC/ST, it is 200+ bank charges.
The candidates can pay this application fee by debit card/credit card/net banking or SBI E-challan. Apart from this, there is a fee for the counseling registration as well. The candidate has to pay RS. Two hundred fifty while registering and getting the print of the payment receipt with him.
8. Will the cutoff be similar to the one of the previous year?
The chances of the cutoff being similar are at a 50-50% chance as it is understood that candidates generally look at the previous year’s data for a vague information collection. This will depend on the number of seats as well as the number of candidates opting for different courses. As this is a joint examination, the cutoffs vary each year, as the seats available keep fluctuating. But if one needs an idea, it would be advisable to look into the cutoffs of the previous years.
9. Is there a different cutoff based on category?
Multiple categories receive educational aid when it comes to the cutoff criteria. The general category cutoff is different from the scheduled caste and tribe etc. one must keep in mind that they are required to submit the category and subcategory certificates to receive such perks. For example, according to the previous year’s information, the general category faced a cutoff of 72 for home science. At the same time, the OBC was given 770.3 and 66.5, and 63.6 for the scheduled caste and tribe, respectively.